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hollywood diet

cabbage soup diet
The main purpose to consume cabbage soup, so that toxins are removed from the body. Advantages of cabbage soup as a fad diet are unlimited amount of cabbage soup can be consumed with veggies and fruits so that a person doesn’t feel hungry and lose around 10 lbs of weight in a week. This is considerable and an achievement for fitness freaks. The disadvantages is, an individual can feel weakness and fatigue. Stomach cramps are observed while having cabbage soup.

grape fruit diet
The main advantages of the grapefruit are it is low in calorie and consist of vitamin C as the main supplement of diet.
On the other hand the calorie intake is reduced to 800. This limit is well below the daily nutrition needs and may cause fatigue. The rigid regime may cause stomach ache, dizziness or headaches due to food deficiency. The extra protein of grapefruit can lead to complications like Kidney stones.
Some cons about this diet are that it's not a long-term solution, not enough calories or variety in nutrients.
If you ask me for my opinion, I'd say it's a good diet, but like stated before, not for a long period of time.

in conclusion
Fad diets may help you lose weight quickly, but that weight is just as quick to return once you go back to your old eating habits. These diets fail to teach you good, sustainable eating habits to last a lifetime.

My opinion of the diet is that it would be a good fix if your trying to lose weight fast, but in the long run its only water weight and it doesn't stay off for very long.
So if you ask me what I truly think about the grapefruit, lemonade and cabbage soup diet
I think you would be better off with good exercise and a wider variety diet that suits you best. This combo is great for fast weight loss, but in the long run the weight will just add back.And that was my presentation of the grapefruit, lemonade and cabbage soup diet!
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