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Heraclitus is the guy that says same thing has opposite (incompatible) properties
Everything flows/hot and cold| and moist and dry| and life and death
Continual dynamism allows things to maintain their smooth overall appearance

I am so sick but it is an illustration of general truth. Everything flows. Without motion things fall apart. Rolling stones don't fall apart and so on and so forth.

The general claim that everything is flowing and the strange thought about barley drinks that are disgusting. What can we do? What shall we do? It would appear that the professor is still wasting time but that's okay. Can I even pay attention? It would not appear so... will it even affect me??

Heraclitus and elements: Fire is basic in the same way that air is basic under Anaximenes. Fire is basic because it transforms................ Theory of the stoics says that there's no fixed quantity of the stuff, it just changes. Aristotle says you can turn fire into air into water into earth. fire -> air -> water -> earth

Why air? Air is the soul constituent, has the least properties when it is itself, and is responsible for thought and immaterial things.

Why fire? Fire is elemental stuff in its most dynamic and changing form. Fire produces movement or something. It's fundamental because it is the most change producing phase of basic stuffs that their is. Heraclitus also thought that fieryness is associated with a healthy soul. Moist souls are unfortunate OR being drunk is unfortunate. Becoming like cool moisture hurts your psychological stuff. Causally sufficient on its own. How much have I missed by not paying any attention thus far? Oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear. Being in a sense of constant movement allows for things to be still. Actually its because electrons can't occupy the same energy level. But that's another story I suppose.

Heraclitus says that things are constantly changing. That it's not possible to step into the same river twice. What is the determining factor in determining human identity? Rivers rivers rivers rivers rivers rivers rivers rivers rivers rivers rivers
We are better at talking of abstract things that we were 2000 years ago. Sense organs, elements, modalities, none of these had words back then. What is the relationship between me and me 100 years ago. Changing, it rests. Continuity of anything rest upon constant change. For what it's worth it seems like he's right lmao.

Empeticles- Same level without inter transmutation. Bone and flesh and blood (Fire Water Earth Air)

Parmenides vs Heraclitus: Nothing changes thanks Parmenides. All change must be stable and nonmoving. Illiatic theory. Motion and change are impossible.
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