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"Would you mind elaborating?" The anonymous speaker smiles at the answer obtained. A ravishing crooked smile although it can not be seen, could be felt by the woman.
Simultaneously accompanying the words, a fleeting mental image as vivid as if the woman could reach out her arms and touch the scene with her fingertips:
A tall male silhouette all dressed in black, bathed in the liquid silver of the moon, seen from the back, on a cliff kissed by the waves of the sea. He carried a cane. The large, tattooed hand was closed around the black cane, below the handle carved silver skull head whose eyes emitted a kabbalistic luminosity.

Sleeping and feeling unable to reconcile the sleep seems to be the anathema of insomniacs. The woman closes her eyes again, knowing that it will be in vain. She is already used to being fooled by her own body; she knows all the signals. But still, she could not put away the feeling. It had weight and shape, that sensation, it had a soul. It was lived. The interaction somehow feels different from the tricks played by her own mind.

He gazes out over the vastness of the sea ahead, from a cliff; the way the moonlight kissed the waters and the waves died on the shore. The voice was heard again. Imbued with humour and an undisturbed serenity. Steeped in a warm friendly frankness:
"Well, what if you were the one to forget every memory formed every day, on the ballad at midnight? What if the second option was for people to only remember you for a single minute; would your choice still remain the same?" He sounded genuinely interested. Interested not only in the words uttered, but also on the silenced ones, those that were given birth at the minute when the woman's mind welcomed his spontaneous and peculiar question.

The woman will open her eyes with a start and the comforting sensation of the blankets over the body and the head on the pillow will cede way to the state of astonishment when she realizing that the walls of the room had disappeared and her ceiling now is a starry sky with a glorious full moon.

The instant the woman's feet touch the floor, the bed would disappear, even though she will still in her pajamas. By now, drowsiness would have left her like a demon in an exorcism.
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