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The Things You Need to Know about Shiatsu Massage
The Japanese call it Tui Na. Japan, Shiatsu massage is known as Tui Na. The shiatsu massage usually is utilized as preventive, relaxing or therapeutic treatment. According to the Eastern culture, illness can be regarded as the result of a lack of energy flow across the meridians as well as their associated glands. Shiatsu massage can be used to balance the body, and restore its normal balance.

Two theories exist on how the Shiatsu massage originated. The traditional Chinese medicine passed to Japan through Buddhism. It is believed that healing practices were in the spirit of Buddhist doctrines. Another possibility is that traditional chinese medicine was transferred from student to teacher over several generations similar to how we in the Western world is learning the roots of most of our current medical procedures. Whatever the reason is the case, there are a few evidences that support the ancient Chinese medicine origin tale.

Since I was a child I have been fascinated by the human body has been ever-present. As a child I was a child, my dad taught me how to apply pressure to specific parts that were in my body. I can still remember him demonstrating the use of the thumbs of his hands to massage the marble slab. His method was in a similar way that the Shiatsu massage therapists from Japan perform their sessions.

My mother taught me how to massage shiatsu many years later. There were many weekends spent at her house, and she spent many hours demonstrating my the different Acupressure points that I had along my spine. At first I was doubtful about the whole idea due to the fact that I had heard so many stories about Acupressure points. After spending several weekends relaxing with my mom's help, I started to realize how beneficial this form of treatment could be. I can safely say that, even though I'm somewhat hesitant when it comes to touching delicate areas, I've been greatly benefited from this therapy.

The most interesting aspect of the story's origin is that it is believed that each point on your spine corresponds to various internal organs. Therefore, when you apply pressure to one specific Acupressure point, you will affect a particular organ. In addition to feeling relieved from various ailments Shiatsu massage also releases the endorphins, serotonin as well as natural pain relieving agents. It is a great therapy for patients who have persistent pain or live in discomfort. It also works well for seniors who suffer from mobility issues.

Shiatsu massage originated from the Japanese tradition, and first developed in Japan. 로켓마사지 There is no evidence that the Japanese developed this type of treatment prior to the 14th century. However, the technique therapy practitioners employed in Japan have been adopted and adapted by other Eastern civilizations, such as China and in the United States. Although Shiatsu is a well-known method, it's been gaining popularity only recently. There are currently more than 100 thousand people practicing in the United States. These people are mostly either Japanese or Chinese.

The placement of hands is one of the key differentiators between this massage as well as the more common Swedish massage. In most cases the hands of the massage therapist are put on the opposite side of the patient's body, not behind the back. The therapist uses the thumbs for applying pressure to various points during Shiatsu massage. When using pressure and applying it in a particular sequence to the various pressure points, the massage therapists can relieve stress and tension. Fingers are resting on the back, while thumbs are placed over the shoulders. In order to focus on each stress point on the body, this combination of thumbs and fingers is used.

While the procedure is performed in Japanese exclusively, some therapists may use their hands occasionally to massage scalps of patients. Regardless of where the therapist is performing their massage, the primary thing that is expected of the therapist is to provide a sense of relaxation to the patient. To accomplish this it is essential that both the therapist as well as the patient must not be afflicted with stress or tension. The type of massage you receive is ideal if you're relaxed.

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