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“Nah, dinosaurs are way cooler and much more badass” I smirked at her and I saw that people were moving and no one really bothered to look at us. I decided to tug her earlobe softly with my teeth and kiss her right below her jaw. The beautiful scent of her perfume filled my nostrils and I fucking loved it. I smiled of her gentle kiss and every time her lips touched a part of my body, I felt my knees get weaker. Yeah, yeah, I blushed. It’s not happening again. But the way she reacted, hell I’d even blush again just to get the same reaction again. I rolled my eyes as the prideful son of a bitch I was and squeezed her hand. “You never saw that” I playfully told her before grabbing the luggage and grabbed her hand with another before leading her out of the plane. There was just something in the way she asked me how I was feeling and the way she called me ‘angel’. “Better than I deserve” I replied before kissing her temple. I felt cared about and it was a great feeling. I smiled of her words. A person who tugged at Alexandra’s shirt sleeve stopped us and I snapped my head around. Who the fuck would dare touch her? I turned around and my face paled when I saw the son of a bitch who sat behind me under this flight. Oh hell to the double no. He stared innocently at my Alexandra and smiled at her. Dude, you fucking cockblocking douche shit nine year old, I’ll fucking sacrifice your teddy bear to the dark lord Satan when you sleep. Niall, calm the fuck down, psycho. “You are super pretty” he grinned and Alexandra and looked shy. Well, you weren’t fucking shy when you kept on kicking my damned seat for three hours straight. Wait, was that a fucking paper he had in hand. I snatched that paper and the boy frowned at me. No fucking way. He drew a picture of Alexandra holding his hand and they were fucking sitting under a sun with sunglasses and eating fucking blue colored icecream under the sun. Amateur. Even I can draw better than that. “Nice try kid. Get out” I sneered.
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

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