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Here is how to choose a good hosting company and domain name for 2022

It's a good idea to come to this step after selecting a theme.

Choosing is important, but I think you should do it after deciding the design of your website.

Hosting refers to the place where your website's images, texts, and data is stored, including your theme and plugins.

You host server stores all the information related to your website.

Therefore, choosing the right WordPress hosting depends on your budget.

It is most common for your hosting provider to offer to buy your domain name for you.

If that's not an option, you can also purchase it on specialized websites (in my opinion, the best option).

Your website's domain name is its address, if you aren't familiar.

I use Banahosting for my web hosting.

Domain names for websites take time to choose, so it's difficult to say precisely how much time.

There are most people who get it clear before anything else.

Keeping that in mind, let's say an average person takes about three days to find the perfect domain name.

As a final point, hosting companies offer a variety of price packages, so you can choose the one that is most affordable for you.

Customization and installation of the theme: one day

This can be done quickly.

Watch the videos on YouTube if it's your first time. They'll show you how to do it easily.

In addition, the majority of premium themes come with detailed instructions and a technical support service ready to assist you.

It is important to spend a day going over the WordPress admin and theme options, especially if this is your first time using WordPress.

As you become familiar with this platform, creating a website will become easier.

You should also consider the page builder you intend to use when determining the construction time.

By learning how to use it, you will be able to create any element of your website.

When creating the home page and child pages, how long does it take? from 1 to 7 days

People first see your home page when they enter your website.

To ensure a successful project, you must pay attention to every detail.

To create a custom website, you first select the elements the theme offers.

Choosing the best combination for your online baptism takes some time at first.

Create the home page first, since this is the easiest.

Change the images and text on the existing demo theme (template) if you like.

As a result, the remaining pages (About us, Contact, etc.) require less time, since they are not as important and contain less information.

It is possible to do everything in one day if you have a clear vision of what you want to accomplish and are familiar with WordPress.

You should be able to build the basic pages within seven days if you are starting from scratch.

Do you need a lot of time to upload content

You don't want to upload content just once.

Apparently, it is something people do every day.

You can write a blog post, have a product page, or have a photo gallery as your content.

One of the best features is that you can create a page with a shape that works for you and copy / change it easily.

One day is needed to create a template you will use in the future.

Thereafter, your pace and needs will determine what you do.

When you write the first piece of content for your website, your search engine rankings begin.

You can use an image, text, or anything else you like.

My recommendation is that if you are not an SEO expert, you should start with the basic SEO tips and do everything you can to improve your rankings.

Optimization must be done on everything you add.

You can help your SEO efforts with different plugins.

The installation and use of these products are also incredibly simple.

SEO can be learned by starting step by step, even if you do not know anything about it.

Follow the latest news and trends and learn as much as you can.

A website's ranking on Google is improved by SEO, which increases traffic.

It is therefore important to continue to learn and grow your website as often as possible.

Although it is difficult to determine how long it takes to create a WordPress website, an average can be drawn.

To make your website successful, divide the process into phases, and make sure that you go through each phase carefully, considering the details of it all.

My tips should help answer your questions.
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