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Is a light diet recommended for dogs at certain times of the year?

We must get in shape, but what about our four-legged friends? Also, should they diet? When should they? Find out in this article!

Having an overweight or obese dog can cause or worsen a variety of health problems, such as joint disease, respiratory complications, and diabetes. As a result, if we do not want to compromise the health and longevity of our dogs, there are times when we must manage their weight with a light diet for dogs.

Does a light diet make sense for certain dogs?

In the event your pet needs a low-calorie diet, here are a few signs to look for. The following dogs should eat a light diet:

Overweight dogs. Dogs who are overweight or obese should change their diet to a light diet. Weight gain is usually associated with two factors, namely a sedentary lifestyle and an inadequate diet.

Puppies For Sale -related problems in some dogs. An increase in calorie intake is beneficial to overweight or obese dogs, dogs with joint, heart, or hormonal problems, etc. You should never forget that food is an essential component of your furry's health!

Although all feed must include a series of essential nutrients, the main difference between a normal feed and a light feed for dogs is how these nutrients are presented. Diets that are light must meet the following criteria:

Rich in quality protein. As a result, protein keeps muscle mass, increases satiety and promotes fat loss, enabling healthy weight loss.

Rich in fiber. As well as regulating digestion, fiber also stimulates satiety and reduces calorie intake, thereby promoting weight loss.

A bit of fat is just right. Even though a light feed contains less fat than other feed, it should contain an optimal amount of fatty acids since they are essential nutrients for dogs.

custom formula. Different nutrients are needed for different dogs based on factors such as age, size, and health. Therefore, the best light feed is one that is tailored to the needs of each animal.

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