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Enjin Coin 2022: Is it a safe gaming token? Here are the token's specifics

With over 20 million registered players, Enjin Coin is growing rapidly and gaining more recognition every day in the world of gaming. It is a fact that not everyone knows the details about this amazing venture. Therefore, in this review, we talk about historical background, origins, capabilities, features, and all the other amazing details about Enjin Coin.

What's Enjin?

Crypto or NFT-powered gaming is a trend that is experiencing an explosion in modern times. With its sudden rise in popularity, a lot of projects that assist in crypto gaming have been introduced, and Enjin is among these projects. With over 20 million registered users within more than 300,000 gaming communities, Enjin is one of the top choices when it involves crypto gaming.

The platform is an online platform that assists players in their crypto gaming endeavours and is seeing rapid growth. It is also an NFT issuer platform that is committed to the advancement of crypto gaming communities all over the world.

In its fundamentals, Enjin is a program that lets its users create and manage virtual assets on Ethereum. Ethereum blockchain. It's an ecosystem both gamers and game developers can benefit from to enhance their crypto gaming experience. As of today, Enjin has allowed its customers to create over 1.2 billion assets . It also has an inventory of 10.3 million.

Based the infrastructure on Ethereum and using its security for avoiding high gas prices is also one option offered by Enjin. This method utilizes a feature known as "JumpNet", and it scales accordingly. In addition to these, they also offer a token on their own known as the Enjin Coin (ENJ).

Enjin products and features

Enjin is not lacking when it comes to giving its customers the best products and features to aid their pursuits. Within the many functions it gives, let's look at some.

Enjin Virtual Goods

A specific coin tied to their communities is a possibility using Enjin Developers can benefit from this. Any assets created by developers using this ecosystem will get back-up by Enjin coin, which permits keeping the brand of the platform in question.

Created items are stored on a single registry smart contact. enjin new coin allows the items to be recognized by every Enjin wallet that is available. Transferring can enjin coin reach $100 to any platform is much easier as it connects all of the ecosystem. This is an important feature that allows developers to create assets for many games.

Enjin Efinity

Efinity is a type of parachain, designed as a cross-chain decentralized protocol which allows users to connect between NFTs and Polkadot. It rewards participants with EFI tokens in order to motivate them to utilize this product.

Enjin Efinity is capable of processing 700-1000 transactions per second. This rate will surely increase in the future. A unique token named Paratoken is currently being developed under Efinity and can move freely across different parachains of the ecosystem.

Enjin Efinity has a wide selection of features. those that are most essential are as below.

Cross-chain bridge The bridge makes it possible for users to import tokens from Efinity from other chains. An Ethereum bridge developed by Snowfork is one bridge available in the moment, with more bridges currently in development.

Marketplace It is a feature which allows users to create and complete orders for requested tokens. To facilitate this process, the Marketplace has a number of tools that are available to buyers and sellers. If the token is no longer listed or available in the marketplace it is possible to maintain their highest bid. If a token with the highest bid has to go through any transaction and the bidder is awarded one-third of the fees.

Distinction Accounts - These are unique addresses which don't have private keys. They are created and maintained in the parachain. Teams building on top of Efinity can use these accounts to establish a standard address for the place where the assets originated from. Game developers can make use of these accounts for onboarding new crypto gamers without the requirement of the creation of a separate wallet.

Fuel Tanks - Subsidizing fees associated with transactions on Efinity for users is the main purpose to use Fuel Tanks. Teams use these to pay charges for transactions on behalf the client of the project as they are a secret account. EFI tokens deposited on they cannot be withdrawn, and they may whitelist people and tokens. is enjin coin a good investment and transaction types allowing permission.

Crafting - Crafting utilizes the recipe system which allows users to create or modify existing tokens. This is achieved through an off-chain signed message technology . enjin coin roadmap acts as a recipe.

Enjin JumpNet

JumpNet makes use of a private proof of authority blockchain , which allows for a permanent Ethereum scaling. JENJ is the primary token of JumpNet and is backed by just one ENJ token. Users can bridge ENJ with JENJ to use this feature.

JumpNet has a set number of transactions. The transactions are,

20 minutes per minute

at 240/hour

2880 per day.

The transactions that are conducted here are for free. when a user wishes to increase the volume of transactions, they'll be required to have EFI tokens at JumpNet.

Enjin Smart wallet

This smart money wallet supports all ERC-20 tokens and all your virtual goods from trustworthy platforms. With this, users can trade virtual items and coins with other users of smart wallets. It comes with great security features such as 2-layer cryptography, custom keys, encryption software record blocking and even a safe keyboard.

Enjin Coin (ENJ)

Enjin Coin has a total supply of 1 billion coins. enjin coin review than 750 million coins are currently in circulation. 20 percent of these coins are held by members of the Enjin team as well as advisors and the remaining 80% were distributed during the crowd auction.

When a product is created, the appropriate amount of ENJ coins is taken from circulation. It is a method developed by the developers to increase the value of the coin as time goes by.

Efinity token

As the original token of Ajin's Efinity, EFI is the first-ever paratoken. The coins are mostly used to pay for transaction fees. They are also useful as rewards and also to preserve your FTs' liquidity and NFTs on the network.

There's an overall supply from 2 billion EFI tokens. About one-third of them are in circulation. The distribution of tokens is as follows:

The public will receive 5% of the investment investors

10% of the money will be donated to the project team

15% for the private investors

15% left available for staking

20% of the parent company

35% for this ecosystem to finance expansion


If Enjin is successful in what they are trying to achieve, it will be a major improvement for the entire gaming community. Through the process of putting games' assets on the blockchain, Enjin can minimize fraud within the gaming sector.

With features such as Efinity, the Marketplace, JumpNet, Efinity and smart wallets, gamers can decide for themselves what happens to their in-game virtual assets.

Although the company isn't exactly established, it has a lot of potential and is expected to continue to develop. enjin coin considered, Enjin is an incredible ecosystem that allows crypto gaming users to thrive.

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