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Is tapwater contaminated by herbicides glyphosate? Where do these unsubstantiated stories come from?
What is what is a "glyphosate" herbicide?

Glyphosate ("ingredient name "glyphosateisopropylamine-salt") is a herbicide that is widely used in agriculture and gardening throughout the world which includes Japan. グリホサート When sprayed, it is absorbed from the green parts like leaves and stems, moves to the roots, and eventually withers the entire. It is non-selective and every plant will die when it's spraying their leaves. Pesticide companies often offer herbicides containing glyphosate after the patent expires. Of course, all glyphosate herbicides available are dependable products that have passed strict inspection.

Glyphosate which has a low toxicity for livestock due to the mechanism that blocks enzymes in plants (not found in animals) is among its characteristics. Furthermore, when the chemical comes in contact with soil, it is the food source for microorganisms. It is widely recognized as a pesticide, which contributes to the reduction in greenhouse gases.

Glyphosate is a component of tapwater.

Tap water is secure

Does glyphosate mix in tap water?

Weekly Shincho stated that there is no standard for glyphosate present in Japan's tap water. It is only the value of the target. This is more than the values of other pesticides or countries. It also includes drinking water that is contaminated with pesticides. I have published an article that states that there was. This has led to fears that tap water could contain excessive levels of glyphosate. グリホサート However, this isn't the case.

The first thing to note is that glyphosate does not constitute an "standard" number. It's only considered a "target" value. Tap water has never been found to have any concentration higher than 0.2ppm (1). According to an Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare survey, Japan has not seen any cases of glyphosate in tap water with concentrations of more than 0.02ppm. In reality, there is no danger of it being discovered.

グリホサート Additionally the soil will degrade at a rate of half one percent over the course of two days following the spraying. This means that it can be transferred into waterways and the tap with the same concentration, and will not cause any harm to the environment.

Japanese tapwater is secure

Tap water from Japan is considered to be safe. You can drink tap water in its current state. There are 51 inspection items which must be cleared prior to the sale of tap water. The water is subject to strict quality control as stipulated by law. Water is classified into "acidic", "neutral" and "alkaline" depending on the pH difference, but tap water in Japan is stipulated by the water quality standard so that pH is near neutral (5.8 or more and 8.6 or less). However, if the water supply pipes in or around your home are damaged, there's still the chance of drinking iron corrosion.

How is tap water made? Tap water is made primarily by consuming water sources like rivers and dam lakes. After cleaning the water then adding chlorine to clean it. The tap water is piped to homes.

The story of Japanese pesticide residue standard value

The current normative value for glyphosate residues for wheat in Japan has been established at 5ppm. But, it was 5 ppm in December 2017. There are various opinions regarding this. Some claim "We decreased the 30ppm limit by six times, and resented any health damage."

Glyphosate in tap water

The glyphosate standard that remains is the same as the international standard.

The truth is that we did not loosen the standard, rather we modified it to match the residual standard value of the international standard. Japan imports huge quantities of wheat from South America. The importer, or the overseas producer, regulates the use of glyphosate to a level of 30ppm. However, Japan's standard 5ppm amount will trigger all imports to be halted in the event that it is higher than the norm. If this happens, supply of wheat will be impacted and Japanese food products could be at risk. In order to meet international standards, the value of standardization was rewritten. Security remains a concern even though the standard values are in use.

グリホサート Do you need to be able to comprehend glyphosate?

To prevent consumers from being unnecessarily affected by emotional debates concerning pesticide residues, it is important that they are able to get the right information that has been gathered through research conducted by scientists. It is important to be satisfied with your food choices and not be distracted by the rumors.

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