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Why Nutrition Matters for Lung Cancer Patients
It goes without saying that nutrition matters, but this is particularly true for those that have been diagnosed with serious illnesses. Lung cancer is just one example, as it’s one of the most common forms of cancer in the world today. For this reason, clinical trials for stage 4 non small cell lung cancer are held, allowing medical professionals to gather data so that they can better develop drugs, therapies, and treatments for patients. There are certain ways that an individual can reduce the likelihood of developing cancer down the road, nutrition included. Why does nutrition matter so much for lung cancer patients? Keep the following information in mind.

One of the most important things to know about nutrition is that we still don’t know everything about it in terms of lung cancer. In fact, non small cell lung cancer stage 4 clinical trials work off data that’s still in progress. Cancer is one of the most complex conditions in the world, which is especially true given how people suffer from it in different ways. Additionally, specific therapeutic and treatment methods will vary from patient to patient, meaning that one approach may work for a specific patient while not being as effective for another. Simply put, lung cancer research is an ongoing process. With that said, there have been many discoveries made as a result of said research, allowing patients to receive quality care.

On the topic of nutrition, however, there are a few things to know about lung cancer prevention. One of the most important is that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables matters. Many of these contain antioxidants, which help the body ward off certain diseases, lung cancer included. Focus on citrusy fruits, oranges being the most prominent, and leafy green vegetables such as spinach and broccoli to increase your antioxidant intake. Fruits and vegetables are easy enough to incorporate into different recipes, so if you’re concerned about eating well over the long term, rest easy knowing that there exist numerous opportunities to do so.

The right foods to prevent one’s risk of developing lung cancer, as well as options for those with lung cancer – we’ll dive deeper into the latter topic later – go beyond fruits and vegetables, though. For example, it’s important to incorporate foods with enough protein because of how it helps the body build and repair tissue and muscles. Beyond meat products such as chicken and turkey, eggs, nuts, and beans are good sources of protein. Whole grains, which provide carbohydrates, can be found in oatmeal, rice, and whole wheat pasta and bread, just to name a few examples. With these types of food, one’s diet will become more refined, resulting in a lower likelihood of developing cancer.

When new clinical trials for lung cancer comes to nutrition for lung cancer patients, certain steps should be taken to ensure the highest quality of life. One of the factors that non small cell lung cancer clinical trials will focus on is the intake of essential nutrients, protein and vitamins included. Ideally, these should come from food products, even though supplements exist to help people cover areas of nutrition they’ve either neglected or cannot easily receive from the foods they eat from day to day. Proper dieting and exercise coincide with smart nutrition, though when it comes to the latter, each patient’s needs will be different. Too much exercise may be detrimental to a patient, so consulting a doctor beforehand will help identify an appropriate amount of regular exercise.

With accurate information comes a series of myths, however. While lung cancer clinical trials have attempted to dispel them, inaccuracies exist and it’s important to know fact from fiction. Case and point, you may have been under the impression that sugar causes lung cancer; needless to say, this is one of the many myths to debunk. Sugar itself does not cause cancer, though, in excess, it can lead to conditions such as high blood sugar and obesity, both of which can increase one’s risk of developing cancer. However, sugar, not unlike carbohydrates, feeds healthy cells in the body, allowing for regular functions to persist. Thus, while sugar should be consumed in moderation, it doesn’t directly lead to cancer.

These are just a few things to know about nutrition as it relates to lung cancer. If you have been diagnosed with this condition, you may wish to become involved in a clinical trial in your area. As mentioned earlier, clinical trials are designed with the purpose of developing clinical trial drugs for lung cancer , not to mention therapies and treatments to help those suffering from the condition in question. Furthermore, with your involvement, you can make a difference in not only your life but the lives of others. There’s no better time to volunteer than the present, so be sure to research clinical trials in your area to learn more.
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