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Why soon-to-be married couple can’t stay together when one night before wedding? Well, some old people said it will bring a bad luck to the soon-to-be married couple. But, what will happen actually if the soon-to-be married couple doesn’t follow the old people said? Is it really bad luck for them or the opposite?

Rosie was waiting for her fiancé to get home from his works in their apartment. While waiting, she keeps herself in the kitchen, making her a hot chocolate drink since the weather is kinda cold for this month. She even can feel the coldness by touching the window glass only.

“Cold, why it had to be cold?” she runs her finger on the cold glass then to her mug of hot chocolate drink. She takes a sip of her drink while walking into the living room. “When will he be back?” she puts her mug down as she takes a glance at the wall clock.

While she busying playing with her mug, the apartment’s door was open by someone. “Yunhyeong-ah,” she stops playing with her mug and immediately turn her head toward her fiancé.

Yunhyeong, Rosie’s fiancé and they going to be officially married by tomorrow. They had been together for two years. In two years, they only kiss on the lips, cheeks or other than kissing, they just having a cute hug. Not more than that. Even they already been together for two years, in the same apartment, there is one thing that still doesn’t do yet and kinda make Yunhyeong frustrated too. That’s, SEX. Well, who wouldn’t be frustrated when they had a girl that they loved but still didn’t mark her as his? In Yunhyeong’s case, he really wants it but scared that he will make his innocent girlfriend scared of him for doing that. But tonight, he can’t control it even its one night before their marriage day, where he can officially mark the girl.

“Hey, Rosie” Yunhyeong smiles toward his beloved fiancé while trying to balance himself to walk into their apartment.

“Hey,” she become alarm and immediately run up by his side, hugging his waist side to help him balance on the ground. “Are you…been drinking with your friends just now?” she turns her head up to meet Yunhyeong’s smiley face.

He just chuckles, making the latter let out a sigh. “I thought that you were been dancing without any stop just now. I had been worried about you,” she let go off Yunhyeong’s side, looking at him with concern face while crossing both of her arms on her chest.

“Sorry, baby” Yunhyeong said to her playfully as he takes a sip of his soju.

After that, he walks by himself toward the sofa like a drunken man. Well, he is actually. Rosie suddenly feels tense because that was the first time she saw Yunhyeong in drunken mood.

People tend to say that when your boyfriend or your fiancé go for a drink with his friends, by the meaning, he is kinda stress with something or want something.

“What are you doing just now?” by hearing his husky drunken voice, Rosie suddenly freezes.

She took a light breath before answering him, “Just drinking my hot chocolate drink,” she said as she only heard ‘oh’ from the back.

Just when she thought that Yunhyeong will only stay quiet behind her with his soju, she’s wrong.

“Can I rape you?” he asks her with a serious tone, making her a little taken back by his forward question.

She want him to repeat his question back but afraid it will be more dumb if she asks him to do it since she can clearly heard it from him.

Eyes still glues on the mug. “I don’t…know,” she moves a little nervously in her spot.

Without any warning, Rosie’s body was already lying on the couch while Yunhyeong was above, hovering her with his lustful eyes. Rosie can’t help but to feel so weak when she knew that she can’t pushes Yunhyeong off her. And it’s her own fault, for not staying at her parent’s or her friend’s house for only this night.

“You look beautiful tonight, baby…” Yunhyeong has his right hand caressing Rosie’s face gently, making the latter more weaker by his little touch.

By looking at Rosie’s reaction, Yunhyeong know that she just shy to said that she wants him too. He cupped Rosie’s face and inching his face near to her face. He places his lips gently on her and slowly kissing it.

He kisses Rosie in sloppy way just to tempt her first. Second by second, slowly, Rosie responds his kisses shyly. He can feel her shaky breath beneath his lips. He suddenly gives her a passionate kisses as Rosie was suddenly drown into it too.

While Rosie was distracted by his kisses, Yunhyeong takes the opportunity to take off her clothes one by one. From her over-size knitted sweater until she was left with her only underwear. The cold wind wake Rosie from the passionate kiss just now.

“Cold,” she rubbed her exposed skin.

Yunhyeong chuckles at Rosie’s innocent, making the latter blinking her eyes clueless.

“How can you be cute and attractive at the same times?” he said.

Rosie tilts her head in confuse then she looks at her body. She just realizes that she was only in her underwear.

Blushing, she covers her exposes skin with her small hands.

“D-Don’t look at me,” she bits her lips while her cheeks were burning in red.

“Rosie,” Yunhyeong takes both of her small hands into his. “Don’t be shy anymore with me. Tomorrow, you and I will be officially husband and wife.” He said softly and after that, he attacks her lips as fast as lightning.

First, he kisses her gently and affection just to make her melt under him. But, just a few second, he can’t take it anymore. He immediately bits Rosie plump lower lips causing her moan in shocked and parting her lips at the same time.

Yunhyeong takes the chance to enter his tongue into her mouth, savoring her mouth and lips altogether while the latter just dominance by his move. Both bodies feel hot and high just by the kiss.

The atmosphere that was cold just now was replaced by heated one. The kiss was still working while his hands now traveling down to Rosie’s tiny body. As he was about to removes her bra, Rosie breaks the kiss.

“Hurm?” he hummed at her.

He can see that Rosie’s lips was swollen by their non-stop kiss section just now, by looking at it that suddenly turn into a cute pout, making him want to attack it again.

“It’s not fair,”

“Not fair?” he asks her as she nods. “And why is it?” he plays with her bra strap while waiting for her.

“You’re still fully in clothes while me, almost naked.” Just like a signal for him, he immediately throws his shirt off his body, revealing his glorious body.

“I had been waiting for you to tell me what to do just now. It’s really hot, don’t you know?” he said while giving her a playful smile and without any words, he attacks her neck.

Giving a few smooch of kisses on it while searching for a certain spot. As he heard Rosie’s moan and like an alarm for his ears, he sucks it sensually while Rosie tilting her head to gives Yunhyeong more space.

And again, without any warning, he places his teeth on her collarbones and lightly bits it. He doesn’t want to hurt Rosie before they have the real first night, where he can make it more than gentle way.

“It’s hurt,” Yunhyeong just can’t stop from falling too deeply toward her own charms.

He gives a light kiss on the same spot then look into her eyes.

“I will replace the pain you feel right now into pleasure,” his hands slowly unclasps Rosie’s bra, making her breathing heavier when it slips down off her shoulder.

“I will not hurting you even I feel so tempted with you already,” he bits his lower lips nervously. “I will be careful and gentle with you. But first, will you let me lead you?” he waits for her answer.

He thought that Rosie will be still scared with it and will say no. But, it was opposite. She suddenly gives him a hungry kiss type, making him taken back by her acts.

Rosie now was sitting on his lap while her legs wrapping around Yunhyeong’s torso. She even can feel Yunhyeong’s harden member down there poking her cloth entrance. By just feeling it, the kisses become rougher by Yunhyeong as the lead. Rosie suddenly press her cloth entrance on his already-harden member.

Yunhyeong groan by her brave move toward him. Now or never, he will do it now. He can’t hold it ANYMORE.

He breaks the kiss and runs down his mouth along her chin, neck, collarbones and lastly between her pair normal size breast. He looks at it first hungrily while Rosie was felt a little ashamed by her own breast size.

“When I say you’re beautiful, I really mean it, Rosie.” He looks up to her hesitated face. “And when I say, don’t be shy…please, don’t be. Yours look more beautiful, be more confident with yourself, okay?” she flattered by his words and nod nervously for him to keep going for what he was going to do just now.

After that, he looks once again at her two beautiful breasts before his mouth covering the whole her right breast while he plays with the other one. Rosie winces in pain when Yunhyeong pinch her left breast’s nipple but feeling so weak and pleasure over her at the same time as her right breast been sucking by Yunhyeong hungrily.

She arches her back to deepen her breast into his mouth. Yunhyeong’s mouth was change from sucking the right one to the left one. He knows that she feeling so good right now. So, he traces his finger on her thin bright pink panty. And Rosie knows that he can’t hold it anymore so she helps him unzips his jeans while he pulls down her panty.

She even knows what will happen after this. Both of them were already skin to skin.

“Are you ready?” he looks into her eyes gently.

There was no lust but loving affection in his eyes. She feels scared but she feels bad if she doesn’t agree with this. She was already making him waits too long. After fighting in her mind, she places her entrance close to Yunhyeong’s member.

He was about to enter her when he suddenly pause for a while.

“Tell me if it hurts, okay?” he kisses her forehead gently while his dick entering her slowly and carefully at the same times.

He looks again to her face; she was fighting with the pain alone. Feeling guilty, he helps her to ease the pain while distract her with a kiss. A few minute had passed, she suddenly moved along with him. Her face doesn’t show any pain at all.

Yunhyeong was smiling when he knows that he had helps her to ease the pain with a kiss.

“Y-Yunhyeongie,” Rosie moans his pet name that she had given it too him when they just in relationship before.

“Yes?” he stops in the middle of it.

“D-Don’t stop, please” she pleads cutely at him. He lets out light chuckles at her.

“Feel good already, huh?” he moves again in her while pecking her lips as she continues moaning.

“Ugh…there,” she bits her lips when she feels that he was already hits the spot.

Just like a command from a queen, he does what she said. He just wants her to enjoy it first before him. He hits the same spot again and again while Rosie was moaning his name in messy. He too feels the same as he can’t stop cursing under his heavy breath.

Pleasure was already taking over them.

There were only moaning and skin slapping sound can be heard among them. Again and again, he hits her g-spot while she bouncing on his laps likes ecstasy. The feeling become higher and they both were already on the highest peak.

To make it faster, Yunhyeong enter two fingers into her while deepen his dick into her. And just by hearing her moan, he knows that both of them will release together after a few second.

Just like a magic, they release together as they groaning and moaning in so much pleasure. Rosie takes a look at their connected body. She can see a white liquid coming out of her holes. Their cum that had been mixed just now. They even don’t use any protection but she feels fine with it. Even Yunhyeong feels so good after that hot and lovely section without any protection. He feels he was lucky one thought.

Rosie thought that it already over when he pulls out of her after that. She was about to closes her thigh when suddenly Yunhyeong pushes her down to lay on the couch and without any words; he sucks and licks her pussy like it was his hangover for his drunken mess just now.

She moves her butt in circle as he working with tongue and wider her legs to gives him more space for his head. Dunking his tongue deeper into her as she trying to catches her own breath over the good feeling. She cums easily in his mouth as he licks its clean with his tongue.

After that, he hovered her body with his and he gives her to taste her own juice between the kiss.

They break the kiss together and the look at each other while trying to breathe again.

“Fuck, that was really good.” he pecks her lips as she just giggles by his first words after the hot section just now.

“And I like that because you didn’t act shy at all,” he pressed their forehead together.

“I love you, Roseanne Park.”

“I love you too, Song Yunhyeong.”

They both were smiling lovingly to each other as Yunhyeong takes the blanket on the couch to cover their naked body. Slowly, they drifted into a deep sleep. And just a few of hours later, they will get married to each other and be husband and wife officially.
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