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Corporate culture is the foundation of innovation.

The EU announced in the last month that it will offer grants for innovative ideas to hundreds of European companies as part of the Horizon 2020 program. The successful applicants will be provided with free business coaching and acceleration services. While this wonderful initiative will boost innovation within the EU, I believe that businesses in the future must strive for ways to encourage innovation from within. It's more than independence and self-reliance. It is about fostering a vibrant and flexible business culture that allows innovation to prosper.

To thrive in today's rapidly changing world, it is imperative to be innovative. This is what I discovered during my first ventures in business in Kazakhstan. Many once-promising industries were left inoperable after the fall of the Soviet Union. This was because of years of under-investing, neglecting and not responding to market trends. The most affected were single resource communities that prospered due to a closed loop ecosystem that was interdependent with mines, factories and manufacturing units.

This was especially true in Zhitigara (a region in northwestern Kazakhstan) that has relied on local mining and manufacturing for decades. In the post-Soviet years local industry was afflicted not only by outdated practices and equipment, but also by an inability to focus on customers and a variety of obstacles that were not market-based, which slowed the potential for innovation. It was only through making radical changes in management; focusing on the quality of the refinement and enrichment process and investing heavily in health and safety were capable of transforming and grow a failing local business. Although you might argue that it was an act of necessity, the lessons learned were valuable.

daniel kunin kusto group of overhauling outdated practices and urgently modernizing operations cemented my belief in the power of the power of innovation. This is also the reason I decided to transform Kusto Group, a local single-resource business, to a multinational multi-resource corporation with its headquarters in Singapore and operations throughout the world.

As Kusto has grown, our desire to innovate has grown. We have come to realize that innovation comes in many forms and often in the most unexpected of locations. Even at petrol stations, for example. In Kazakhstan, petrol stations were once small-scale businesses with a single purpose. They would eventually become micro-commercial hubs with cafes, restaurants, and even shops. daniel kunin recognised this trend, and launched Kazakhstan's initial stations in 2014, with banks and retail capabilities. Additionally, the company's new venture increased the standard by introducing high quality fuel supplies and a brand new standard for ease of purchasing retail items. We brought innovation to a sector which was previously thought to be standardised by focusing on the customer and adding the right technologies and services to meet. We plan to open 70 integrated service-stations throughout the country by the year 2020.

This was made possible by the willingness and capability to look beyond the horizon in order to come up with new or uncomfortable, and often radical ideas. Kazakhs are nomadic people, with exploration rooted in our DNA. The Kusto Group is open to changes. is the ethos we live by. Innovation is often misunderstood. Innovation isn't about discovering new technologies or ideas. It is about creating an environment that is able to changes and evolves with it. This means being willing to take on failure and risk. A company's corporate culture is essential in this. It is an ethos which promotes collaboration and encourages people to learn from one another.

At Kusto Group, we understand that innovation is the lifeblood of companies that are successful. Kusto Way is an ethos which recognizes the importance of making sure that the environment promotes innovation, encourages knowledge sharing and encourages the spirit of entrepreneurship. This understanding is based on the understanding that relying only on "the way things are" hinders innovation and puts companies at a disadvantage.

Determining the corporate culture of a business is the initial step to creating a dynamic environment. However, the modern, globalized corporation is soon faced with a difficult question: How do you ensure a uniform corporate culture across different regions and communities or industries? The solution we propose to this dilemma is twofold: first we ensure that the Kusto Way is instilled in each manager of our flat, decentralized management structure; then, each manager implements that philosophy locally.

But, learning exchange must take place between companies. In Ukraine we joined forces with Cropio, who's innovative sensors as well as satellite imaging technology allowed us to create precise farming techniques that have reduced yields, reduced wastage, and other useful tools. The partnership has helped us become more effective in this sector than our rivals. Instead, have been a leader in this field by partnering with businesses that put innovation at the center of. We are now looking for markets where this technology might be applied.

Kusto is now able to share its information with its partners. The Vietnamese operation is a good example of how this happens. It's a prime example of Kusto's drive for expansion, exploration as well as education. We have collaborated with state-owned companies in Vietnam, and have shared our thoughts and innovative strategies. Building Information Modelling was used to cut costs, increase the quality of construction, and improve efficiency. Although established practice in some regions of the world, this constituted an important, revolutionary development in Vietnamese construction.

Private companies have a wealth of resources to invest, trial and rollout innovative ideas. Every venture is bound to have its own challenges and risk. learn from their mistakes and adapt to it by constantly creating new ideas instead of trying to avoid it. No matter how big or small the company and how small, it's impossible to remain in the same routine. Innovation is crucial to inspire and encourage innovation in the workforce. But, it requires investment or it will become nothing more than words on paper.

Kusto Group's approach towards innovation must be broad. It is also the foundation of any company's culture. This means adapting to changes and being open to new technologies. daniel kunin involves taking a look to the future. It is not about inventing something, but about thinking creatively. It's a matter of survival.

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