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N.G book #4: Awakened Imagination & The search
- we speak of a jealous or suspicious person as a "victim to his own imagination", meaning that his thought are untrue (pg. 6)
- truth depends on the intensity of the imagination, not upon external facts (pg. 13)
- man becomes what he imagines. He has a self-determined history (pg. 14)
- truth cannot be encompassed by facts (pg. 14)
- although others have, a life of their own, their reality is rooted in you, ends in you, as yours ends in God (pg. 16)
- the rich man, the poor man, the good man, the thief are what they are by virtue of the states from which they view the world (pg. 21)
- it is not the actions and behavior of the good man that should be matches but is point of view (pg. 21)
- if we detach ourselves from a state, and we may at any moment, the conditions and circumstances to which that union gave being vanished (pg. 21)
- "you must not concern yourself with ways and means of getting there, for the sate of consciousness of [your desire] if occupied by you imagination, will devise the means best suited to realize itself." (pg. 22)
- but we must use imagination masterfully, not as onlooker thinking of the end, but as a partaker thinking from the end (pg. 23)
- he emphasized the importance of the state from which man view the world as he falls asleep (pg. 23)
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