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14:11:56 From Mélanie Brunet To Everyone:
Here is a link to the Growth and Goals OER Kevin mentioned:
14:12:50 From Mélanie Brunet To Everyone:
General Chemistry for Gee-Gees :
14:13:02 From Mélanie Brunet To Everyone:
La chimie générale pour les Gee-Gees :
14:18:53 From Michelle Brown To Everyone:
Two minutes left Kevin and Kathy-Sarah :)
14:20:53 From Mélanie Brunet To Everyone:
Wonderful! Thank you!
14:21:09 From Melody Chang To Everyone:
Thank you for the presentation, Kevin and Kathy-Sarah!!
14:21:43 From Mélanie Brunet To Everyone:
Link to the book Evan is talking about: Moving through the Grey: Publishing in Action :
14:22:08 From Marie-Cécile Domecq To Everyone:
Présentation t11rès inspirante ! Bravo ! Gen Chem for Gee-Gees
14:24:35 From Mélanie Brunet To Everyone:
Evan's article on pre-prints:
14:25:14 From Michelle Brown To Everyone:
love moms <3
14:25:14 From Mélanie Brunet To Everyone:
Yay Mom!
14:28:31 From Mélanie Brunet To Everyone:
Here is an example of another uOttawa projet using Omeka:
14:29:41 From Michelle Brown To Everyone:
Two minutes left Evan and Jada :)
14:31:03 From Evan Sterling To Everyone:
We appreciated all your editorial work Jada :)
14:31:42 From Mélanie Brunet To Everyone:
OJS (Open Journal Systems) is used by many open access journals and is where the collection is currently hosted.
14:32:21 From Stefanie Haustein (she/her) To Everyone:
Zenodo community for ÉSIS student-created OERs:
14:32:25 From Kathy-Sarah Focsaneanu To Everyone:
Thank you, that was fascinating!
14:32:37 From Melody Chang To Everyone:
Thank you for the presentation Jada and Evan!!! :D
14:32:59 From Jada Watson (she/her) To Everyone:
That's your part in the co-creation, Stefanie!
14:33:31 From Mélanie Brunet To Everyone:
The OER that Lina created with two other classmates: Searching as Information Literacy: Unpacking the ACRL Frame of Searching as Strategic Exploration :
14:36:08 From Judy El-Mohtadi (elle/she) To Everyone:
Can you share a link to this page? It looks amazing!
14:37:14 From Mélanie Brunet To Everyone:
@Judy: here is the link to the site:
14:37:30 From Judy El-Mohtadi (elle/she) To Everyone:
Thank you!
14:38:48 From Mélanie Brunet To Everyone:
Renewable assignments!!!
14:40:35 From Stefanie Haustein (she/her) To Everyone:
And they did make it amazing :)
14:41:37 From Michelle Brown To Everyone:
Two minutes left Stefanie and Lina :)
14:42:08 From Stefanie Haustein (she/her) To Everyone:
Finding the right platform was definitely a challenge! I asked students to upload to Zenodo and blog on the website, then we also had class content in BrightSpace and Lina's group also decided to upload a version on Soundcloud:
14:42:30 From Michelle Brown To Everyone:
Yes! We have podcasting studios!
14:42:38 From Melody Chang To Everyone:
Woa, that's p cool!
14:42:53 From Melody Chang To Everyone:
Thank you for your presentation, Lina and Stefanie!!
14:43:06 From Kathy-Sarah Focsaneanu To Everyone:
Wow, OER as a course assignment…so cool…you’re giving me ideas!!
14:43:06 From Mélanie Brunet To Everyone:
I just visited the podcasting studio last week and wow!
14:43:17 From Marie-Cécile Domecq To Everyone:
Great !!
14:43:33 From Stefanie Haustein (she/her) To Everyone:
Highly recommend it, Kathy-Sarah!
14:43:35 From Lina Harper (she/they + elle/iel) To Everyone:
ANother shoutout! Our podcast featured interviews with very cool librarians... like Evan, Mish, and Lindsey
14:43:46 From Mélanie Brunet To Everyone:
14:44:14 From Mélanie Brunet To Everyone:
Here is the link the CMIC resources in English:
14:44:26 From Mélanie Brunet To Everyone:
And in French:
14:48:48 From Mélanie Brunet To Everyone:
For more information about booking library spaces at CRX, including the podcasting studio:
14:51:52 From Michelle Brown To Everyone:
Two minutes left Judy and Nadia :)
14:53:39 From Mélanie Brunet To Everyone:
I am not editing this out LOL
14:53:53 From Michelle Brown To Everyone:
Cats are part of the co-creation process
14:54:00 From Mélanie Brunet To Everyone:
14:54:02 From Lina Harper (she/they + elle/iel) To Everyone:
Zoom bombed by the cat. classic!
14:54:09 From Kaitlin Schilling To Everyone:
+1 Michelle! Glad to see I'm not the only one with a needy cat lol
14:55:14 From Mélanie Brunet To Everyone:
If you have questions, please feel free to add them in the chat now.
14:56:04 From Mélanie Brunet To Everyone:
If we don't have a chance to go through all of them, we can follow up with our panelists after :)
14:56:58 From Kaitlin Schilling To Everyone:
For faculty: what was the process in selecting students to co-create like? Did students sign MOUs?

For everyone: what is one piece of practical advice you would give to someone interested in co-creating with students?

Thank you all so much for sharing - these are incredible projects!
14:57:24 From Kathy-Sarah Focsaneanu To Everyone:
Stefanie: any tips you’d like to share about including an OER assignment as a course assessment?
14:57:46 From Christina Clark-Kazak To Everyone:
Stefanie already touched on this, but are there specific opportunities and challenges to co-creation in an online learning environment? Also, has anyone done an open access textbook with a publisher? I'm working on one with MQUP and I'm wondering about the pros and cons of doing my own through one of the tools outlined here in my next project.
14:59:19 From Christina Clark-Kazak To Everyone:
Also, I meant to start by saying, “Brilliant presentations!" I learned so much and have taken notes from all 4 sets of presentations.
14:59:28 From Melody Chang To Everyone:
Thank you so much for the presentation, Judy and Nadia!!!
14:59:29 From Lina Harper (she/they + elle/iel) To Everyone:
standing ovation!
14:59:33 From Kathy-Sarah Focsaneanu To Everyone:
Thank you everyone!
14:59:33 From Melody Chang To Everyone:
^^^ definitely took notes
14:59:43 From Stefanie Haustein (she/her) To Everyone:
OERs as assignment: I think my advice would be to think about the right place for these OERs: what repository or platform. This would depend on discipline and format, I'd suggest to talk to one of the OER librarians ;)
14:59:51 From Renata Uresti To Everyone:
Great presentations!
15:00:01 From Jada Watson (she/her) To Everyone:
Thank you Mélanie and Michelle for bringing us all together!
15:00:03 From Kathy-Sarah Focsaneanu To Everyone:
Thank you Stephanie!
15:00:06 From Marie-Cécile Domecq To Everyone:
Great session ! Thank you all !
15:00:14 From Christina Clark-Kazak To Everyone:
Thank you!
15:00:15 From Melody Chang To Everyone:
Question: where do we find the recording of this?
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