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Fico Gutierrez's words to Petro"friend," FARC Chavista, friend, FARC, and Expropriator
With a total vote count of 2 '160.329", "Fico" Gutierrez won the Sunday consultation of the"Team for Colombia'. votes, which is 54.1% of total votes that were deposited in the internal electoral process in the coalition.

Gutierrez was in attendance at the first debate of presidential contenders after the legislative elections. He was very measured in his responses to Gustavo Petro who won the Historic Pact consultation and Ingrid Betancourt who was an independent candidate. These were his answers.

'We more centralism': Federico Gutierrez during his time at

The election results on Sunday are important. The first subject of the debate was to examine Sunday's election results. "It appears that we are in one advantage in the second round. This is a fact of politics. Fico added, "With humility, I called for us to come together and win in round one."

Following that it was suggested that the possibility of winning in the initial round of voting was discussed. The candidate for president of Team for Colombia stated: "The figures are clear. The coalition we formed was just three months old and was the smallest. And we are seconds away, only one million votes away of the Historic Pact, it is very clear who we are that will be able to go to the second round to face these authoritarian and populist projects similar to those of Petro."

Petro Answers to Tough Questions

Federico Gutierrez, questioned during the debate the decision of Gustavo Petro to include Piedad Cordoba in his lists. "How will they claim that you don’t accept those who are corrupt in the lists when Piedad Cordoba was in the list, as he worked to secure the lives of a lot of kidnapped individuals, and when it became part of the Chavez regime, which poses an issue for Colombia?" Fico expressed his support for Ingrid Betancourt who accused Cordoba "trading as kidnapping".

Gutierrez has launched a vicious attack on Petro, calling him a ally of the FARC.

"Those who attack people, those who kidnapped and took money, and then murdered are the owners and masters of war. I have used weapons in my own life that is not yours. I am a moral person with power and the right to talk about peace. I will oblige the FARC as well as your allies and your friends to abide by the agreement because they haven't fulfilled their commitment to peace.

Zuluaga's arrival to the Gutierrez Campaign

Gutierrez discussed the arrival of Oscar Ivan Zuluaga in his campaign. Gutierrez called him to show his appreciation and confirm his candidacy. I told him, I appreciate your personal choice and I'll sit down to talk to him, but I am going to meet to talk to other sectors who would like to be part of our campaign," he said and clarified that he is not Uribe's candidate, but he will admit that he is in his.

He said that "Those of those of us fighting for democracy must stand together." Fico Gutierrez I will be meeting with teachers and members of the cooperative sector. We'll set out a national agenda for the country and showcase what we can do."

Gutierrez Right in the middle, was criticized by Ingrid Betancourt who said that Ingrid Betancourt was saying that only one is good and that everybody else is corrupt.

"You don't have to tell me I'm not doing anything right since I haven't had one corrupt incident and have done a decent-looking policy," she said. She also asked the presidential candidate whether there was a single positive thing about Central America? If I am elected president, and I'll be, I will unite. Although I am not sure if they come from the right or left, I intend to govern in the best way possible.

Ingrid was then accused by Ingrid of "being patronized by machines like Los Char or Dilian Francisca Toro". He stated, "I am a man who is a man of character." He stated that, while he was open to making numerous alliances with others but he was strong of character to prevent violence and corruption.

"Petro is playing silly"

Federico Gutierrez, made a new point in his fight against Gustavo Petro. He said that he is accompanied in his pursuit of dominion extinction by ex-senator Armando Bidenetti. When he received no response, he said that the candidate from Historic Pact "always acts dumb."

What suggestions would health experts make?

Former Medellin mayor presented his vision of the country's health system "Ideology should not prevail. We need respect and dignity for our health services. We're going to eliminate the waits, promote prevention and health, articulation with IPS and EPS and introduce the Siga system. The model relies on triage to decide where you'll be treated according the condition.

He also said that better working conditions are required for health professionals and that they must have "guaranteed connection". He made it clear that he would not eliminate EPS but he would improve the system of care. He also stated that any EPS that DOES not perform is removed.

Relations with the United States

To the question: Will you reconsider your relationship with the United States? Gutierrez stated that he would continue to maintain a bipartisan, positive relationship towards the United States. Certain issues need to be rethought. We will try to create a system that has production across the country. This will allow for an improved political and commercial relation.

UU is what is what makes the U.S. so problematic today. It brings us to the realisation that the world has changed and that they have an economy that can provide more food for consumption but also export quality products to other countries.

Gutierrez utilized the opportunity to launch another bid to Petro: "The blockades, which you Petro directed to close the roads, had an effect on the cost of food. Many people wonder why eggs and chicken are so expensive. He said it is because the roads were shut down.

Gutierrez, who once more insisted that Petro was "going to expropriate" she stated that Petro's administration would give low-interest loans to peasants as well as strengthen irrigation districts. The ownership of land will be respected.

Questions from applicants to candidates

Federico Gutierrez had to respond to the Uribe/Duque government's position: "It is clear that beginning August 7, everything that's working, which is independent of the government and independent of the government, will continue. And what doesn't work I will work to improve it."

He also stated that the notion of security was vital, but not integral and that he'd mix it with social investment. If military forces have to arrive in a territory where there conflicts, for every helicopter that is able to arrive in the area, three helicopters will arrive with the help of social investment."

Gutierrez has criticized Petro and claimed that Petro's current assistance through Families in Action is alms. "To the extent the state supports the family, it has to provide him with the minimum level of vitality of water and energy but not to tell the family to sacrifice their market for the rest of his life, leaving him in poverty. This is the Chavez model. Check out Venezuela.

Pension debate

Gutierrez suggested that in order to improve pensions, the "state's capabilities should be transferred to the territories in order to enhance the value of fixed assets like schools and roads. Gutierrez further stated that there are 20 million dollars worth of mafia-related assets that can be managed by the state.

He also said that's why I will create a law to have more domain extinction prosecutors and judges and that this money can be used to fund the health, education and pensions for three million people who are eligible for a pension." He also stated that "the resources exist and you only need to find them."

Are you available to visit Pope Francis on the campaign trail

The discussion was focused on the visit of presidential candidates Gustavo Petro or Rodolfo Gutierrez to Pope Francis. Fico Gutierrez pointed this out in his remarks that "those who will visit the Pope are going because they haven't met the Pope." While I do know him, my appointment today will be with Colombians. Actually, I had already met him in Medellin as part of the papal visits , and I listened to him very extensively that day."

Relations with Venezuela

The final topic was Venezuelan relations. Gutierrez said that Maduro's relationships with Colombia have been through the FARC (the Eln), dissidents, and Petro. Maduro is a dictatorship that cannot be recognised as a legitimate government. But there is a real-world situation at the border."

He said "for this reason, traffic on the roads should be permitted due to the issue of trade that continues to occur, as the illegal economy is kept by criminal groups. Maduro is not a country with the legal status of a state. Business decisions should be taken on the spot at the border.

Gutierrez in his discussion of the matter, was involved in an argument with Petro and noted that he's mute to defend "his allies," in reference to Russia, Syria and Venezuela, in addition to others.

He also criticised the idea of separating Colombia's economy from oil and coal, noting that it should be a gradual process and not just one-time. "That's the reason why renewable energy projects are being developed in the form of wind and solar. We're working toward that goaland are planning to triple our capacity.

To say goodbye, Gutierrez said a new puya "Petro, you are Chavez and Maduro However, I am not Uribe or Duque. "I will become the president of Colombians." Colombians."
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