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The Heimlich maneuver is a series of pushing motions on the area just under the diaphragm that helps a person whose airway is blocked. Which best explains how this maneuver helps unblock a person's airway?
Pushing the diaphragm causes air to flow out of the lungs, which pushes the blockage out.

Homeostasis is the ability of the body to maintain internal balance despite changing external conditions. How does the respiratory system help maintain homeostasis?The respiratory system helps release unwanted heat and water from the body.

Which is the correct pathway of oxygen as it travels from the lungs and goes to the cells of the body?
lungs, bronchioles, alveoli, capillaries, cells

Which of the following occurs in the upper respiratory system?
air is filtered and moistened

Which structure of the respiratory system plays the main role in carry out the system’s primary function? alveoli

Asthma is a respiratory disorder that causes constriction of the airways. This constriction may cause difficulty in breathing. If a doctor were asked to create a medication, what would the medication most likely do? decrease inflammation of blocked airways

What do the rib muscles and diaphragm have in common?
Both aid in the expansion and relaxation of lungs.

What do goblet cells and cilia have in common?
Both filter the air.

Which structure has functions in both the respiratory system and the digestive system?

What is the function of the part that is labeled A?
moistens and filters incoming air

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