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Are You Investing In Commercial Real Estate?

When you are dealing with commercial property, you have to keep in mind that it is not the same as buying residential property for your own use. There are a few more things to look out for and the market value can change in the blink of an eye. Read the tips below to see what to watch out for and what to try.

Cleaning up your neighborhood can work wonders for your property value, especially if there are several run-down or abandoned buildings in your area. The best thing to do is report any health or safety risks to the authorities. These types of safety risks can include, shattered windows, rusty fences, debris and things of this nature. If the authorities will clean out the neighborhood for you, you can end up saving money on demolition and increasing the overall, neighborhood real estate values.

In negotiating any real estate deal, whether you are buying or selling, identify the other party's highest priorities and stay away from them. Everyone has certain issues that they do not want to negotiate. By figuring these priorities out and leaving them alone, you demonstrate respect and attention. The other negotiator will appreciate this and become more flexible on the issues that are less important to them.

You can round out your portfolio by investing in commercial real estate. Make sure to do your homework and realize that there are a few different playing rules in the commercial real estate market compared to the residential real estate market. There is great potential in owning commercial real estate, just do your homework well before investing.

If you are a landlord, it is important that you are not too lenient with your tenant. By allowing them to walk all over you, you could end up losing out on a lot of money. You will also be missing out on having a tenant who is more true to their word.

Do not let your emotions take away from your logical focus. You are buying homes to resell them, and should not allow yourself to develop an emotional attachment. If you feel that you are getting to attached to a house you are interested in purchasing, take a step back and ask yourself if this house is really worth the money.

Don't settle on investing residential apartment properties as a safe bet. Many seasoned commercial investors are comfortable with apartment complexes, which often leads them to overlook other potentially lucrative property types: office buildings, trailer parks, or retail spaces. Consider your specific investment niche and your ideal portfolio and look for property types that appear to be a likely fit.

One thing to think about when purchasing commercial real estate is why the previous owner is selling it. Sometimes, they are selling it because of a problem with the property itself. For example, it could be prone to insect infestation, or perhaps in a more bizarre scenario be the target of repeat break ins due to a vendetta.

The best way to make money on commercial real estate investments is to have partners. Invest a lot of time looking for private lenders or partners to deal with. Having a partner can help provide the credit or money you may need to buy a property. You can compensate your partner by paying a fixed interest rate, a percentage of the property's income, or profit when you go to sale.

Plan any commercial real estate investment well in advance of the actual purchase. Time is on your side in this type of market. In many cases, most economic concessions will be made just before the deadline of the transaction. Avoid letting the seller know you are anxious to close quickly.

When investing in commercial real estate, you should look over the rent roll to find out when certain leases expire. You want to avoid leases expiring within a few months of each other if it is possible because when this happens, it could take some time to replace tenants and bring back cash flow. Ideally, you would want the expiration dates of major leases to not lapse in the same year.

When you own commercial property, make sure that you are aware of hazardous waste problems that could come up. If any problems arise, the responsibility is on you, even if you did not cause them. You need to know how to handle these types of problems and figure out what the best course of action would be.

Avoid permitted use clause at all costs. If your landlord insists on it, make it a broad one to ensure room to grow your business. At the time of leasing, you might use the office for a very defined and narrow purpose. Your goal is though to grow and improve your business which might be impossible if your permitted use clause is too narrow and significantly limits your use.

When you consider investing in a real estate property remember that you are not just making the initial investment in the property, but rather will be investing in the property over the course of its lifetime. What is your long-term plan for maintaining the property's upkeep over the course of the years?

Commercial properties have a lifetime. One of largest mistakes you can make as an property investor is to ignore the fact, that over time, a building will need upkeep, and you will have to pay for it. Every property goes through phases where things will need to be updated, repaired, or replaced. It is best to have a long-term plan so you are able to handle such repairs.

You always need to know what you're doing. That's not anything you don't already know. What you might not have known prior to this article, however, was how you could use simple common-sense tips and tactics to achieve in the commercial real estate market. Now the rest is up to you to make it happen.
Honolulu’s Battle Against Short-Term Rentals Begins Again
The Honolulu City Council will hear arguments for and against Mayor Rick Blangiardi’s proposal for short-term rental enforcement on Wednesday in what is shaping up to be another long and contentious debate on the issue.

Bill 41 is being pushed by Blangiardi’s Department of Planning and Permitting just two years after a previous council passed a crackdown on short-term rentals, such as those advertised on Airbnb and VRBO. Scheduled for a first council reading on Wednesday, the measure has already attracted written testimony from hundreds of stakeholders.

Waikiki Hotels view from Diamond Head.

Even legal short-term rental operators in Waikiki could face increased fees.

Cory Lum/Civil Beat

DPP says it wants to go further in reducing the number of vacation rentals that it says have overrun residential neighborhoods and are using up valuable housing stock. The proposal would further restrict the use of short-term rentals, impose new taxes and fees and use some of the proceeds for enforcement.

“Through the pandemic, we saw what neighborhoods became after keeping out all these vacation rentals,” DPP Director Dean Uchida said in an interview.

“I think residents really appreciated that … And so that was one of the things we set out to do, is try and restore some sanity back into the residential neighborhoods.”


Neal Fineman Property Management Email: Phone: (808) 353-4732 Url: Image: cash, check, credit card, invoice, paypal priceRange: 949 McCully Street Suite 11 Honolulu, HI 96826
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