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How Often Does The Average Male Masturbate?
The average male masturbates about 163 times in 93 days, which translates to an average of 1.75 times a day. According to the Journal Of Sexual Medicine, only one-quarter of single men between 18 and 24 years old regularly masturbate. Similarly, a 2003 study found that the average undergraduate male masturbates about twelve times a month.
Reduces stress

The physiological changes that occur when men masturbate may be beneficial for a man's health. The release of the hormone oxytocin during orgasms can help relieve stress. Oxytocin promotes pro-social behavior and lowers cortisol, a stress hormone. High levels of cortisol are associated with high levels of stress. Additionally, masturbation releases serotonin, a neurotransmitter responsible for mood and happiness.

In addition to reducing stress, masturbation improves body image, which is linked to overall well-being. Self-depreciation and a negative self-image drain a person's energy. Practicing self-love and self-compassion is important in dealing with stress and improving your body image. Fortunately, masturbation is an excellent way to practice self-love.
Lowers testosterone levels

There's some conflicting science when it comes to whether masturbation lowers testosterone levels. It's generally thought that masturbation is not a direct cause of low testosterone, although it can increase it. Masturbation causes the body to release a hormone known as cortisol, which is a stress hormone. If you're experiencing low testosterone, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

While masturbation is a wonderful act that restorative, too much masturbation can reduce testosterone. However, if masturbation is interfering with your daily life, it may be a problem. gawk gawk 3000 toy can cause erectile dysfunction and low libido.
Reduces ejaculation

For a man who wants to reduce the amount of time it takes to ejaculate, masturbation can be an effective method. It helps to control arousal, which is essential for delaying orgasm. Another effective way to delay ejaculation is to distract yourself while masturbating. However, this technique is unpleasant and can distance the man from his partner and the experience.

Masturbation is a natural process that takes place to achieve sexual pleasure. Most men will engage in masturbation at least once a week. Some will even masturbate several times a week. In fact, it is estimated that 40% of men will suffer from some form of premature ejaculation. Although this is a common problem in men, the scientific community is only now beginning to investigate its cause.
Reduces sleep quality

According to a new study, sexual activity that doesn't produce orgasm can reduce sleep quality. While this effect is more pronounced for sexual activity with a partner, studies show that sexual activity with a partner can also improve sleep latency and quality. However, the effects of sexual activity on sleep are not fully understood.

Researchers looked at the impact of masturbation on sleep in both males and females. The findings showed that masturbation with orgasm improved sleep quality in both genders. However, when compared to the impact of sexual activity with a partner, the effect of masturbation on sleep was not significant.

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