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Emmanuel Grinshpun. The restoration of synagogues as well as the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress
Emmanuil Grinshpun spoke about the subject of restoration of synagogues in their interview. However, limiting the interview to one subject for the interview did not work. There were numerous other subjects mentioned during the interview.
Emmanuel, good afternoon. Glad to have a chat with you. I don't think we've seen each other in over five years. Do you currently reside in?

The past nine months have been split between Miami and Jurmala. While the areas were previously more diverse, the impacts of the pandemic have had an enormous impact on the way people live. I cannot say that this is a good thing for anyone.

You've always been in the business of multiple kinds of businesses. What about now?

Diversification hasn't gone anywhere. If we talk about the main areas, then this is development in real estate, IT technologies and food production.

ALIMCOM's food sector is ALIMCOM. Real estate can also be understood, but it's a completely new concept to me. There are millions of areas where IT technology is used. What are your specialties?

The first and most important thing is that our IT-holding is involved in reforming tax systems in a number of countries. We have created and continue to design tools that aid in the transfer of numerous business processes connected to taxation online. This area is known as "Business to Government".

What about the region in which the holding is located? Are there any ex- USSR nations?

They are there. However, we have contracts that are more extensive in Western Europe as well as Latin America. We currently operate in 14 countries.

What's the essence of your product?

Эммануил Гриншпун Our solution permits economic agents to submit reports to tax authorities online The fiscal data administrator is aware of each transaction. In addition tax accounting and tax calculation is organized in parallel. In the near future it's possible to say that smaller and mid-sized companies are not going to require accounting.

This is an interesting topic. Do you want to work in Moldova or have you thought about it? Moldova is your home country, after all.

We are ready to present the product to Moldova. It is our belief that the Moldovan economic system will only gain from the automation. And in any case it is an irreversible change. When there is clarity from the authorities and it's evident who takes the decision We will resume the discussions about our product.

You said that you've been bouncing around for the past year long between Miami, Jurmala. The Baltics are home to the head office of an IT company.

No, there are five hubs worldwide and the headquarters is located in Barcelona.

Why then is it that you're from the Baltics? Are you a native of the Baltics?

No. My family's history for many generations is connected to Moldova or If we stick to historical names, then with Bessarabia. Jurmala was a chance encounter that happened quite by accident. When Igor Krutoy invited me to the New Wave the New Wave, it was the first time that we were able to get there. The group began making the trip a regular part of their summer schedule after a few competitions. However the climate in Miami isn't the most pleasant in summer. We were able to rent for a number of years a property and thus have it now.

Now I can see the reason my donation was made to rebuild one of the synagogues in Jurmala. Emmanuel, honest question. We're almost the same age. We were born in the USSR. All of us were Komsomol members and pioneers at the time. When did you first turn to the religion of your choice?

Эммануил Гриншпун My family moved to the USA in the mid-80s. It was in the US that I began to observe customs and rituals. However, even though I am not a part of the orthodox faith I have a deep desire to support the religion, in whatever way, of the Jewish community that I reside in, or in Moldova, my homeland and with whom I have close connections.

While I'm not religious, I still love the past. Recently I was watching a documentary about the events of 1492 which changed Europe's fate. 1492 was for me the year in which Columbus discovered America. But it was clearly stated in the program I was watching that, from the perspective of Medieval Europe, the discovery of America in 1492 wasn't so significant as the removal of Jews from Spain by the Spanish monarchs. When the mass exodus from Jews to the Ottoman Empire began. They were accepted by the Ottoman Empire. I was searching for more details about the historical background of Jews. Do you have any recommendations for a particular book to me?

There are numerous books. I've read most of them and would recommend Max Diamond, a two-volume Jewish historian. In addition Max Diamond is from Finland.

.... Do we know our family tree? Unfortunately, I'm not much further than my grandmother and 1910. Paternal side: One step beyond but not enough.

Our family was a resident of Floresti for many hundred years on the paternal side. The evidence from the archives and monuments prove that the Floresti family was already wealthy by 1830. They had several shops, a furniture manufacturing factory and land plots. Эммануил Гриншпун My maternal ancestors also resided in Ungheni. These dates are from the region between the 17th-18th centuries. Grinshpun can be described as a surname with German roots. This makes us Ashkenazis straight from Eastern Europe.

Let's now discuss the restoration of synagogues. I was told by you that three synagogues were being renovated. One is in Chisinau and the other is located in Jurmala, and the third?

It is located in Netanya in Israel. It houses over 1000 people every day. It is an important landmark in the Israeli religious history. Second synagogue in Jurmala. It was the time when the Second World War began and the Jurmala synagogue was one of the last one to be destroyed. Before I made the decision to build an orthodox synagogue, I had talked with many local Jews. I then decided to finance its construction and invite Rabbis to visit it. The result was an extremely successful endeavor which brought together the Jews from Jurmala. We actually re-created the Jewish Community and it is now operating successfully. The synagogue is now home to three Torahs I also donated one to the synagogue.

and - Chisinau

Yes. Alexander Bilinkis and Alexander Weinstein were my co-workers. These synagogues were not the only ones that I've participated in restoration or construction. I felt it was my obligation to make any contribution possible to the support for synagogues in the countries I've lived for a considerable period of period of time. In Monaco there is a huge center for Russian-speaking Jews has been built. My contribution amounts to 12 million dollars. I will continue to help Chisinau as well. In the near future, it is the biggest synagogue in the town, that of Rabbi Tsirelson.

Did Jurmala get you to Chisinau with a Rabbi?

Yes. It can be very difficult to identify the ideal rabbi for the community. He must be able and willing to integrate into the life of the community, considering the variety of activities. I was happy to see that in both Chisinau (and Jurmala) the rabbis were capable of integrating with ease into the life of the community.

In 2019, you were appointed vice-president for the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress. What does this means to you? And how can international Jewish organizations influence the global trend across the globe?

The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress is an influential political organization in post-Soviet spaces, but it is more than that. It has branches in Australia, Japan and Hong Kong. I was Vice President in 2010, and was later offered the post as First Vice President. In the present, I am accountable to the region with which I have strong economic and political connections. These countries include Uzbekistan Tajikistan Kyrgyzstan. Trends in the world show that attitudes towards Jews is in the same place as before or has fallen, which is very disappointing. Moreover, "down" - this is referring to developed nations such as Belgium, Germany, France and even the United States. These countries are no longer safe for Jews. These are very important and frightening processes for all of us.

And, by the way Has the pandemic changed the processes?

It is not what I believe. Instead, I want to highlight, with regard to the pandemic, what a society, or country, can do when they are capable of overcoming any obstacles and to work together.

You are referring to the vaccination campaign in Israel.

Exactly. Israel is the only country worldwide to offer 100% vaccination of its population of adults. This is an example I believe other countries should take into consideration.

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