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Breaking tasks into smaller pieces.
[[Note: There's deadline extensions for the P() HW and the LSM project. Now the OG due date = Friday, 2pm & 8pm, with an extension onto Saturday. That will help very much -- I hope.]]
What to do first?
... i think I should first complete the LSM quiz. It's due tomorrow morniing, I dream of doing things tonight - I wanna get it out of the way, so that I can say that I've been doing stuff. [DONE]
Then? -------------
Think of [[[any]]] questions I want to ask Nicos and/or Zhen and/or Wang. This is the last chance to ask questions and make them stick.
Take 5 minute breaks, every 30m, to just pack up, roll into the garden, and breathe. Clear the mind, then return.
Active Thinking. Nago, Ramsey, Percy.
Whatever I do, prioritize studying for the P() exam or the LSM project. Maybe flip-flop --- shift every 30m to keep from feeling stuck.
The phone stresses me out now??
And I want excitement, because I rarely get that sort of thing these days????
So procrastination is a combination of crippling over-stimulation & a satisfactory sense of bad adrenaline?????

--- LSM Project.
I have input the data into the R-studio folder.
I should perform the following:
+ with each step, record my actions - I think that in the past, I've had to describe the process of interpreting, reading, printing, and formatting the process of the experiment and data.
+ I should perform one or more of the three model validation methods (as seen within the text, relating to "backwards compatibility" "stepwise regression" and a third thing.
+ Interpret what the data, by default, indicates.
+ At some point, re-read the instructions and write an essay based on my report of the data.

--- P() Topic
------ P() Exam.
++ I recommend studying for it by going over past quizzes and homework assignments, to figure out the right answers, the wrong answers, and how to find the right answers. Start with the quizzes - those were designed to be answered within a few hours, like the exam.
++++ Review in this order: Q1, HW1, Q2, HW2, etc.
++++ If there's trouble understanding the material, use the textbook and class notes. It's my belief that, if I can ensure that I'm not using the computer online during tomorrow's exam, then the practicianer should be able to permit the use of my computer, to use sample answers, Nicos Notes, and the Calculus text.
++ My guess is that the exam, while covering content across the semester, will focus on content from the most recent weeks of material (Ch2, Ch3).
------ P() HW
++ Start with the questions that I think I know, that I'm familiar with. Those will help - especially for grades and for the final.
++ Use the HW to study - but overall, prioritize the exam and LSM project over the HW itself.
I've completed the quiz. back from break.
Thinking of questions to send Nicos and
spent time dilly-dallying.
What questions to ask Nicos?
--- will I receive a calculator that follows exam regulations? I have a calculator, but i don't think it's legal.
--- I have the P() text notes and the Calculus text notes downloaded. So long as I don't connect to the internet, do I have permission and authority to utilize them during the exam?
--- Because this is a 2-4hour exam, rather than a 1hour quiz or a 2-week HW... would you say it's formatted more like HW or a quiz?
+++++ My own answer: According to Canvas, this is a 3-question, 100pt exam, where Q1 = 40pts, and Q2+Q3 = 30pts each (60pts total).
So, it could be expected to carry questions more similar to the homework. Use the quiz to ID material understanding, and the HW to ID proper question understanding.
What questions to ask Wang?
I've taken the data, and input it into R-studio. I'm now lost on what to do next. I think that some things that I could do include editing the data through transformation, such as the BoxCox, to create residual graphs that follow a better performance - or perform variable selection methods. Ultimately, I'm lost and overwhelmed by the realm of paths I could take, so what would you recommend. Yes, I'm aware that it's bad that I'm still working on the project so close to the deadline.
[[Good news: The project only accounts for 6% of my final grade. Try to do your best on it, however it takes]]
What questions to ask Zhen?
++++ Read the textbook. Find the unknowns, the "I don't knows" listed in excel, then submit them to her.
dozed off big time. Because i more or less gathered the questions I wanted to ask Zhen and Nicos.

Based off the linear model summary, it seems like the B0 and FontSize were significant, but the fonts were insignificant.
Overall p-value = 0.0015
If Arial (p=0.52) was removed, Blackadder's significane raises to being significant under the 0.05 level.
Overall p-value = 0.0005
If Blackadder (p=0.10) removed, Arial remains insignificant.
Overall p-value = 0.0016
Can interpret data from there.
Should the graphs only use significant regressors, or should the full data map be used?

Good LSM project notes in the notebook for class. Answered some of my questions.
Don't go to P() class in the wednesday morning. Go to the exam at 1:45p,
Thursday morning LSM is canceled. All I got is the intro to P() exam tomorrow, and the AFA workshop Thursday evening (which i intend to skip for the work on the project),
Take the exam at 2pm.
Be there BEFORE 1:45pm, so leave at 1:30pm.
Study what you can. TOnight, tackle the most recent junk of ch3 - that way I'll have studied the worst, hard shit.
I don't have an authorized calculator. There's a store in town that sells them. I'll head into town tomorrow and buy one, then see if I can't either - return it to them, or sell it to a student.
Tomorrow morning - check discord. If nobody has the calculator i want, go into town and buy it.
If someone does have the calculator, grab it from them.
It's likely that I'll either have to do shit by hand, or go into town and but it from the Argos near Aldi's, as soon as I can in the morning.
Maybe instead of looking directly at the HW and trying to answer it myself, I should be looking at the Homework solutions and figuring out how the answers came about through those routes.

I think I'm praying the exam will only be on content from chapter 1, even though it's 100% likely to not be exclusively ch1 content.
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