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the trolley problem frame
* utilitarianism -- maximizing happiness (JEREMY BENTHAM) -- all is equal; QUANTITY OVER QUALITY -- no levels to pleasures
* CONSEQUENTIALIST LOOKS AT OUTCOME/RESULTS -- locates morality in consequences -- worrying about consequences -- pulls lever because you save more people
* JEREMY BENTHAM -- FATHER OF UTIL. -- greatest happiness of greatest number; that is the measure of morality -- MAJORITY RULE
* problem with util. is that it can neglect or override rights/liberties of the minority
* JOHN STUART MILL -- QUALITY OVER QUANTITY -- some pleasures are higher and some are lower -- certain pleasures shouldn't be counted as pleasures; base pleasures -- higher pleasures are of the mind

* LIBERTARIAN -- no, bc not fair for the individual -- had we never been involved, he'd never have died. what about his rights? we decided for him that he would die for the others' benefit; he had no choice.
* INDIVIDUAL rights -- don't tread on me
* no PATERNALIST LEGISLATION -- no other people making decisions for you -- people can make decisions for themselves -- eg no seatbelt law; it only affects ME; how can the gov tell me what to do? it's like gov telling me what job to do -- eg no mask mandates -- "we know better than you"
* no MORAL LEGISLATION -- no laws based on someone's view of morality -- eg the no alcohol buying from 2 to 5 -- "we'll save you from yourself"
* no REDISTRIBUTION OF INCOME from rich to poor -- you've earned it, you keep it
* ROBERT NOZICK -- taxation of earnings from labor is on par with forced labor - seizing results of someone's labor is like seizing hours from him -- very ANTI-TAXATION -- taking of earnings = forced labor SLAVERY; violates PRINCIPLE OF SELF-POSSESSION; you own your time
* NOZICK says he is anti-taxes BUT recognizes we need government; gov needs to work -- gov needs money -- there CAN BE a tax but only if it supports a MINIMAL STATE with BARE ESSENTIALS -- gov shouldnt be profiting

* CATEGORICAL / ABSOLUTE -- locates morality in certain duties and rights NO MATTER WHAT, [BLANK] IS WRONG, NO MATTER WHAT, under ALL circumstances -- like KANT says you should NEVER lie because it's WRONG

* JOHN LOCKE -- people are okay together in state of nature but are naturally selfish -- ppl create SOCIAL CONTRACTS with gov -- gov protects NATURAL RIGHTS, ppl give CONSENT TO BE GOVERNED; follow the rules
* gov cannot infringe upon inalienable RIGHTS to: LIFE (no execution), LIBERTY (no slavery), PROPERTY (my shit is mine; so am I)
* people can overthrow the gov if it violates the rights of the people
* people must give consent to gov -- ELECTIONS -- no coups and shit
* STATE OF NATURE: no gov power -- the strong would prey on the weak BUT there would be rules people would follow on their own (INNATE MORALITY) -- people would start forming governments ANYWAY -- not all ppl are good -- differences in LAWS OF NATURE
* CREATE GOVERNMENT by consenting -- allowing ppl to govern you
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