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Mojang, Creators Of Minecraft

Mojang is the creators of Minecraft


Minecraft mob szavazas

It's real. It's just that it hasn't happened yet. #ThePeripheral - only on Prime Video October 21.

Hello mojang, I have an idea for Sniffer that you can ride on it what the creators of it

Mojang support isn't doing their job, and what was the point of transaction ID?

My Microsoft account that is associated with Minecraftwas stolen on September 18th, 2022. Since then, I've been contacting agents through Xbox agent chat. My case was escalated shortly after that. Then, it was unsuccessful due to a lack of information so I asked for re-escalation and provided even more detailed information. Today, I contacted a different agent to ask about the progress and learned that they can see my account is permanently suspended and the recovery team can't do anything I need to create a new Microsoft account and contact Mojang for the game data with the hope of getting my data back. I provided a transaction ID proving my purchase of the game and a message with the Microsoft support team and asked them if I could get the game to my new account since the old one is suspended and they apparently can't do living sht. Not only that, but when I asked them why they "can't" do it when I provide proof, they just closed my case. this is absolutely ridiculous. Mojang basically can't do anything even with transaction ID.

My Review Of The Rascal PLEASE MOJANG! It's a must! !


Please, more than iron pickaxes. They could drop diamonds or netherite should they have that option. Are they able to have different types of Rascals that drop more rare items? A netherite rascal (red). A diamond rascal, (Bright blue). Iron (Normal/Cyan)

Orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ..... Add an additional kind of ore that only Rascal is able to drop. Cascal, Brellcia, Heliame, Opal, Fiberglass for some ideas of names. A brand-new ore that the rascal has been mining for centuries and has just given you a prize for playing a game.

It could also be a music disc that it plays while it works using a boombox that is in its bag. For more hardcore players... Create a tag instead. The rascal is able to run, causing blindness for a second and tapping it with a blank hand allows you to get the ideas above. This could be used to learn manhunts and other such things. Many have suggested it could be possible to recreate the copper golem and its purposes however this might not be possible.

What happens when you kill one of these animals? Is it a package? Something MOJANG promised to add , but decided not to. Why would anyone play tag if you could take the pickaxe and destroy it? It's like a villager that loses everything, and the only way for them to make any money is to play hide and seek or play tag. What sound will it make? Will it create the music I've described? Perhaps that is how it finds you? Or will it be a villager?

These are great ideas but I doubt they'll be added.


There's not much to say about the tuffgolem... It grabs things. What happens if you remove it? Downwithdestruction It's the new alloy that isn't flying. It's nearly useless. The allay is there to follow you at least. If the Tuff Golems followed you and dropped things, that would be cool. I heard of them putting things in frames...

What if there was Minecraft Fan Art that people created to ensure that the Tuff Golem became an artist. A Tuff Golem can place something in an frame, and a paintbrush appears that lets the Tuff Golem create art about the object. In creative mode the egg spawns, it is handed to the Tuff Golem to use it to create a picture of that mob on the wall.

This is my plan to add mob names like smelliss

Kto glosuje na raschala :)

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