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Fleur De Sel - A Fine Finishing Salt
Fleur de sel, or French sea salt, is hand-harvested and incredibly expensive. It has been used in the past as a salve or purgative. Today, its main use is as a finishing salt. If you're a foodie, it is probably one of the most expensive items on your shopping list. Let's take a closer look. Here's what you need to know about this fine finishing salt.

Fleur de sel is a French sea salt

This unique salt is so delicious that you'll never want to go back to the regular kind again. Unlike ordinary sea salt, fleur de sel isn't uniform in size or moisture content, so it sticks together in snowflake-like formations. Because it's made with more minerals than sodium chloride, it won't dissolve right away on the tongue. It tastes more like a savory sea-flavoured snowfall than ordinary salt.

Fleur de sel is a special type of sea salt, harvested by traditional methods in the Brittany region of France. Because of its unique flavor and texture, it is often used as a finishing salt for food preparation. It has a slightly gray-colored hue and a moist texture, making it a favorite of chefs around the world. Fleur de sel can be expensive, so use it sparingly, just before serving. But if you do use it, you'll be rewarded with a dish with its unique flavor and crunch.

It is expensive

Fleur de Sel is a premium salt that is very expensive and is used to add subtle elegance to dishes. Fleur de Sel is produced naturally without using chemicals. It is an excellent source of trace elements and minerals, and is beneficial for your body. While Fleur de Sel is an expensive salt, it is worth the price for food enthusiasts who want to use a high-quality sea salt. It can be used in baking, cooking, and frying.

Compared to regular table salt, fleur de sel is far more expensive, which is partly because it is hand-harvested. The tiny salt crystals form on top of sea water, and are harvested by raking them gently from salt pans. Fleur de sel can be purchased in smaller bags and can cost up to $30 per pound. This means that you can enjoy the taste of fleur de sel for a lot longer than you might expect.

It is hand-harvested

Fleur de Sel is a type of sea salt that's hand-harvested along the Brittany coast. This salt is harvested from the top of salt ponds, so its flakes hold moisture even after harvesting. When sprinkled on food, it adds a subtle crunch and shimmer. Its mineral-rich flavor is a wonderful complement to seafood and other dishes. To make it even more special, fleur de sel is made with the traditional methods of salt harvesting.

The process of harvesting fleur de sel is quite labor-intensive. It is hand-harvested on a farm in France, Portugal, and the U.K., and then left to dry further before it is sold. Unlike common salt, fleur de sel doesn't dissolve right on the tongue, making it a more delicate, refined taste than common salt. Because it contains calcium and magnesium chloride, fleur de sel is not the same as ordinary table salt.

It is a finishing salt

Fleur de sel is an exceptional finishing salt. It is a unique type of sea salt with a fine, flaky texture and a distinctive oceanic flavor and aroma. The difference between fleur de sel and regular sea salt lies in the fact that fleur de sel is far less bitter. Regular sea salt, by contrast, is made by evaporating seawater and then washing and drying it. While it still contains briny undertones, fleur de sel is remarkably palatable for seasoning fish. While it is a luxury product, fleur de sel is very expensive because it is produced under extremely rare conditions and undergoes a thorough evaporation process.

Fleurs de sel are extremely fine, so the taste is incredibly delicate and lingers long after a dish is finished. They are also difficult to use while cooking, as high temperatures may melt the crystals and render them useless. Instead, crush them with your fingertips so that they fall randomly onto the food, rather than sprinkling them over the food surface. While this is not practical for most people, it is an excellent choice for chefs who want to make their dishes special.

It is used in patisserie

Fleur de sel is a French salt that is harvested from the saltier areas of the Atlantic coast. It is produced by channeling water from the sea into marshes where it evaporates. The high moisture content causes it to stick together in the packaging and not dissolve easily. Because of this, it remains in the mouth for longer. The production process requires paludiers to work very hard in hot weather. They also risk losing the crop due to rain.

The most common way that fleur de sel is used in patissiere is for finishing purposes. It is different from ordinary sea salt, which is made by evaporating seawater and collecting it into mounds. While ordinary sea salt is harvested by dragging a net from the ocean floor, fleur de sel is sourced from deep sea deposits. This means that fleur de sel is far more expensive than ordinary sea salt.
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