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Is the tap water contaminated with herbicides containing glyphosate? Where are the unfounded reports coming from?
What is glyphosate herbicide?

Glyphosate (ingredient known as "glyphosate iopropylamine sal") is a herbicide for farming and gardening across the globe including Japan. It is absorbed by stems and leaves, and then migrates to the roots and causes the plant to wilt. It is not selective and all plants will die when it's spraying their leaves. Glyphosate-based herbicides are often sold by pesticide manufacturers due to the fact that the patent period for their ingredients is over. All herbicides based on glyphosate are tested and reliable. Glyphosate's safety is one of its key characteristics. グリホサート It has a low toxicity to animals because of an inhibitor mechanism that stops enzymes from being activated in plants. Furthermore, when the chemical is in contact with soil, it transforms into the food source for microorganisms. Since it permits no-tillage cultivation it is acknowledged as a pesticide, which can help in reducing greenhouse emissions of greenhouse gases.

Tap water glyphosate from the tap

Tap water is safe

Do you find glyphosate in tap water?

Weekly Shincho reported that in April 2020, there would have no standard amount of glyphosate remaining in tap water. It would only be the value that is targeted. Additionally it is more than other pesticides as well as other countries, and it is also drinking water that is contaminated with pesticides. A piece I wrote about it stated that it is. グリホサート There were concerns over the possibility that tap water could have high levels of dissolved lead. However, this is not the case.

The first thing to note is that glyphosate DOES NOT have a standard or target value. The tap water never had an amount of more than 0.2ppm (1). An Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare survey found that Japan's tap water doesn't contain glyphosate in levels that exceed 0.02ppm. グリホサート There is no risk of being detected.

グリホサート Furthermore, the sprayed glyphosate actually gets absorbed into the soil at a rate that is halved in two days. Thus, it is transfered into waterways and the tap with the same concentration, and will not be polluted.

Japanese tap water is safe

Tap water from Japan is considered to be safe. Tap water is safe if it is treated as it is. グリホサート 分解 There are 51 distinct inspection points and they are provided with strict quality control as that is required by law. The pH difference between the water and the water determines whether it is acidic, neutral or alkaline. Japan's water quality standards demand that tap water be neutral (5.8+ or 8.6+). If your house's water supply pipes have become damaged, iron rust might remain possible.

How is tap water made? グリホサート Tap water is mainly made from surface water, such as water from dam lakes or water from rivers. Once the water has been cleansed, chlorine is then injected into the water purification plant to kill any impurities. Each household receives the tap water via its pipes.

The Story of Japanese standard value for pesticide residues

The glyphosate residual standard for wheat is 5 ppm in Japan. However, it was 5 to 5 ppm from December 2017. There are many opinions regarding this issue, including "We increased the limit from 30ppm to six times , and we rebuked health harm."

Glyphosate is a component of tapwater.

The glyphosate standard that remains remains the same value as the international standard.

In reality that we didn't reduce the standard. We adjusted it to reflect the international residual standard. Japan imports huge amounts of wheat from South America and the United States. The importer, also known as the overseas producer, is responsible for the use of glyphosate to a level of 30ppm. But Japan's standard amount of glyphosate is 5ppm. If it is higher than the standard value the import will be prohibited. If this occurs, the supply of wheat will be hindered and Japanese food products could be at risk. In order to meet international standards, we have changed the standards for these values. There is nothing to be concerned about safety using the current standard values.

Do you need to be able to comprehend glyphosate?

To prevent consumers from being affected emotionally by the debates about pesticide residues it is crucial to have the right information. Experts have conducted scientific research. You should also be able to enjoy your meals without being distracted be distracted by gossip.

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