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Giełda Dla Zielonych - Podstawy Inwestowania Dla Bardzo Początkujących -
As a brute beast lets out its young in search of prey, so do the GOYIM give to them for what purpose such place was created. The young generation of judges will be trained in certain views regarding the inadmissibility of any abuses that might disturb the established order of our subjects among themselves. 12. When comes the time of our overt rule, the time to manifest its blessing, we shall remake all legislatures, all our laws will be brief, plain, stable, without any kind of interpretations, so that anyone will be in i position to know them perfectly. sprawdzian shall follow up jealously every action of the administration on which depends the smooth running of the machinery of the State, for slackness in this produces slackness everywhere; not a single case of illegality or abuse of power will be left without exemplary punishment. 22. kartkówka are obliged without hesitation to sacrifice individuals, who commit a breach of established order, for in the exemplary punishment of evil lies a great educational problem. 13. Concealment of guilt, connivance between those in the service of the administration - all this kind of evil will disappear after the very first examples of severe punishment.

Simple? Not so. The theorists of the revolution came to understand quite a long time ago that the above definition of racism is troublesome. It has the right of the strong that it may use it for the benefit of directing humanity towards that order which is defined by nature, namely, submission. The purely brute mind of the GOYIM is incapable of use for analysis and observation, and still more for the foreseeing whither a certain manner of setting a question may tend. 11. In this difference in capacity for thought between the GOYIM and ourselves may be clearly discerned the seal of our position as the Chosen People and of our higher quality of humanness, in contradistinction to the brute mind of the GOYIM. They will then be so thoroughly imbued with the thought that it is impossible for them to dispense with this wardship and guidance, if they wish to live in peace and quiet, THAT THEY WILL ACKNOWLEDGE THE AUTOCRACY OF OUR RULER WITH A DEVOTION BORDERING ON „APOTHEOSIS,” especially when they are convinced that those whom we set up do not put their own in place of authority, but only blindly execute his dictates.

20. OUR GOVERNMENT WILL HAVE THE APPEARANCE OF A PATRIARCHAL PATERNAL GUARDIANSHIP ON THE PART OF OUR RULER. Our own nation and our subjects will discern in his person a father caring for their every need, their every act, their every inter-relation as subjects one with another, as well as their relations to the ruler. 14. Our legal staff will serve not beyond the age of 55, firstly because old men more obstinately hold to prejudiced opinions, and are less capable of submitting to new directions, and secondly because this will give us the possibility by this measure of securing elasticity in the changing of staff, which will thus the more easily bend under our pressure: he who wishes to keep his place will have to give blind obedience to deserve it. In general, our judges will be elected by us only from among those who thoroughly understand that the part they have to play is to punish and apply laws and uwag to dream about the manifestations of liberalism at the expense of the educational scheme of the State, as the GOYIM in these days imagine it to be …

16. Let us borrow from the example of the results of these actions yet another lesson for our government. For the peoples of the world in regard to the secrets of our polity are ever through the ages only children under age, precisely as are also their governments. Even senators and the higher administration accept our counsels. Every abuse will then disappear in consequence of the responsibility of all down to the lowest unit before the higher authority of the representative of power. The indispensable victims offered by him in consequence of their suitability will never reach the number of victims offered in the course of centuries by the mania of magnificence, the emulation between the GOY governments. If, however, anything like this should occur, we shall ourselves cassate the decision, but inflict therewith such exemplary punishment on the judge for lack of understanding of his duty and the purpose of his appointment as will prevent a repetition of such cases … 23. When the King of Israel sets upon his sacred head the crown offered him by Europe he will become patriarch of the world.

15. In these days the judges of the GOYIM create indulgences to every kind of crimes, not having a just understanding of their office, because the rulers of the present age in appointing judges to office take no care to inculcate in them a sense of duty and consciousness of the matter which is demanded of them. CYCLE / TERM 3 (II) / SEM 3 (II) - LECTURES WA (FA) / AWWA - ARCHITEKTURA WNĘTRZ WA (FA) / AWWA - ARCHITEKTURA WNĘTRZ / SEMESTR 1 WA (FA) / AWWA - ARCHITEKTURA WNĘTRZ / SEMESTR 2 WA (FA) / AWWA - ARCHITEKTURA WNĘTRZ / SEMESTR 3 WA (FA) / SPPP - STUDIA PODYPLOMOWE PLANOWANIE PRZESTRZENNE WA (FA) / SPPP - STUDIA PODYPLOMOWE PLANOWANIE PRZESTRZENNE / SEMESTR I WA (FA) / SPPP - STUDIA PODYPLOMOWE PLANOWANIE PRZESTRZENNE / SEMESTR II WARiE WARiE / Automatyka i Robotyka WARiE / Automatyka i Robotyka / AiR duże I stopień WARiE / Automatyka i Robotyka / AiR stacjonarne I stan / Programowanie Strukturalne i Obiektowe WARiE / Automatyka i Robotyka / AiR stacjonarne I stan / Systemy czasu rzeczywistego WARiE / Automatyka i Robotyka / AiR stacjonarne I stan / Teoria Sterowania WARiE / Automatyka i Robotyka / AiR stacjonarne I stopień / Automatyka WARiE / Automatyka i Robotyka / AiR stacjonarne II stopień WARiE / Automatyka i Robotyka / AiR stacjonarne II stopień / Pracy i Sposoby Autonomiczne (RiSA) WARiE / Automatyka i Robotyka / AiR stacjonarne II stopień / Inteligentne systemy automatyki (ISA) WARiE / Automatyka i Robotyka / AiR stacjonarne II stopień / Systemy Wizyjne (SW) WARiE / Automatyka i Robotyka / AiR stacjonarne II stopień / Systemy latania i robotyki (SSiR) WARiE / Automatyka i Robotyka / AiR stacjonarne II stopień / Automatyka - WI (Aut-WI) WARiE / Automatyka i Robotyka / AiR stacjonarne II stopień / Smart Aerospace and Autonomous Systems (SAAS) WARiE / Automatyka i Robotyka / AiR niestacjonarne I stan WARiE / Automatyka i Robotyka / AiR niestacjonarne II stopień WARiE / Automatyka i Robotyka / AiR niestacjonarne II stopień / Systemy automatyki i robotyki (SAR) WARiE / Automatyka i Robotyka / AiR niestacjonarne II stopień / Systemy inteligentne WARiE / Automatic, Control and Robotics WARiE / Automatic, Control and Robotics / Automatic, Control and Robotics - bachelor studies WARiE / Automatic, Control and Robotics / Automatic, Control and Robotics - master studies WARiE / Matematyka w technice WARiE / Elektrotechnika WARiE / Elektrotechnika / studia stacjonarne (dzienne) 1-go stopnia (inżynierskie) WARiE / Elektrotechnika / studia stacjonarne (dzienne) 1-go stopnia (inżynierskie) / przedmioty kierunkowe WARiE / Elektrotechnika / studia stacjonarne (dzienne) 1-go stopnia (inżynierskie) / przedmioty: specjalność Elektryczne układy mechatroniki WARiE / Elektrotechnika / studia stacjonarne (dzienne) 1-go stopnia (inżynierskie) / przedmioty: specjalność Inżynieria wysokich napięć WARiE / Elektrotechnika / studia stacjonarne (dzienne) 1-go stopnia (inżynierskie) / przedmioty: specjalność Mikroprocesorowe systemy zarządzania w elektrotechnice WARiE / Elektrotechnika / studia stacjonarne (dzienne) 1-go stopnia (inżynierskie) / przedmioty: specjalność Budowy i automatyka elektroenergetyczna WARiE / Elektrotechnika / studia stacjonarne (dzienne) 1-go stopnia (inżynierskie) / przedmioty: specjalność Systemy elektroenergetyczne WARiE / Elektrotechnika / studia stacjonarne (dzienne) 1-go stopnia (inżynierskie) / przedmioty: specjalność Systemy pomiarowe w przemyśle i inżynierii biomedycznej WARiE / Elektrotechnika / studia stacjonarne (dzienne) 1-go stopnia (inżynierskie) / przedmioty: specjalność Technika świetlna WARiE / Elektrotechnika / studia stacjonarne (dzienne) 1-go stopnia (inżynierskie) / przedmioty: specjalność Układy elektryczne i informatyczne w sektorze i pojazdach WARiE / Elektrotechnika / studia stacjonarne (dzienne) 1-go stopnia (inżynierskie) / przedmioty: specjalność Dania i instalacje elektryczne WARiE / Elektrotechnika / studia stacjonarne (dzienne) 1-go stopnia (inżynierskie) / Profil prakyczny po sem.

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