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Cassiopeia J. Bedon, "Cassy". 17/05/2022

Hii!! Cassy here ehe. This message is for my close friends, which is the 'Katribu"! <33

Heyoooo! Cassy here, your youngest. Eh not really, Kyrah is there, and Francis soon to be sibling? Idk why I wrote this honestly, just bored xD. Thank you guys so much for literally EVERYTHING you give me. Happiness, Care, Safety and more. I have a message for each of you, because you guys are special. I hope I don't hurt anybody or perhaps offense anyone. I love you all! <3

To: Nathalie
Hellooooooo! How are yuuu?? Thank you so much for being there with me. Ever since we met in Campbell, I already knew who I wanted to be friends with, it was you. You stayed with me, until now! Haha hopefully we'll stay like this until we grow up, even if magbulag ta ug school, or place, or country, I'll always ce your best friend in life. When you get married soon I'll be there ha? HAHAHAHAHA- Anyways. I know sometimes we fight, argue, but I know you have a heart that would forgive. Like before, we fought and it was pretty much my fault dba? I was chatting francis first because I was scared na you were gonna get mad at me or unsa bana. Sooo you know those times wherein your friend or one of the katribu goes to your house, I sometimes get jealous unya mang luod dayun ku, I mean, until know I do- Idk why xD. I know I backstab you sometimes if you aren't there, but most of the words, I don't mean at all. I'm sorry if I do that and if I will keep doing it. When you talk about su1c!d3 or unsa bana, I feel down, very down. I just agree to what you say while I overthink if your gonna do it or not, I do not wanna loose you, If I do, I will blame myself everyday and everynight for not helping you. Please dont ha? I dont wanna loose a bestfriend again, not again. I love you so much Nath!! Be yourself, love yourself and yes <33

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