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Both are Possible

Here's the video. The launcher looks a bit familiar however I don't believe three engines will work, as the centre engine is too big for thrust to land! This is an increase-back burn.

What criteria do you employ to determine if there's too much thrust for landing? I don't know of any theoretical upper limit. Higher minimum thrust and acceleration makes landing more difficult, but not impossible.

Theoretically speaking, when thrust increases to infinity, the vertical speed will also go to zero. In a real-engine, there's a certain minimal time for startup+thrust+shutdown. Particularly when the turbopump is involved. So, there is in fact, a maximum practical landing engine thrust given by the dry mass of the stage.

Aside from that, considering we are likely to be contemplating an F-1 that weighs 100t or more, the engine is likely to be larger than the F-1.

First, F9 can land using 3 out of 10 engines. In this context, landing on just one of 3 engines does not appear to be at all extreme.

Second, if you are planning to create an engine that has infinite thrust, you could also posit an engine with infinite start up time. Both are possible. They are not even close to what is actually relevant here.

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