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Doodle Champion Island Games Begin!

Welcome to the Doodle Champion Island Games! In the coming weeks join calico (c)athlete Lucky as she explores Doodle Champion Island: a world of seven mini-games of sport, legendary opponents, dozens of daring side quests, and some new (and old ;)) friends. Her ultimate goal? to defeat every sport champion and collect the seven sacred scrolls, as well as complete other hidden challenges on Champion Island in purr-ocess.

Are you feline Lucky ? Blog About Games Click on today's Doodle to join one of four color teams and join the leaderboard for the world. Let the games begin!

Explore the behind-the-scenes of the latest interactive Doodle created in collaboration with the Tokyo-based animation studio STUDIO 4degC!

Tomorrow, return to follow Lucky and check out the current team leaderboard standings and follow the action on the Doodle Champion Island Games.

Doodle Champion Island Purrrr-sonalities

Your Calico (C)athlete: Lucky Participate in the Champion Island Games as Lucky-your new feline of choice.

The Legendary Champions

Tungu Take a shot at table tennis with this playful bird-of-prey

Sport Skateboarding Legendary Champion Tanuki Show off your most brutal aerial moves to beat this shape-shifting trickster

Arque Legendary Champion Yoichi Take aim quickly and accurately to beat the Samurai general marksman and expert marksman.


Sur-purrr-ise Supporting Lineup | Momotaro & friends

Artistic swimming Legendary champions Princess Otohime Check whether your rhythm is WAVERING when you visit this champion’s underwater kingdom


Sport Marathon Legendary Champion The Kijimuna Get sprinted by these spirit animals and don't let crazy crustaceans slow you down.


Mascots of Your Team

Team Blue



Team Green

Guest Artist Q&A with STUDIO4degC

The cutscene animations and characters for Doodle Champion Island Games were designed by Tokyo Animation Studio, a Japanese studio, STUDIO4degC. They share their thoughts on the making of this Doodle below:

Q. Q.

mazu, Ren Zhi Du gaGao ku, sutaXing noaruDeng Chang Ren Wu gaChu teLai ruWu Yu yaMin Hua wo, Quan Guo Ge Di karaTan shimashita.

Ci ni, gemuniShi Yong sareruZhong Mu Nei Rong toJie bitsukuXi Hua yakiyarakutawokiyasuteingushimashita.

soshite, dezainHua nioite, Ge Zhong Mu chiyanpionhaGu You noWu Yu karaCai ri,

He Tong yaBa Zhi Wu , Shi Zi Wu nadoRi Ben noachirakochiraniarumonowo, chimuridayaJie noRen "nishimashita.

sorezore, Yuan "nooHua yaimeziwobesunishitauede, gemuniHe tsutaYao Su woPeng ramashiteikimashita.

We first identified folktales and stories from all over the country with characters that are widely recognized. Then, we linked these folktales to the respective sport events. The design process involved each event champion was selected from those original stories. Because they are well-known in Japan, the team mascots as as the characters of the city, like Yatagarasu and lion dancing and Kappa were also chosen. Each character's design was based upon the original story and then modified for the game.

Q. Q.

nantoYan tsutemo, Ren Zhe Mao ratsukiga, katsukoiiZhong nimoKe Ai rashisagaatsute'Tui shi'desu!

mata, Bei haBei Hai Dao karaNan haChong Nawa madeSe "naWu Yu woTi Cai nidekitakotode,

Hai Zhong yaNan Guo noSha Bang , Sen yaXue Shan nadoYang "naWu Tai woMiao kukotogadeki,

Ri Ben noDuo Cai naZi Ran Guan woShao shidemoChuan eraretaraXi shiidesu.

Lucky the Ninja Cat, who is cute and cool, is definitely a favorite aspect!

We are delighted to be in a position to draw inspiration from stories from Hokkaido, in the north, to Okinawa, in the south, in our Doodle. We also took inspiration from stories from Japan. We wanted to show the country's diverse natural beauty which includes beaches, forests, and snowy mountains.

Q. Do you have any characters or sports in the Doodle?

kiyarakutadehaPo Quan gaQi niRu tsuteimasu. Shi Zi desukaraMeng Swu nohazunandesuga, Ai Jiao noarukiyaraninatsutanodeSi iRu regaQiang idesu.

Po Quan haShen She gemuDe nishitemoraeteMian nish Bai kuShi Shi Shang gatsutatoSi inasu.

mata, Tian Gou toZhuo Qiu woZu miHe wasetanoha, Ben Dang noXi Hua noZhong dehaarienaikotodesuga,

Tuan Shan woChi tsuteiteQing yakaniYi Dong suruTian Gou noXing Zhi tomatsuchishite, Liang iZu miHe wasedatoSi imasu.

Character The stone guardians. They can be a bit intimidating considering they're lions, however we love how cute they are in the game's final design. We believe that the fact that they serve as gatekeepers in Japanese culture was interesting to have them serve as guides in the game.

Table tennis! The combination of Tengu and table tennis isn't something you'd find in a traditional folktale, but we think it was a good match due to the nature of the Tengu, who holds an air-tight fan and moves swiftly.

Q. What do you hope your team's people will take away from this Doodle game?

gemuZi Ti noSheng Fu womazuhaLe shindeYu shii, Shi Fei Zui Hou madekuriashiteYu shiinodesuga,

Zhu Ren Gong gaTiao ndekitakotoha, Jie nioHua toTuan Zi toiuXing noXing sewomotarashite, sonokotohachiyanpiondakegaZhi tsuteiru.

tsumari, Shui moZhi ranaiYi Ren Yi Ren noWan Zhang riga, Jie noXing Fu nitsunagatsuteiru, toiuJing Shen Xing woChuan etaidesu.

soshite, San Se dangobumugaLai teYu shiidesu!

First, we hope people take pleasure in the game and make it through! But also convey that when they complete the mini games, Lucky brings happiness in the form of flowers and dangos...which will be a gift to all people in the world! Also, only Champions can appreciate how hard Lucky worked. We want to prove that joy can be found from the effort and focus of each of us, which is not often recognized by others.

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Regards; Team

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