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how can you prevent the spread of an infection.
a weak or dead germ is introduced,
this sparks your immune system to develop antibodies,
those antibodies fight off the germs and then repeats if it invades again.

the test for photosynthesis,
add starch and then collect all the gases in a glass tube,
then you count the amount of bubbles that are produced by the gas in the glass tube

diffusion, osmosis happens in potatoes with sugar solution reacting with the potato

mitosis in the microscope, placing the mitosis(which is on the piece of cellotape) on the stage.
you then look through the eyepiece and see the mitosis, and you should see a lot of small round molecules.

investigating microbial growth on food surfaces, you need a glass bottom with some jelly or just some food with growing bacteria on it, then you need to use a cotton bud to get some of the bacteria on the end of it, then you need to add it into a glass test tube with some solution inside it

testing fat and sugar contents in food,
add bandicts solution, then you need to add the food sample mixture, mix it together and then you can test for fat and sugar.

using a potometer,
a potometer is used to test/measure the rate of transpiration

the difference between of transpiration and translocation,
translocation - refers to the movement in nutrients from leaves to all other parts of the plant.
transpiration - refers to the tiny water particles moving from the stoma to the outside environment

having a bad diet can cause cardiovascular disease, smoking can cause lung cancer, too much alcohol can cause liver disease

going up to the right is a positive correlation, going up the left is a negative correlation, no correlation means no line.

photosynthesis happens in the chloroplasts in a leaf, it transfers light energy into chemical energy.
photosynthesis makes glucose and also oxygen from carbon dioxide and water+ sunlight
photosynthesis equation - carbon dioxide(C02)+Water(H20)-sunlight-Oxygen(02)+glucose(C6 H12 O6)

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