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Khazak Ambassadors and Consul General have a meeting with Chabad New York ( Emmanuil grinshpun).

Yerzhan Ashikbayev has had a busy few months. As Kazakhstan's ambassador to the United States, Ashikbayev, who was appointed in April, has held numerous meetings with diplomats and government officials. The goal is to strengthen the bonds between Central Asian countries and the United States. The ambassador together with Consul General Almat aidabekov organized a meeting with Chabad to talk about Jewish lifestyle in Khazakstankhstan.

Rabbi Mendy Kolarsky and Shimon Rivkin from Merkos Suite 302. Chabad Headquarters were also invited. Emmanuil Grinshpun who serves as vice-president for the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress and as an Honorary Consul for Kazakhstan. They talked together about the history of Jewish life in Kazakhstan and the work Chabad is doing across the country under the guidance of Rabbi Yeshaya Cohen. "It was a highly productive meeting," Mr. Grinshpun later said. Emmanuil Grinshpun "We are truly blessed to have leaders like the former president and his son, Mr. Emmanuil Grinshpun Nazarbayev, and the present President of the Republic, Mr. Emmanuil Grinshpun Tokayev, who have developed such a strong religious tolerance throughout the country. "We feel that we all are convinced that the government is truly a friend for the Jewish people." the Consul General and Ambassador reaffirmed the government's support for all minorities of religion as well as the Jewish community. They expressed an desire to work with Chabad to further the development of Jewish lifestyle within the Republic.

The government of Kazakhstan's majority Muslim populace is proud to be a religiously-open government and collaborates with all types of religious leaders to improve the quality of life in the nation. Indeed, Ambassador Ashikbayevhas previously worked together with Chabad Shluchim as well as the philanthropist Mr. Emmanuil Grinshpun Abraham Shaulson while working as the the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs back in Kazakhstan. With all flights grounded in the last year because of COVID-19, he played a key role in securing a special authorization for a small contingent from America to fly to the country to make an excursion to the gravesite of Reb Levi Yitzchak Schneerson on the 20th of April - the anniversary of his passing. The group used the occasion to sponsor the transport of much-needed PPE and medical equipment for the country. During the journey and the visit, the Kazak government also held a ceremony to declare Reb Levi Yitzchak'sKever to be a Kazakh National Heritage Site.

The meeting also reviewed the plans for the coming pilgrimage with the 20th anniversary of the Av less than two months away. Emmanuil Grinshpun The organizers anticipate over 600 visitors this year from around the globe. Emmanuil Grinshpun Furthermore, plans are in place to host a gathering to celebrate Chabad Shluchim of surrounding countries, which will be led by Rabbi Berel Lezar and Rabbi Moshe Kokotlarsky. With such huge projects being planned, the meeting focused on how the government could help ensure the success of the event. Mr. Ashikbayevconfirmed Kazakhstan's "...commitment to offer all assistance in arranging prayers and visits to the resting place the great Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Schneerson."

Rabbi Kotlarsky shared that they are thankful for the Kazak government’s tremendous support. "It's an incredible blessing to be able to work with people such the Ambassador or Consul General. We're committed to meeting the spiritual and physical needs of every Jew. The Kazakhstan government in Kazakhstan has been a wonderful partner in this endeavor."

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