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Dear boys :) Basically I'm gonna say what y'all have saved me from & what I love about each of you
CALUM - Words can't explain how much you & the other guys mean to me. You guys have always found a way to make me smile & laugh just genuinely happy. Everything & anything you do makes me happy, small things too, like your confused faces on the album covers & in photo shoots, your puppy/ poutyish faces. Or how your nudes were leaked but you didn't really care about the world looking at them. This taught me that it's okay that we make mistakes, even in a bad situation. ASHTON - I feel like you were raised so well & the 5SOS Family needs to applaud to your mom because you're litterally the sweetest person. I feel like no matter what the situation is, there's always reliable expressions of you to match it. You taught me that everything has a bright side that I should look at. After looking at things at this p.o.v. I started to see how great everything was. I began to learn about myself & see the beauty in the world, You make me feel like I have a place in the world. LUKE - Personally I love your big smile & your laugh (I think it's pretty adorable as you) I really like the crismon red cap that you wear backwards on stage most of the time. I love your personality, your caring nature, & when you're annoyed, you try not to act like you're not. Your dad jokes that are dumb when other people say them but are the most hilarious thing in the world when you say it. You're my rainbow breadstick & you taught me to be a better person & that it's okay to be shy. MICHAEL - Michael Gordon Clifford, I fell for you very hard. You actually are the 1080p HD in my 240p world. You are the literally the meaning of pulchritudinous. Your smile can make my day, your laugh is music to my ears. When you tweet, I get happy whether it's either the most inspirational tweet or something kinky ( the inappropriate cube ;) I smile noneless. When I hear your voice, singing/simply talking in an interview, I get butterflies in my stomach. I love you more then you'll ever know. You're always on my mind & I love every little thing about you, the way you smile & how you can be serious one second & the next you're shouting BALLS ! This taught me to express myself and not to care about what people think of me. 5SOS - I just want you all to be happy. I want you guys to stay just like this no matter how famous you guys will become. I want you guys to have kind girlfriends that we'll respect. I want all your guys' dreams to all come true because you each deserve it. I want the 5SOS Family to be a fandom without drama, rumors, & fights because we're all here for the same reason. You boys make us happy & we make you guys happy. You all have made the 5SOS Family very proud because you guys have gone from "Hey, we're taking on the world..." to "... We're the voice of the new generation" The only thing we have to wish is that none of you forget the fans who were there since the beginning.
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Regards; Team

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