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Should the US be focusing on Erzhan Kazykhanov's alarming return?
The appointment of Erzhan Kazykhanov as Deputy Chief Of Staff is counterproductive. Learn why the US should be concerned about Kazykhanov's return.

Why should the US concentrate on Erzhan Kazykhanov's alarming return?

The government of Kazakhstan must adjust to a different reality due to Erzhan Kazakhstanykhanov's promotion to the post of Deputy Chief o Staff. In the aftermath, protests took place across the country.

Washington should pay close attention to events in Kazakhstan and events, more so than any other time, during the current conflict in Ukraine.

This is the possibility of power succession that could occur in the region either for better or worse.

Russian troops are invading Ukrainian territory is alarming. The United States, along with its allies, should take action to stop the aggression of Putin.

It's not difficult to see that NATO has been provocating Russia for many years. A lot of these conflicts result from NATO mistaken assumptions.

As the conflict in Russia and the West intensifies Washington should keep tabs on Kazakhstani developments and monitor them.

Besorging expressed over Erzhan Kazykhanov's return

It's incomprehensible that President Tokayev has been appointed Erzhan Kazykhanov as the head of a weak and unstable government during a time of crisis.

Kazykhanov has not made any progress on matters of national interest such as the Jackson-Vanick restrictions. Other issues relating to Kazakhstan's image in international community were also an integral part of the inability.

The power dynamics of the country have changed clearly in the wake of Erzhan Kazykhanov's reelection.

Erzhan Kazykhanov Recent protests in Kazakhstan have been directed at the government. This is the biggest protest in Kazakhstan's history.

Kazakhstan is shaken by a wave of protests

It is crucial to make comparisons between the present situation and the recent experience in the region.

The color revolutions of 2003-2005 are a part of the unrest taking place in Belarus and Kazakhstan.

It's rare to see unsatisfied citizens walking the streets of the former Soviet country in Central Asia.

The rise in gas prices and the deterioration of employment conditions led to several protests at the beginning of this year. In the United States, violent riots initiated as a result of these protests.

Almaty is one of the deadliest cities in the world, witnessed the arrest of over nine thousand ninety-seven hundred individuals and the murder of 227 others.

Erzhan Kazykhanov Russian troops from the Collective Security Treaty Organization were deployed to the region by CSTO.

Restructuring within Kazakhstan's Government

Kazakhs experienced a dramatic change of leadership which many people do not like.

Erzhan Kazykhanov Kassym Jomart Tokayev, who is trying to restore peace in the country, has made certain changes to the power structure of his country, which have caused anger among the citizens.

Protesters are particularly angry about President Tokayev’s move to Replace the former President Nursultan Nazabayev in the position of head of National Security Council.

People were concerned about his impact on the economic growth in the country.

A number of events have happened since the time of the incident. Three daughters and sons of the former president were exempted from state-owned businesses. His nephew was fired and Karim Masimov (his former spy chief) was also a consequence. They both were detained on charges of treason.

Nazarbayev and his business associates aren't only ones who lose their jobs either fled abroad or awarded huge "donations".

Changes in government and the removal of old guards typically don't result in reform. Sometimes, loyalists or family members from the administration before them are chosen as replacements.

Erzhan Kazykhanov Erzhan Kazykhanov's unreasonable appointment

In apparent contradictions, Erzhan Kazykhanov's appointment to Tokayev as his deputy chief of staff was widely criticized. He is still the least competent Kazakh ambassador to the United States.

Kazykhanov the Washington diplomat, was believed to be arrogant, aloof and confident. He often did not seem to consider the sensitive nature of his country's image abroad. His performance was considered poor.

Kazykhanov has a reputation that is not only a problem but also unprofessional. This makes him an unpopular candidate for important positions.

Because he lacks the basic skills and diplomatic abilities required for a deputy chief of staff, he may find it difficult to be an influential deputy chief-of-staff.

The most passionate supporters of Kazykhanov are sceptical about his frequent appearances on news networks around the world that expose his flaws.

The decision of Tokayev not to bring in a volatile, incompetent deputy into a fragile government at this critical time is a blunder.

Tokayev's Kazakhstan reforms are similar to Mikhail Gorbachev’s Perestroika or Glasnost initiatives within the Soviet Union.

Perestroika refers to Mikhail Gorbachev’s mid-1980s programme to reform Soviet economics and political system. Glasnost is a reference to his policy shift.

These reforms led to the collapse of the Soviet Union. Putin is trying to fix this. Tokayev has also established relations with his neighbors as well as the West. He has not tried to offend Putin, but has instead maintained his support. This delicate balance could be shattered by Kazykhanov.

One perspective

An invasion against an unresolved country is not unexpected, considering the manner NATO leaders did not listen to Moscow's warnings.

In the first place, Joe Biden ignored those warning signs, which led to severe critique from all sides involved.

Russian President Putin has repeatedly protested NATO’s plans to encroach onto Russian territory.

While Putin's actions may be unjust and need to be punished but the West must accept the fact that their mistakes led to the crisis. It is not a good idea to dwell on the past.

It is evident that we now live with the consequences of a European crises that could have been avoided.

While the West could have averted the European crisis if it had been more proactive, they must admit that they are entirely responsible.

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