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List of a Theological DEMON :

Aamon (Christian demonology)
Abaddon (Christian demonology)
Abalam (Christian demonology)
Abraxas (Gnosticism)
Adramelech (Assyrian mythology)
Af (Jewish mythology)
Agaliarept (Jewish mythology)
Agares (Christian demonology)
Agiel (Jewish mythology)
Ahriman (a.k.a. Angra Mainyu) (Zoroastrianism)
Aim (Christian demonology)
Akvan (Persian demonology)
Alal (Chaldean mythology)
Alastor (Christian demonology)
Alloces (Christian demonology)
Allu (Akkadian mythology)
Amaymon (Christian demonology)
Amdukias (Christian demonology)
Amdusias (Christian demonology)
Ammit (Egyptian mythology)
Anamalech (Assyrian mythology)
Anzu (Sumerian mythology)
Amon (Christian demonology)
Amy (Christian demonology)
Andhaka (Hindu mythology)
Andras (Christian demonology)
Andrealphus (Christian demonology)
Andromalius (Christian demonology)
Antichrist (Christian demonology)
Apep (a.k.a. Apophis) (Egyptian mythology)
Apollyon (Christian demonology)
Armaros (Christian demonology)
Asag (Sumerian mythology)
Asb'el (Jewish mythology)
Asmodeus (Persian mythology, Jewish folklore and Christian demonology)
Astaroth (Christian demonology)
Astarte (Semitic mythology)
Asura (Hindu mythology)
Azazel (Jewish demonology)
Azhi Dahaka (Zoroastrianism)

Baal (Christian demonology)
Bagat (Shape-shifting demon from the Philippines)
Balam (Christian demonology)
Balberith (Jewish demonology)
Baphomet (Demon, or image/idol thereof)
Barbas (Christian demonology)
Barbatos (Christian demonology)
Bartimaeus (Literature, Stroud)
Bathin (Christian demonology)
Beelzebub (Jewish demonology, Christian demonology)
Behemoth (Jewish demonology)
Beherit (Phoenecian mythology)
Belial (Jewish demonology, Christian demonology)
Beleth (Christian demonology)
Bune (Christian demonology)
Belphegor (Christian demonology)
Berith (Christian demonology)
Bifrons (Christian demonology)
Botis (Christian demonology)
Buer (Christian demonology)
Bali Raj (Hindu mythology)
Biule (Romanian mythology)

Caacrinolaas (Christian demonology)
Caim (Christian demonology)
Cerberus (Greek mythology and Roman mythology)
Cerenus (Christian demonology)
Charun (Etruscan mythology)
Chemosh (Moabite mythology)
Chimera (Greek mythology)
Cho Cho (Buddhist demonology)
Cimejes (Christian demonology)
Corson (Christian demonology)
Crocell (Christian demonology)
Culsu (Etruscan mythology)

Dagon (Semitic mythology)
Dahaka (Perisan demonology)
Dantalion (Christian demonology)
Danjal (Jewish mythology)
Dasa (Hindu mythology)
Deicide (Egyptian demonology)
Decarabia (Christian demonology)
Demogorgon (Christian demonology)
Drekavac (Slavic mythology)
Dumah (Jewish demonology)

Eligos (Christian demonology)
Empusa (Greek Mythology)
Euryale (Greek mythology)

Familiars (Christian demonology)
Fleuretty (Christian demonology)
Focalor (Christian demonology)
Foras (Christian demonology)
Forneus (Christian demonology)
Furcas (Christian demonology)
Furfur (Christian demonology)

Gaap (Christian demonology)
Gader'el (Jewish demonology)
Gaki (Japanese mythology)
Glasya-Labolas (Christian demonology)
Göap (Christian demonology)
Gorgon (Greek mythology)
Gremory (Christian demonology)
Grigori (Jewish demonology)
Gusion (Christian demonology)

Haagenti (Christian demonology)
Halphas (Christian demonology)
Hanan'el (Christian demonology)
Hantu (Philippinan mythology)
Haures (Christian demonology)
Humbaba (Sumerian mythology, Akkadian mythology)

Incubus (Christian demonology, Chaldean mythology, Jewish folklore)
Ipos (Christian demonology)
Iblis (Islamic demonology)

Jikininki (Japanese mythology)
Jaydeep (Hindu mythology)

Kabhanda (Hinduism)
Kasdaye (Christian demonology)
Ka ni na (Japanese mythology)
Kobal (Christian demonology)
Kokb'ael (Jewish demonology)
Kyuubi (Japanese mythology)

Labal (Christian demonology)
Labasu (a.k.a. Dimmea) (Sumerian mythology)
Lamia (Bulgarian folklore, Christian demonology and Greek mythology)
Legion (Christian demonology)
Lechies (Slavic mythology)
Lempo (Finnish mythology)
Leraje (Christian demonology)
Leviathan (Jewish demonology, Christian demonology)
Lilim (Jewish folklore)
Lilith (Sumerian mythology, Akkadian mythology, Jewish folklore)
Lilu (Jewish demonology)
Liothe (North-European folklore)
Lix Tetrax (Jewish/Christian demonology)
Lucifer (Christian demonology)
Lucifuge Rofocale (Christian demonology)

Malphas (Christian demonology)
Mammon (Christian demonology)
Maricha (Hindu mythology)
Marax (Christian demonology)
Marbas (Christian demonology)
Marchosias (Christian demonology)
Mastema (Jewish demonology)
Mathim (Christian demonology)
Medusa (Greek mythology)
Melchiresa (Jewish demonology)
Mephistopheles (Christian folklore)
Merihem (Christian demonology)
Mictlantecuhtli (Aztec mythology)
Masselir (Jewish mythology)
Moloch (Christian demonology)
Murmur (Christian demonology)

Naamah (Jewish demonology)
Naberius (Christian demonology)
Naberus (Christian demonology)
Naphula (Christian demonology)
Neqa'el (Egyptian mythology)
Ninurta (Sumerian mythology, Akkadian mythology)
Nix (North-European folklore)
Nekomata (Japanese mythology)

Onoskelis (Greek mythology)
Oray (Christian demonology)
Orcus (see also: Orcs)
Oriax (Christian demonology)
Ornias (Jewish demonology)
Orobas (Christian demonology)
Ose (Christian demonology)
Osiris (Egyptian mythology)
Oni (Japanese demonology)
Oulotep (Jewish mythology)

Paimon (Christian demonology)
Pazuzu (Sumerian mythology, Akkadian mythology)
Penemue (Jewish mythology)
Phenex (Christian demonology)
Pithius (Christian demonology)
Popo Bawa (Zanzibar demonology)
Procell (Christian demonology)
Pruflas (Christian demonology)
Purson (Christian demonology)


Ranoran demon of children
Raging Demon (Christian demonology)
Rahab (Jewish folklore)
Rahovart (European folklore)
Raiju (Japanese mythology)
Rakshasa (Hindu mythology)
Rangda (Hindu mythology)
Raum (Christian demonology)
Razakel (European folklore)
Rimmon (Syrian demonology)
Ronove (Christian demonology)
Rumjal (Jewish demonology)
Rusalka (Slavic mythology)

Sabnock (Christian demonology)
Sallos (Christian demonology)
Samael (Jewish demonology)
Satan (Jewish demonology, Christian demonology)
Satanachia (Christian demonology)
Scox (Christian demonology)
Seere (Christian demonology)
Semyazza (Jewish demonology)
Set (Egyptian mythology during the Second Intermediate Period)
Shaitan (Islamic demonology)
Shax (Christian demonology)
Shedim (Jewish folklore)
Shezmu (Egyptian mythology)
Sidragasum (Christian demonology)
Sitri (Christian demonology)
Stheno (Greek mythology)
Stolas (Christian demonology)
Succubus (Sumerian mythology, Akkadian mythology, Jewish folklore, Christian demonology)
Surgat (Christian demonology)

Tannin (Jewish demonology)
Tartaruchi (Apocryphal Christian demonology)
Temeluchus (Apocryphal Christian demonology)
Teeraal (Babylonian mythology)
Tengu (Japanese Mythology)
Thammuz (Christian demonology)
Thren (Nordic demonology)
Tzitzimime (Aztec mythology)

Uvall (Christian mythology)

Valefor (Christian demonology)
Vapula (Christian demonology)
Vassago (Christian demonology)
Vepar (Christian demonology)
Vine (Christian demonology)
Volac (Christian demonology)
Valafar (Christian demonology)


Yeqon (Jewish demonology)
Yeter'el (Christian demonology)
Yokai (Japanese folklore)
Yuki-Onna (Japanese folklore)

Zagan (Christian demonology)
Zepar (Christian demonology)
Ziminar (Christian demonology)
Zmeu (Romanian folklore)
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