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FAQ About EFT Part III
Can EFT be joined with other techniques?
Yes. EFT may be coupled with a great many other healing techniques. A great deal of practitioners report applying this technique and their other modalities like: hypnotherapists, massage therapists, Reiki practitioners, MD's, acupuncturists, and chiropractors.
Are there any problems using EFT for pregnancy?
There is nothing known to indicate that tapping about the standard energy points utilized in this method is responsible for miscarriage. However, If there is concern, caution is always your best bet. With advanced more info there is certainly some time that needs to be avoided. It is known in EFT because "inner ankle point".
Tapas Fleming, a licensed acupuncturist has this to express about the subject "According to traditional Chinese medicine, the inner ankle point is contraindicated for pregnancy. The rest of the points used by the EFT or TAT (Tapas Acupressure Technique) procedures present no danger for use while pregnant. Even concerning the ankle point, there exists a difference of opinion among practitioners of traditional oriental medicine as to if you aren't it really is truly harmful. But being conservative, you should eliminate it when treating women that are pregnant."
How do I select the language to make use of while doing EFT?
The standard setup phrase which says "Even though I have this ________, I deeply and completely love and accept myself." is what many people learn when we are a novice to Emotional Freedom Techniques. It often works just fine, however, not always. Many therapists discover that be resourceful while using setup phrase will make EFT a lot more effective. The setup phrase is designed being an antidote to psychological reversal. A psychological reversal is a type of self-sabotage, often subconscious, that is really a limiting belief and will prevent us motionless forward into the life that individuals want to live. The standard setup phrase is founded on self-acceptance but self-acceptance isn't problem for a lot of and thus not the solution.
The following setup "template" was made and is also taught by John Freedom and might be considered a good way to teach yourself to turn into a more creative "setup artist".
"Even though A PART OF ME thinks that______
The REST OF ME KNOWS that______
and I'm WILLING/CHOOSING to______."
John explains how to use his setup template:
"After the 1st phrase, insert the limiting belief, the objection to healing (PR).
After the second, insert a good, truthful fact which confronts and antidotes the limiting belief. What is a bit more powerful than, and effectively "neutralizes" a limiting belief? A truthful, unlimiting fact!
After another phrase, insert a good action you're willing/choosing to look at. Choosing (following Dr. Pat Carrington's model) can be a powerful word; Willing is a lot more gentle. But it can be important to convey that you're choosing to do something, provided that you are truly going to continue and take action!"
What is the greatest strategy to learn EFT?
There are really 4 choices:
1) Get the Free Get Started Package from your EFT Universe website.
2) Get the video lessons from the website.
3) Find a practitioner to use and study.
4) Go to a workshop.
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