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Questions regarding your characters, which will help flesh them out
1. Where are they from?: Originally Rat is from Ciara, but they found a love in travelling, and spent most of their time in the Khal
2. Do they have any family? Are they alive? If not, how did they die?: Rat says he has a large family, and he gets along with all of them, his two parents and nine siblings, but nobody has met any of them.
3. Do they have any comrades or friends of note?: Niix Pardus; their best friend.
4. What's their secret?: Identity theft. His original name was Dagger, and he was trained to be a thief so that he could give his ill earnt wealth for his greedy ‘Father’. He was raised with a mentaly unstable childhood, and eventually he faked his death and took the place of an Aarakocra named Rat, that Dagger had recently killed. He took the name of the victim before anyone could question what had happened to the pair of birdfolk
5. What was a defining moment in their life?: His new life, not everybody gets to start again, not everybody can get away with starting anew.
6. Religion? yes or no?: Rat doesn't think gods are all that great. If they don’t help people who need help are they really all that wonderful? So no, without proof, Rat doesn't believe in the gods.
7. What is a fatal flaw of theirs?: Rat has a selective memory, and tends to forget anything negative that happens to -or around- him. This can lead to him making the same mistakes again and again, each time he slips a bit more into his bad mental state, leading to more risk-taking behaviour.
8. What do they dream about?: Rat has many dreams! Most don’t mean much, some he likes, in his favourite dreams he is the best thief ever! And ones where he can make a world to protect the young and needy, and anyone who harms them can pay.
What would your character betray the party for?: Rat doesn't care much for betrayal, and if he was to betray his friends, it better be worth it, like being able to become the best thief in the world, being able to right what he sees as wrong or getting to be whoever he wants without fear.
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