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DADA (Defence against the dark arts)
Voldemort, also known as the dark lord, is known in many of our history books. But do you know why? He was able to use the killing curse, "Avada Kedavra," and he did not show mercy with it.

He is known for being the strongest dark wizard of our times. He fought many great witches and wizards and defeated anyone who crossed his path.

But one boy stuck out. Harry Potter, the boy who lived, was undefeated by Voldemort. Voldemort and Harry had a connection that was stronger than any unbreakable promise ever could be.

1)Who did we talk about today?
2)What was this person known for?
3)Who was this person unable to defeat?

On the night of Halloween, Voldemort goes to the Potter's house, with the intent of murdering the Potter's only son, Harry. But, this does not go down well, as all of you may know. Lily Potter used the most powerful potent magic there can be ... Love. Lily used the power of love. love is so powerful it can protect beyond death. Harry Potter's mother Lily sacrificed herself to save him, and that selfless act imbued him with magical blood so that he could not be harmed or even touched by anyone, such as... lord Voldemort. The spell rebounded and hit Voldemort, which was Voldemort's only known defeat.
On the night of Halloween, Voldemort goes to the Potter's house, with the intent of murdering the Potter's only son, Harry. But, this does not go down well, as all of you may know. Lily Potter used the most powerful potent magic there can possibly be ... Love. Lily used the power of love. love is so powerful it can protect beyond death. Harry Potter's mother Lily sacrificed herself to save him, and that selfless act imbued him with magical blood so that he could not be harmed or even touched by anyone, such as... lord Voldemort. The spell rebounded and hit Voldemort, which was Voldemort's only known defeat.
What is Divination? Divination is a form of energetic communication — the ancient practice of seeking knowledge, guidance, messages and inspiration from spirit or higher consciousness.

Divination, in a sense, is all about connecting with yourself and thereby helping you connect with others.

This may come by having similar astrological signs, or by having your tarot read and having an honest conversation about yourself and your struggles with another real human being.

There are two main types of divination. The two main kinds are general information about the future and specific information about the past.

Is astrology considered divination? Astrology is a type of divination that involves the forecasting of earthly and human events through the observation and interpretation of the fixed stars, the Sun, the Moon, and the planets.

What do you call someone who practices divination? We call them “diviners”.
Quiz time :
1)Divination is a form of what kind of communication?
2)” Divination is about connecting with yourself and __”
3)What are the 2 types of divination?
4)Is astrology a divination?
5)What do you call someone who practices divination?

COMC (Care of Magical Creatures)

One of the most famous magical creatures is the Niffler. The Niffler is a magical beast with a long snout and a coat of black fur. Nifflers have a pouch on their bellies that hold far more than at first seems possible.

They are attracted to shiny things, which makes them wonderful for locating treasure, but that also means that they wreak havoc if let loose. Other than that, they are harmless.

Native to Britain, they live in burrows as deep as twenty feet below ground, and females produce six to eight young in a single litter.

Nifflers are kept by Goblins to burrow for treasure.

Quiz Time :

1)What did we talk about today?
2)What colour fur does a Niffler have?
3)What are Niffler’s attracted to?
4)Where are they Native?
5)Goblins keep Niffler’s to burrow what?

Spell Casting

Focus on having the class use “Protego” and “Stupefy”. Anything else, and the class never goes well, so stick to the simple spells and the class will do fine.
Have the class pair up and choose one person to use the protection spell and the other person to do the attack spell. Make sure everyone spreads out, or people will be hit with “Stupefy” and not be the caster's partner.


Today we will learn about ''Protego,'' also known as, ''The Sheild charm.'' Protego is a charm which allows a person to create an invisible shield around them. Protego can stop any oncoming spell that an opponent fires at you. There are other versions of this charm, including ... ''Protego Duo'' this is just a stronger version of Protego. ''Protego Horribilis'' creates a big shield which protects a large area from dark magic. ''Protego Totalum'' protects large areas for extended periods. ''Protego Maxima'' is the strongest version. ''Protego diabolica'' creates a ring of black fire around the caster.
1)What did we learn about today?
2)What does Protego do?
3)What is the stronger version of protego?


Hogwarts. Hogwarts was founded in the 10th century by four founders ... Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw and Salazar Slytherin. Hogwarts is established in the highlands of Scotland to educate young wizards and witches as well as to keep students safe from muggle persecution. Minerva Mcgonagall is the currant headmistress of Hogwarts, after Severus Snapes downfall. Hogwarts takes anyone of the ages eleven to seventeen. Hogwarts has four houses which include of ... Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. You get sorted into these houses based on your characteristics. These being ... Gryffindor: Bravery, helping others, and chivalry. Hufflepuff: Hard working, patience, loyalty, and fair play. Ravenclaw: Intelligence, knowledge, planning, and wit. Slytherin: Ambition, cunningness, heritage, and resourcefulness. The second wizarding war, infact, ended at Hogwarts. Hogwarts in famous for bringing the boy who lived himself, Harry Potter. Muggles cannot see Hogwarts, Hogwarts castle is protected by several enchantments. This means that Muggles are not likely to ever stumble upon the castle. When future students get their Hogwarts letters, delivered by owls, it is the most magical time in a young wizard or witch’s life. Getting my letter was the most proudest moment of my parents lives. But the way they are chosen in the first place is also even more enchanting. The Book of Admittance and the Quill of Acceptance. decide if you’re ready to go to Hogwarts.

Today we will learn about the devils snare. Devil's Snare was a magical plant with the ability to constrict or strangle anything in its surrounding environment or something that happened to touch it. It was composed of a mass of soft, springy tendrils and vines that possessed some sense of touch, and resembled the Flitterbloom. This plant used its creepers and tendrils to ensnare anyone who touched it, binding their arms and legs and eventually choking them. The harder a person struggled against Devil's Snare, the faster and more tightly it bound them. If the victim was able to maintain their presence of mind and relaxed, the Snare would relax its grip on them. Struggling or resistance to Devil's Snare would cause the plant to exert a greater force of constriction. Devil's Snare preferred a dark, damp environment. It would stop its movement in the environment in front of bright light and would recoil away from the heat of fire, so a well-placed fire or light based spell such as the Bluebell Flames, Fire-Making Spell, Wand-Lighting Charm or Lumos Solem Spell would effectively drive it away from its victims.

Good evening, I'm Professor Bell. There will be no standing, no shouting out, nor will I tolerate silly behaviour in this class, is that understood?

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