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You: F21. Please let me know if you are reading - looking for a male to rp a detective/criminal story line

Hi I'm Sarah, I'm 5'10'', my legs make the most of that height, I play volleyball competitively so I am in good shape, I have long dark hair and pale skin, my eyes are auburn. My breasts aren't that big, I get away with not wearing bras if my clothing is thick enough, most of the time I am in sports clothing. My thighs are pretty thick due to the nature of my sport

PROMPT: We have been detective partners in Toronto's police force for 2 years now. We've never expressed feelings for one another but deeply care for each other for a long time now. Our latest case has been a sequence of rapes and murders by an unknown serial killer. I would spend weeks at a time staring at the traumatizing photos, trying to learn more about the killer. I made a break through in the case and wanted to drive to the office to write my report and findings. I never got to the office, that was a week ago. I have been missing ever since... I pull at my wrist restraints that are attached to a water grate above an industrial shower I am in a dirty bra and panties, my hair clinging to my back as he periodically turns on the water to torture me. (Please introduce yourself and continue. I was hoping my partner could at first play the criminal and then the partner that would come and rescue me. Limits: scat, urine, amputation)

Stranger: Reading!

You: Thanks

Stranger: Nice to meet you! I feel like this has a lot of potential for something fun. I suppose I should only reveal what you would know at the time, and add information as you get it. Let me type something up real quick!

You: I'm glad it excites you :)

You: Can you briefly introduce yourself outside of roleplay?

You: A name, gender and age would suffice

Stranger: Sure. My name is John, I'm a male, and I'm 26. I'll add my details through the story though so don't worry

You: Perfect, and if we are compatible are you willing to move to discord?

Stranger: "Relax, detective." I say, my voice not one that would be expected of a serial killer. I was calm, my deep voice echoing in the chamber as I walk in begins you. "I'm not here to kill you. Not today, anyway." I let my hands caress your body gently, always lurking behind you so you couldn't quite get a glimpse of my frame. From the position of my voice, though, you could tell I was much bigger than you, probably somewhere in the 6'4 plus range. "I would appreciate if you would tell me exactly what you and your precious little partner know about me so far." I let my hand slide down your sides and into the waistband of your panties. My hands were rough, calloused, as if developed from years of manual labor.

Stranger: (I would after a bit! I like to play on here for a bit though.)

You: (Likewise!)

You: (Are you playing as if this is our first interaction? In my prompt it says it has been a week. If you would prefer this to be the first day, no worries at all I can do that too)

Stranger: (Yeah I think first interaction apart from maybe food and water being left in there for you

Stranger: )

You: (Super, replying now)

You: I look around at my surroundings, trying to figure out where I am. It's been at least a few days, I can tell he has been busy covering his tracks, making sure that no one finds out where I am. I have access to water but I haven't had much solid food in a while now. My ribs show at my sides more than they used to. I look at my wrists, there is a ring of broken skin and blood where I have been pulling from the cuffs. "Enough to have evidence to make you rot in jail for 7 life sentences" I shiver and try to move from his touch, feeling nauseous as he touches me

Stranger: "I strongly doubt that." I was close enough that you could smell my breath, and again it wasn't what you expected. My breath was fresh, and a waft of aftershave washes through the room as I let my hands slip into your panties now and a finger slides along your slit almost tenderly. "I believe you found me to be extremely.... thorough." At my last word, my finger roughly penetrates your entrance and slides two knuckles deep in your dry snatch

You: I wince and squirm, pulling at my hands. I crash on to my back and kick off his hold on. My chest rapidly rises and falls as I hyperventilate from the panic. When I finally come face to face with my captor, I falter. He looks nothing like rapist or murder. He doesn't at all meet the profile of someone who could stuff women's body parts in barrels and sink them into Lake Earie. My shock shows. I thought I could be strong and fight this somehow but with every minute I am here I am starting to think of myself as a future barrel in another dumping ground. "Don't fucking touch me" I snap

Stranger: I was tall and handsome, a well kept brown beard framing a friendly face. Though I was wearing a thick flannel shirt, you could tell I was well muscled, and generally an attractive man, but my eyes were cold and dark, my smile just not right. I grin, then reach up and smack your cheek hard, snapping your head to the side. The surprise on your face at my appearance gave me some relief, as it meant you had nothing on me. "She barks much worse than she bites." I tease, taking out a knife from my jeans pocket. The razor sharp blade makes short work of your panties, cutting them from you to expose your cunt with no way to hide it

You: I grunt, the slap didn't hurt, it was humiliating. "I know where you work... that's how I found you". I try to get him off guard. "All those girls... they went to the same pharmacy for their birth control renewal" I pant out. I am forced to stay still as the dull side of he blade slides against my thigh. One wrong move and I could potentially have a femoral artery slashed. Once the panties are off I cannot hold my disgust, my leg pivots and I land a very clean roundhouse kick to his jaw. Unfortunately for me, I never told anyone the lead I had, I wanted to make sure I was right but he didn't know that.

Stranger: My head snaps to the side and I groan slightly, but stand up straight again. "I always like when they struggle." I chuckle softly. "They did go to the same pharmacy. Well done. I move in behind you, my knife finding your neck and dragging a thin red line to show you just how little effort it took to part skin. "Touch me again and your next stop is the bottom of the lake." I whisper in your ear as I back off you slightly. I make my way to the table in the corner, unfastening my belt and removing my jeans. I fold them neatly and put them on the table, my boxers following quickly. "Are you going to behave?" I ask as I move back over to you. My cold eyes take you in, but lust isn't the main emotion in them. The look on my face was more curiosity, almost a sick glee at having a major prize right in front of me. I could drug you and take you that way, but I wanted this to hurt you. I wanted you to know for a fact I had beaten you completely

You: "I am not your MO, I am way to old for your special treatment" I look up at the ceiling as he leaves just a millimeter deep cut down my neck, perfectly at the center, reaching my 7th vertebrae. I decide I am going to try to extract as much information I can. If I get out of this alive, I need to find out how many victims he actually claimed. "Which Lake would that me? We found the Erie girls. What kind of girl would you make me?". My back shakes in fear and gives my true feeling away. "I will behave as long as you don't fucking touch me" my voice cracks towards the end.

Stranger: "Only the Erie girls?" I ask, a vile chuckle chilling the room. "My, my, detective. I expected more from you." I move in again and let my hands roam down your stomach and to your vagina again. I pull you back against me, and for the first time you can feel my excitement. "Way too old? To the contrary. I believe you'll do just fine as my magnum opus." My cock hardens from your fear, and presses between your thighs as I attempt to guide it inside you

You: I am on my knees, with them spread and him holding me from behind, my head moving around and at his shoulder/neck. I try to squirm free but my hands are keeping me locked to this area, the cuffs are tight and right at the maximum chain length from the grate. I start to hyperventilate as he keeps my thighs apart. I can tell he is unprotected "I'm HIV positive" I pant out, using my last ditch effort to prevent him from cumming inside me and impregnating me, not that it would matter if I am dead next week but I am still optimistic I will be found.

Stranger: "You aren't permitted to give blood if that were true. Unfortunately, you donated at the blood drive two weeks ago. Don't you recognize me?" I ask, giving you a clue. The pharmacy wasn't the only thing that connected the victims. I smirk as I push the head of my cock into your vagina and begin to push through. I relax for half a second once I was partially in, and loosen my grip on your thighs. Was it just my imagination, or were you ever so slightly aroused

Stranger: ?

You: Blood... He must know everything then... I falter for a moment, giving in, feeling my eyes fill with tears and then roll down my cheeks. He feels a few drops on his hand. I squirm in discomfort. I have always enjoyed sex, I have always felt liberated in my sexual life. I've had a few partners over the years, none of them were serious but sex was always something I felt I was experiencing to it's fullest. I've never had a very painful experience, maybe with my first boyfriend at 17 but we figured it out quickly. This was something else. I was completely unaroused and dry, every forceful thrust felt like it was ripping me in half. I can't let this happen, I can't just... let him do this to me. Anger fills my chest and I lunge forward with all my might, trying to free myself from his grasp. I collapse on my stomach, my forehead hitting the hard concrete

You: (Would you be able to switch to discord now?)
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