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World of Warcraft: Mists Of Pandaria: Signature Series Guide - Book Review

World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria Signature Series Guide

Author: Michael Owens, Kenny Sims, Joe Branger, Forrest Walker, Howard Scott Hughes and Ken Schmidt Brady Games RRP: PS14.99, US $24.99 and Cdn $27.99 ISBN: 978 0 74401 414 3 Available 25 September 2012

World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Signature Series Guide takes you on an unforgettable journey through the newest continent in the World of Warcraft universe. From the beginner-friendly introduction, assisting new players on their way to greatness; to maps of each part of Pandaria each player will be fully prepared. There's a wealth of information on each of the 11 classes and 13 races in the game including brand new character class named the Monk and the playable race Pandaren. GRNONLINE Be fully prepared for battle with tips and tricks on player-versus-player fights and world dungeons, as well as how to navigate the new game modes, such as Pet Battles, Scenarios and Challenge Mode. You'll also get updates on guild achievements as well as updates to ensure you don't miss anything in the Mists of Pandaria.

Anyone who has purchased a Signature Series Guide before will know this. However, Brady Games has done everything possible to make this guide book not just a must-have tool for gamers but also an attractive and pleasing to the eyes.

Over the course of this 466-page book you'll discover everything you must be aware of (and more) to equip yourself for battle and adventure in the most recent World of Warcraft add-on. The book will help new players get started with the game by offering guidelines on picking a character and even addressing some of the hype in the media about the addictive nature of the game. This was a great idea. It's easy to believe that everyone has a basic understanding. The book won't turn off a novice gamer before they can get into the meat of the text.

It also teaches us the fundamentals of the game as well as introducing us to the various character classes and professions. It's not only an instruction manual for those who are new to the game, as anyone who plays World of Warcraft a lot will discover a wealth of information that may have passed them by. In fact, even if you're a seasoned player, the book will probably tempt you into opening another account in order to play as a completely different character.

Of course, there's nothing here that you cannot find by doing a quick Internet search, and if you're a seasoned gamer who is satisfied with their character and class then you probably won't get a great deal out of this. However, it is a fantastic book to get and read, flick through and then play around with. This book is essential for anyone who is new to World of Warcraft.

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