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1.) USA gave China $2 billion to stop communism spread - failed as China became communist 1949
2.) Korea was divided 1945 along 38th parallel after USA freed SK and USSR freed NK from Japanese rule.
3.) SK - Republic of Korea
NK - People's Republic of Korea
4.) China became communist 1949
5.) Acheson address was a speech by secretary of state Dean Acheson to the whole country, however he did not mention the issues in Korea in his speech
6.) This was significant because it meant that Stalin and Kim Il Sung both thought that the issues in Korea were not a main priority for the US gvt.
7.) Stalin rejected the invasion because he thought the NK forces could not defeat USA and SK forces. Also, he did not want to get involved in conflict with USA - nuclear warfare
8.) SK was invaded by NK in July 1950, the war lasted 3 years until 1953
9.) 88% UN navy was USA's
10.) USSR boycotted the UN because they refused to let China's new communist gvt. join the security council

1.) General McArthur
2.) UN first got involved in 1950 at the Pusan Pocket to push NK forces back overt the 38th parallel
3.) The Inchon landings lasted 4 days and 75,000 UN troops were sent to fight.
4.) China would not join the war even though Mao Zedong warned of this happening
5.) 200,000 "People's Volunteers", China's troops joined in October 1950
6.) McArthur disobeyed direct orders to halt the offence into NK - resulted in China joining war - and even said it would be a good idea to use nuclear weapons if necessary.
7.) Stalemate began in 1951
8.) Both sides used air power, napalm and dropping bombs to try to break the stalemate, but this increased tension and hatred between the 2 sides.
9.) 1951 Stalin agreed to supply tanks, planes and equipment but he was still worried it might lead to nuclear warfare if USSR got directly involved so USSR pilots had to use Korean words as a code so they would not be intercepted and discovered by radio.
10.) The UN lost 3,500 planes whereas USSR lost around 3,000
11.) Peace talks began July 1951, but no progress was made until 1953
12.) Treaty signed 1953
13.) 3km DMZ between SK and NK - prisoners of war to be returned within 60 days of the treaty being signed.
14.) US military spending increased by 70%
18.) The UN successfully removed communism from South Korea.
19.) 500k civilians killed
20.) USSR started developing...

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