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When you wake up do you feel extremely groggy, even with the right amount of sleep? Do you get complaints about snoring from the loved ones who sleep close to you? Have you every snored loud enough to wake yourself up? If so, you may have sleep apnea. If that is the case, there is no need to worry. Read this article to learn about the sleep disorder, its symptoms and the most common treatments.
Talk to your doctor to find out if a sleep mouth guard will work for your apnea. click here may have a naturally narrow breathing passage, small jaw or recessed chin that can amplify the effects of sleep apnea. There are special devices which will align your jaw properly while also putting you in the best position while asleep, this results in you getting more rest.

Sleep apnea sufferers often benefit from laying on their side during sleep. The chances of your airways being restricted are more likely when you sleep on your back. Do your best to fall asleep while on your side in an effort to reduce the symptoms of your apnea.

Drink one cup of caffeinated coffee a few hours before you go to sleep. It may seem silly to drink a caffeine drink at night, but this can actually help keep your throat open while you sleep. You may have to play around with what time you drink the coffee to avoid restlessness.

Sleep apnea is a serious condition that can be improved by losing weight if you are obese. Losing about click here can dramatically improve this condition. For some people that will cure the problem, for others it may just help improve the symptoms that you are experiencing. Try to eat healthy and make sure to get enough exercise every day.

Of course, for a solid diagnosis of sleep apnea, you must see a doctor. Nonetheless, healthy, self-help techniques may help and won't hurt. Giving up tobacco use and losing excess weight are good health choices in general, and they're particularly effective in reducing the symptoms of sleep apnea. You will also want to avoid alcohol, caffeine or heavy meals within a couple hours of going to bed.

Don't sleep on your back at all if you have sleep apnea. Sleeping on your back raises the risk of a blocked airway, experienced by many sufferers. Lie on your side and support yourself with pillows to avoid rolling onto your back.

If you suffer from sleep apnea, it's very important for you to sleep on your side. Avoid sleeping on your back at all costs, as this position does not allow enough air to get into your airways. To prevent yourself from sleeping on your back, put a tennis ball in the back of your pajamas.

If you have sleep apnea and use a CPAP machine to sleep at night, consider buying a marine battery as a backup power source. When you have sleep apnea, it is important that you use your CPAP any time you sleep. If your power should go out for any reason, you will still be able to use your CPAP at night using the battery hook up.

Smokers who also suffer from sleep apnea need to make a difficult decision. Research shows that smoking can worsen sleeping problems such as snoring and apnea, so those who like to light up need to really look into themselves and decide what is more important, nicotine or a great night's sleep.

If you are suffering from sleep apnea, sleeping pills are definitely not your answer. Sleeping pills give you similar negative symptoms as alcohol would. These pills relax your airways too much and will worsen your symptoms. Not only will your symptoms worsen; you may experience other side effects as well. Lay off of sleeping dream dictionary for a good night's rest.

You have begun your journey towards managing your condition effectively just by reading the preceding paragraphs. This is a very important step, as many people don't even take the time to do this part. By taking the time to learn more about your condition, you've taken a great step towards getting comfortable with the problem and taking the steps necessary to treat it.
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