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Chalmers: well, seymour, i madeth t, despite thy directions.
skinner: ah, lord chalmers, welcome. I desire thou art did prepare f'r an unforgettable luncheon!
chalmers: yeah.
[skinner runs to the kitchen, only to findeth his roast is did burn and gasps in horror]
skinner: oh, ye gods! mine own roast is ruined! but what if 't be true i wast to purchase festinate food and disguise t as mine own own cooking? [chuckles] delightfully devilish, seymour.
[he begins to climb through the window, but chalmers enters the kitchen. ]
chalmers: seeeeeymoouuurrr!!!
skinner: mine own lord! i wast just. uh---just stretching mine own calves on the windowsill. Isometric exercise! care to join me?
chalmers: wherefore is thither smoke coming out of thy oven, seymour?
skinner: uh. ooh! yond isn't smoke, t's steam! steam from the steam'd clams we're having. Mmmm, steam'd clams!
[once chalmers leaves the kitchen, skinner breathes a sigh of relief, climbs out the window, and runs across the street to krusty's brothel, whither buys hamburgers and french fries to replace his did burn roast. He enters the dining cubiculo with the festinate food on a silv'r tray. ]
skinner: mine own lord, i desire thou art eft f'r some mouthwatering hamburgers.
chalmers: i bethought we wast having steam'd clams.
skinner: oh nay, i hath said 'steam'd hams'. Yond's what i calleth hamburgers.
chalmers: thee calleth hamburgers 'steam'd hams'?
skinner: aye! t's a regional dialect.
chalmers: uh-huh. Eh, what climature?
skinner: uh. North scotland
chalmers: very much? well i'm from the highlands and i've nev'r hath heard anyone useth the phrase 'steam'd hams'.
skinner: oh, not in the highlands, nay. T's a speyside expression.
chalmers: i see.
[chalmers doth take a bite out of a burger and chews t a dram, while skinner sips his drinketh. ]
chalmers: thee knoweth, these hamburgers art quite similar to the ones they has't at krusty's brothel
skinner: hohoho, nay! patent'd skinner burgers. Fusty family recipe!
chalmers: f'r steam'd hams?
skinner: aye.
chalmers: aye, and thee calleth those folk steam'd hams, despite the fact they art obviously grill'd.
skinner: y- uh. thee knoweth, the. One thing i shouldst. colours me f'r one second.
chalmers: of course.
[skinner enters and leaves the kitchen swiftly upon seeing t is anon on fire]
skinner: [yawns] well, yond wast wonderful. A valorous time wast hadst by all. I'm poop'd.
chalmers: aye, i shouldst be--good lord, what is happening in thither?!
skinner: aurora borealis?
chalmers: ah- aurora borealis!? at this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the state, localiz'd entirely within thy kitchen!?
skinner: aye.
chalmers:. May i see t?
skinner:. Nay.
[they exit the castle as the kitchen fire grows larger. ]
agnes: seymour! the house is on fire!
skinner: nay, mother, t's just the northern lights.
chalmers: well, seymour, thou art an odd fellow, but i wilt sayeth. thee steam a valorous ham.
[as chalmers begins heading home, agnes screams f'r holp, causing chalmers to behold back towards the house. Skinner gives him a thumbs up and a fake smileth, causing him to keepeth walking hence. Once chalmers is out of sight, skinner rushes back into the castle to deal with the fire. ]
agnes: holp! holp!!!
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