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Acupuncture and Tui Na
Tui Na (pronounced "twee-NAH") has been used to heal for many centuries. It was used by ancient Chinese to regulate the chi, and is recognized for its vital energy. They believed that it could restore health to organs, joints, muscles, bones and tissues. Because of its curative power, Tui Na was used by the Chinese as an antidote for poison and drugs.

Tui Na uses many different physical techniques to correct dysfunctional body parts. It is a form of bodywork that improves blood flow, realigns tight squeezed ligaments, eases stress and offers many other benefits. Tui Na can effectively treat many anatomical and structural issues. You can either learn Chinese medicine or Tui Na through private, guided practices, or learn it from an instruction guide or video on the internet.

Recently I had an interesting conversation with an interesting Spanish professor who is teaching a Tui Na class at the local university. He wanted to learn more about my knowledge of the healing method. I explained to him that I just finished studying the healing technique, and that I had also completed a course in Chinese medicine and worked with Chinese herbalists. I explained to the Spanish professor that Tui Na is an old version of Chinese medicine, however it was popular in Europe before it was taken by the Chinese.

According to the Spanish professor Tui Na's popularity is in its appeal to both east-west. While some forms of Chinese medicine are practical, such as Acupuncture, other forms are more philosophical, such as TCM. He went on to say that in America, you will find many who believe that Tui Na is just another way of selling you products, like energy drinks. This feeling is due to the fact that most of those who are promoting Tui Na do not know what it is. As a result when they promote it, they do not get very far.

For instance the herbalist explaining Tui Na to me promoted it on the basis of Qi Gong principles, which are basically the same principles that I teach in my Kung Fu classes. I told the professor that I could not recommend TCM to those who were not aware of it, as it was very different from Chinese medicine. The professor then explained that he didn't understand Qi Gong principles and therefore could not offer Tui Na advice to patients without the proper education. In other terms, he was unable to offer Tui Na to the general public. I suggested he offer it to students with a basic knowledge of Chinese medicine for a cost of course however he wasn't willing to do this.

To translate his statement in English, he said that Tui Na was simply another scam, a way to make money from people who already had a basic understanding of the system. This is not the only explanation however. 로켓마사지 Some people believe that Professor Yang's description of Tui Na makes it appear less important than Chinese medicine. It has been noted that Tui Na isn't easy to master and that a lot of people who have mastered it find it difficult to continue practicing. This argument is often used by those who oppose TCM.

No matter the reason, Tui Na is a issue. It could be because a lot of TCM practitioners aren't eager to take the time to learn about Chinese medicine. Although this is understandable given the demands of life, it raises doubts about the validity of the entire enterprise. Arguments that Tui Na is insignificant to Western medicine are due to the fact that Western medicine has been trying to reinvent itself for a long time while the eastern tradition has been doing the same process for hundreds of years.

While we must acknowledge the problems with Chinese medicine and Tui Na however, there are certain areas that need to be addressed. One example of a gap is in the field of Tui Na sensitivity. Western medicine uses several herbs to mimic acupuncture, but the reality is that acupuncture functions by increasing the body's sensitivity. Tui Na sensitiveness is increased when the body is forced to move against its own will this is why it is known as "motion-related" in Chinese. Thus, Tui Na and acupuncture seem to be two different concepts.

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