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Akaashi and Sugawara had their third shift together this week. They were chatting since no customer arrived this early. Mostly, the customers came flooding in after school time. They had opened the store and done their routines of turning on lights, counting the amount of money in the register, cleaned, etc. It was nearly 10 AM when Sugawara decided to bring up the recurring customer who turned into a friend. Akaashi did see the topic coming since it was ever so exciting.

"When are you going for coffee?" Sugawara asked curiously and sipped his energy drink. It should've been concerning to see the fridge filled with his energy drinks.

"Don't know, I haven't texted him. Besides, doesn't it sound like a bad idea to go out with a stranger basically?" Akaashi asked though Sugawara had fifty arguments against his statement.

"Everyone at your school used to be strangers. Connections are made with certain strangers. Besides, I've got details on your stranger." Sugawara raised his right eyebrow and smiled knowingly. It didn't mirror a polite smile, but more in a mischievous way.

Instead of explaining, Sugawara unplugged his phone from charging and opened instagram. Akaashi lazily spectated Sugawara's actions. His eyes widened when he typed in Bokuto's name. Was he insane? He had sent screenshots already. He assumed Sugawara had taken those screenshots from google. That was a dumb assumption. Of course, Sugawara has gone through the profile.

"Look, there's his daughter. Caption says, my daughter, my pride." Sugawara let out a sound imitating the "aww" sound. Akaashi curiously looked at the child, whose hair was black and long. He looked at Bokuto whose arms were around her, looking out of this world. He seemed distracted in the picture. Akaashi didn't catch Bokuto purposely posing or artificially looking at her for the sake of the picture. He could draw out the fatherly love from Bokuto's eyes. It was very... sweet.

Otherwise, Sugawara scrolled the environmental pictures. He saw Bokuto appreciated nature and pretty views. Of course, Sugawara wasn't interested in showing him that. Instead, Sugawara stopped at a picture of his back. The picture showed his uniforms. They were different in color. One was from Fukorodani, and the other was from MSBY.

Bokuto_Koutarou: Behind these uniforms lay, families, I've grown to admire, cheer for, and adore. Fukorodani boys, you're all in my heart even when I'm on the court for MSBY. I'm playing for you. MSBY boys, I'm ready to win. Let's make it count, every game!

Akaashi was fond of his free writing, and how he expressed himself openly. Sugawara whistled upon zooming in on his arms and showing off his back muscles too. Akaashi slowly turned his chair to face Sugawara and narrowed his eyes to the point of staring daggers at him.

"Don't miss this," Sugawara ignored his glare and scrolled further down to expose Bokuto's holiday pictures. He was wearing singlets and shorts due to the heat. Another friend seemed to dunk him in water, from the video he watched. The third video was a slightly blurred picture of an upset Bokuto walking out of the water he was dunked in.

Bokuto_Koutaro: Never traveling with @Testurou_Kuroo again.

Akaashi chuckled at the video, though Sugawara showed the picture of him getting out of the water. This time, Sugawara said nothing. He knew exactly what his colleague wanted to show him.

"If you show me one more picture of his muscles on purpose, I'll murder you, you engaged objectifiying smartass," Akaashi threatened jokingly. Half-jokingly, because his voice sure sounded stern.

"This is when I use my seniority card, my beloved younger colleague," Sugawara warned in a humorously sarcastic tone. Akaashi rolled his eyes. However, Sugawara showed a picture series that didn't focus on his muscles. Rather, he stared at a side profile of his hair slicked down. This time, his hair was white for the most part.

His jaw was defined in a quality that could only be taken by a camera. Sweat did glisten from his neck, which was covering his veins. His eyes were more narrow, as to focus on something on the court. His body was in motion, but his face was the main focus. Akaashi noticed how golden his eyes were, from the amazing photo quality. His hair was up, and Akaashi noticed the difference.

Sugawara scrolled to his second photo. Bokuto had his hand in his wavy hair and suited a wide smile, with his eyes closed. Akaashi looked at it in admiration, though he masked any emotion visible. He absentmindedly compared Bokuto's looks in real life, versus instagram. He couldn't say or catch any editing done. Sugawara looked over at Akaashi for a split second, before scrolling to a short video of him doing spikes. The video was a compilation of Bokuto doing spikes, with different friends who set for him.

Sugawara snorted once they caught a glimpse of toned and defined skin. It made sense, due to the video showing outside wind controlling his shirt movements. Akaashi narrowed his eyes and stupidly gave Sugawara a look.

"What a coincidence," Akaashi sarcastically spoke, to which Sugawara faked a sweet smile. Akaashi could tell he was trying not to laugh.

"Point is, your new friend is attractive. Hurray!" Sugawara cheered and scrolled to a random picture of Bokuto's face. Most notably, his wide determined smile. Akaashi swore his eyes turned more golden when Bokuto was determined. At least, judging from the picture.

"I bet your fiance would agree," Akaashi spit sarcastically, to which Sugawara let out a chuckle. He shook his head in disbelief, and Akaashi was satisfied by a customer entering the shop. It forced Sugawara to turn off his phone. Akaashi was thankful for finally being done with stalking a poor innocent man.

Now, both of them were able to do the jobs they were employed to do. In their defense, their workload did lessen once they had self-service functions. Regardless, there were chores to do to kill time.

Akaashi focused on organizing mangas after letters. He allowed himself to roll his eyes at the customers not putting mangas in the right place. Customers made his work tougher than necessary. He guess he shouldn't complain too much, since it was his job and not theirs.

He was about to move to another shelf when he heard Sugawara gasp. Akaashi drowned any noise Sugawara made and focused on the next shelf. In the middle of his walk, Sugawara purposely tried to gain Akaashi's attention, by clearing his throat.

"Akaashi, your loverboy texted you just now!" Sugawara exclaimed with no spectators in the store. Akaashi widened his eyes for a second. Even he was surprised. Akaashi rolled his eyes at the comment, staring at the grinning co-worker at the register.

"Shut up," Akaashi replied once he made sure no customers were present.

He quietly forfeited cleaning up on the next shelf. Akaashi decided he would rather check his phone, to make sure Sugawara isn't bluffing on purpose. However, his standardized notifications did highlight Bokuto's name in a text.

Unknown number
"Hello! It's Bokuto Koutarou from every chaotic interaction we have. I would like to follow up on the coffee plan if you have time this week!"

Akaashi read the text in peace, with Sugawara's hazel eyes plastered onto him. He could read the curiosity in his body language but did nothing to buy into it. Sugawara had the displeasure of having a thousand questions, without any clarity.

The keyboard waited for his fingers to type. However, it was hard to form a response. Akaashi admittedly snorted at the informal text. He appreciated the non-awkward, straightforward language. Bokuto had social skills, he could tell that much.

Me: Hello, Bokuto-san. It's Akaashi, the one who apparently can't do his job in front of you. Coffee sounds nice this week. What time works for you?

New contact: Bokuto Koutarou (Nice customer from work)

"You're naming him that instead of loverboy?" Sugawara asked upon seeing the name saved in Akaashi's contacts.

"Shut up, before I name you *blocked number." Akaashi warned, to which Sugawara only laughed at the false alarm.

"But yes, Bokuto-san isn't familiar to me at all. I'll forget even if I save him as his name you know," Akaashi reasoned. Bokuto Koutarou wouldn't ring a bell, he needed the brackets for further clarification.

"Alright, I guess that makes sense. Well, it's good you accepted the coffee though," Sugawara looked at the positive outcome, to which Akaashi shrugged. It wasn't often he made a new friend, and nothing hurt by accepting a friendly meetup.

"Now I just have to gather questions," Akaashi sighed lightly and furrowed his eyebrows in thought. When he remembered how Bokuto recognized him, Akaashi realized it was a very odd backstory.

"For what?" Sugawara inquired and leaned his cheek against his curled fingers. His elbow felt the pressure of the surface underneath, yet the position seemed to be comforting for the silver-head. Akaashi didn't understand impracticality.

"He told me he went to a psychic booth, then he saw me. Weird," Akaashi summarized. His sentence came out in a short stutter from processing Sugawara's sudden reaction.

"Is it downtown? Like, by the weird pub? Near the new foodtruck?" Sugawara asked specifically, with wide eyes and a gaze filled up with fire. Akaashi only blinked in response and nodded quietly. He felt as if Sugawara would have an outburst.

He was right since Sugawara snapped his fingers and almost smacked the surface of the table. Sugawara bit his lip so as not to let out a laugh. Akaashi could only stare at him in befuddlement, and wait for a further explanation.

"It's the soulmate booth. A love booth, she draws out your soulmate. No one knows whether it's a scam or real. I personally believe it's a scam, but whatever. Jesus, that's kinda fucking funny," Sugawara laughed airily and covered his mouth to dampen his laugh from becoming loud.

Akaashi could only cringe, and choose whether to trust Sugawara with his information. He didn't doubt Sugawara would lie, but the odds of being in the same booth were slim. He could only ask Bokuto during the coffee meet-up.

"I don't know, I'll ask him," Akaashi shrugged, and paid attention to any customers needing assistance. Most didn't. Everyone paid with their phones, and their headphones on. They used self-service and left. Their job was very simple today.

"And you got a response," Sugawara sing-songed at the vibration of his phone. He prayed the last few hours would go by, fast.

Bokuto Koutarou: No, no! You're a remarkably helpful employee at Manga Matrix. If you receive payment bonuses from getting TripAdvisor references, I'll send in a review :). As for coffee, my schedule is messy. You can suggest a time, I'll see if I can make it work.

Akaashi smiled unnecessarily at the genuinely sweet suggestion. He didn't know whether it was a part of the contract to receive bonuses for positive reviews but wouldn't mind receiving a personal review. At least he would keep his job longer.

Me: That would be very nice! If you have any feedback, let us know on TripAdvisor. Thank you. Alright, how about Tuesday at 3 PM?

Bokuto Koutarou: I can make that work! I would bet 3:30 PM for more security if that works for you. TripAdvisor review is on its way by the way! Check your store in five minutes.

Five stars
Bokuto Koutarou
Reviewed via - Phone
Date of visit: July 2022

A very organized store. The settings and design are very satisfying and easy to read. Helpful employees are always ready to assist you. In my case, Akaashi was very nice and helpful in guiding me to the right mangas. A very knowledgable and reliable employee. Would personally recommend Manga Matrix to any tourist, or manga fan :).

Bokuto was satisfied with typing in the honest review and unexpectedly received a rare notification from TripAdvisor.

1 Reply
Akaashi Keiji - Employee at Manga Matrix

Thank you for your review! Always happy to be of assistance. We hope to see you again :)

Akaashi, Manga Matrix.
Bokuto couldn't suppress a small smile, enjoying the positive vibes from his new friend. It was refreshing to be able to have contact with new friends. He realized he had to pick Yuki up at three and see whether his sister or best friend could babysit her. Both of them loved Yuki with their souls. It would nearly be a fight between the two of who would take her.

At four PM, Bokuto was already by the gates of her kindergarten. He would sometimes squeeze in volleyball practice early during the day. He would then pick his daughter up at the latest hour. While he felt bad, Yuki was often seen playing with her best friends who were picked up late.

"Yuki, your father is here," One of the kindergarten employees looked for her. Bokuto smiled fondly once he caught her in the sandbox along with two other children. He could hear the motors of a car behind him, a blinking sound could be heard after it turned into the parking lot.

Yuki turned to see her father, and her eyes brightened up. She didn't forget to bid goodbye to her friends, who looked upset she was on her way home. It was sweet to know Yuki was well-liked and social in kindergarten.

Bokuto's smile automatically widened at the sight of her running toward the gate. The gate was stupidly too short for him. He impressed her friends by lifting Yuki over the small fence without opening the door. Yuki found it to be a party trick, and he knew very well how much she loved the attention.

"Cool," one of the kids exclaimed from the sandbox. Bokuto laughed quietly as she proudly clung to him. It was as if her smart self showed her father off, and how strong he was. Whether it was his teammates, coaches, Kuroo, or his mother, nothing felt better than having Yuki be proud of him.

"Dad, I made fish in the sand," Yuki told her favorite happening of the day. Bokuto gasped lightly, widening his eyes.

"You didn't eat it?" Bokuto hummed in thought and made a dramatic thoughtful face at her before walking toward the car with her in his arms. She only laughed at the question, before shaking his head.

"I don't eat sand, silly dad," she joked. Man, her language had gotten more advanced. He snorted and raised his eyebrows at her as a small warning. She did recognize the stern gaze, though she laughed it off.

Bokuto let her down carefully and began setting her up in her child seat. She was almost old enough to drop it, but he was almost too protective. He knew parents who let their five-year-old child drop the child seat. Some parents still kept it at five and a half. He felt like Yuki was responsible, but she was tiny.

"Do you want to buy your new bed today?" Bokuto asked, to which she nodded in excitement.

Bokuto didn't realize it faster, and he blamed himself for being stupid. Yuki wasn't entirely comfortable with the crib anymore. It was only understandable. She had grown out of it. Though many, many children cried from the change, it seemed that it was time for Yuki to bid farewell to it. Bokuto started the engine and fastened both of their seatbelts properly. Though, he preferred having the seatbelt extremely tight onto himself.

It was only a handful of gearing between one and two in the entire queue. Sometimes, Bokuto hated gears. It was an adventure to get to the right shop. Like any furniture shop, it was gigantic. Bokuto barely found a parking spot but managed to be between the lines. Even Yuki was restless from the endless waiting. Yuki's worst weaknesses were impatience, craving for her chocolate eggs, and needing attention a lot, among a few others.

She truly reminded her of himself from years ago. Bokuto could only look at her in awe, before unbuckling her belt and his own belt. Yuki couldn't open the door due to the locks. She would always open the door faster than him, which she was not allowed to do.

Yuki was happy once she could jump out of the car seat, and go inside. Her impatience would prove to be tested in this shop. Bokuto looked at the aisles marked with different room parts. Bathroom, living room, kitchen, etc. He would only need to find bedrooms and the bedding section. Over the course of two hours, a nice employee helped them recommend beds for her age.

Today tested Yuki's patience more than ever. She grew impatient once she needed to sit on numerous beds. The employee helped find hygienical methods. She expressed enjoyment from being asked important questions. She felt like an adult, and Bokuto could tell from the way she faked long pauses to think and reply. She was sharp. Undoubtedly, she really was.

In the end, Yuki landed on a middle soft bed. He chose to install pink tiny fences on the sides. They were extras, but they were necessary. He wouldn't need to worry about her falling. Bokuto was inspired by his own past, ending up on the floor with the duvet under him. His mother didn't care enough that her son fell on the floor in his sleep, apparently. He was only a child when he drooled over the pillow and fell atop the duvet. His mother would make breakfast, only to find his legs tangled in his duvet on the very floor. Bokuto even told the employee the story, to which she laughed openly.

Yuki was ecstatic, which he enjoyed. He could tell she was happy to leave the store. His thoughts were disrupted by his phone. It vibrated in his pocket after paying at the register. It could be Kuroo, it could be his coach, or teammates, and yet it was the same unknown number he had forgotten to save.

New contact: Akaashi Keiji

Akaashi Keiji: 3:30 PM works for me, Tuesday. If you don't mind, we could go to the cafe right by Manga Matrix. It's my savior during my shifts and has the best coffee. Unless you have anything else in mind, of course, let me know.

Me: I see, that'll be an opponent to my usual coffee in the city center. That's fun! I accept the challenge.

Akaashi Keiji: Good to know. Also, I would like to thank you for the review. My boss saw it and was very pleased with the review you added. Also, he did give me a bonus extra to my pay this month.

Me: Gosh, that's amazing! Congratulations. Well deserved :) Also, no problem.

Akaashi Keiji: Thank you. It'll be a pleasure to meet you on Tuesday.

Me: Likewise, can't wait to explain the entire story of a psychic.

Akaashi Keiji: Yes! I was about to gather a list of my questions about exactly that.

Me: That will be answered. I'll see you on Tuesday, at 3:30 PM. :) Have a nice day.

He had received an equally nice reply from Akaashi, at their home. The course of the conversation lasted one hour because Bokuto didn't text and drive. It was nice to converse with a friend while he started doing chores, and preparing ingredients for dinner. He was satisfied with having Akaashi as a new friend.
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