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Princess Yuki was incredibly happy to see her dad. One could see it on her face and the active gesture of hugging him tightly. Bokuto was taken aback by the sudden embrace, but he was nowhere near surprised or troubled. Kuroo couldn't hold back his smile from his best friend's doorstep. For once, he brought Kenma to witness the sweet scene.

"Your girl sure wanted a lot of.. the eg- white things you boil," Kuroo commented without even mentioning eggs before her ears. There was no way the girl would leave anyone alone if she heard it.

"At this point she cares more for eggs than whether I leave or not," Bokuto chuckled lightly and pinched her cheek without much force. Yuki didn't like being babied, which was ironic for such a young child to say.

Kuroo looked behind his best friend to take in Bokuto's home. Only one look and Kuroo already knew the situation. His expression maintained a monotonous expression upon looking back at Bokuto. Though he knew that gaze, Bokuto didn't move his pupils from Kuroo's. Kenma looked between their stern gazes and tapped on Kuroo's arm as a reminder. He was forced to break the warfare of eye contact. It wasn't as if Kenma wasn't aware of why they ended up like that. Yuki clearly was, as she tried to tug at Kuroo and Kenma's hands. She always liked visitors.

"What have you done today?" Kuroo asked, turning the attention away from their non-verbal argument. Kenma found it unsettling how telepathic their communication could be. However, Kuroo gave in this one time. Bokuto could ease his expression up, and relieve a sigh.

"I've sat back on the couch, I guess," Bokuto refrained from lying. Kuroo read his expressions both facially and externally. His face softened up upon realizing Bokuto was in fact telling the truth.

"Alright. Did you watch something?" Kuroo inquired, and suddenly remembered how to take off his shoes and enter the living room. Kenma had closed the door after them and quietly followed the best friends to the living room.

"Nope, got a text from a new friend," Bokuto informed. He purposely hid details to wake their curiosity. After the fun information, he soon offered Kenma a warm expression and cleared his throat.

"Are any of you hungry, or thirsty?" Bokuto asked and interrupted his pace of sitting down on the couch. Kuroo, on the other hand, stood up from the couch and wore the same expression as earlier.

"Sit down," Kuroo calmly told his best friend. Bokuto couldn't compete with his tone. He complied calmly, only to watch Kuroo serve Kenma and himself with water. All while Bokuto was forced to stay seated. He did accompany Kenma, who asked about his day.

"Tell us about the new friend. Volley?" Kuroo asked after setting himself down. Bokuto was surprised to see a third glass on the table and humbly thanked Kuroo for the glass. He firstly asked Yuki whether she was thirsty, and she ended up answering yes.

"No, the manga matrix store," Bokuto revealed. Kuroo raised his eyebrows in surprise. Yes, he did know Bokuto interacted with someone there and that it was a fun one. He didn't expect them to exchange numbers. Wow.

"Nice, I guess?" Kuroo questioned. He did think it was nice, but Bokuto already read a thousand questions from his evident confusion. Yuki suddenly ended up pointing outside and hinting at her shoes. Bokuto knew this behavior to indicate she wanted to go out.

"Missy, we aren't going anywhere. Your bedtime is right around the corner," Bokuto explained to her, which only made her upset. This happened mostly when she was out with Kuroo. Bokuto glared at Kuroo, who only sheepishly looked at Kenma instead.

"Uncle Kuroo said I could sleep at nine, dad," Yuki defended herself. This only deepened the glare Bokuto fastened onto Kuroo. Kuroo felt more than betrayed but found himself willing to sacrifice his life for her. Nothing could dampen his adoration for the child.

"Honey, if you don't get enough sleep, how will you eat chocolate? You'll be so tired you won't even take a bite?" Bokuto made a saddened expression at the thought. Yuki furrowed her eyebrows in thought and frowned at the outcome. She did want to eat chocolate.

"Okay, I'll sleep," Yuki agreed with a disappointed nod. It was clear she was upset, but Bokuto was relieved he got her to agree. He did have his ways to convince her.

"I actually managed to befriend the soulmate guy," Bokuto snorted and even caused Kuroo to feel shocked. As if meeting him wasn't enough to make them both shocked.

"Well, nice! As long as he doesn't compete in being your best friend. I'm happy for you. You need more connections you know. Friends are important," Kuroo purposely thickened the pronunciation of friends. He nearly spelled the word out while he spoke. Bokuto lightly rolled his eyes. He didn't need Kuroo to be his father.

"You do realize I'm fine like this, right?" Bokuto directly asked him. Before Kuroo could explode on him, Kenma interrupted the conversation. Kuroo sat back and forced himself to keep his mouth shut.

"I'm happy for you, are you able to meet up with him?" Kenma as curiously. He was curious and hoped the question would avert attention from the tense air.

"Yeah, he was grateful for back at the cafe. I paid for him, so he wanted to treat me to something. We haven't planned an exact date and all," Bokuto explained the texting history. It wasn't much to go into details about.

"Good, a friend who relaxes by getting paid for, is a bad person at heart," Kuroo reached a dramatic take which made Bokuto roll his eyes again. Kenma cleared his throat and entered the conversation again,

"I'm happy he didn't take advantage of the situation and left you on reading right after getting paid for. It's a good sign he actually wants to return the favor. I see no red flags with the friendship yet," Kenma encouraged him. He knew how much the surroundings around Bokuto were a conflict chaser. He made the right decision to join Kuroo.

"Thank you, Kozu," Bokuto smiled fondly at the positive note. He wasn't a fool. He did know that Akaashi would radiate bad energy if he quickly accepted being paid for. Anyone's pride would falter in that scenario.

"If he seems like a bad friend, I'll tell you," Kuroo deadpanned. It wasn't often Bokuto got new connections. Kuroo only wanted to make sure Bokuto had the best of the best. Though, no one could replace the best friend title.

"I know what good and bad friends are, but thank you Tetsu," Bokuto scoffed lightly. He didn't mean to be rude. Bokuto didn't need to be watched over or monitored.

"Yes, I know you know. Still, two heads are better than one. Just let me meet Akaashi once you guys are cool. I just want to make sure he has a good vibe you know," Kuroo shrugged his shoulders. If Akaashi reached a level beyond cool, even Kuroo would consider befriending him. He could be his and Bokuto's mutual friend.

"Sure, we can go out all three sometime. I don't think you two would blend in though. At least not if you behave like a weirdo. I actually think he'd get along with Kenma better," Bokuto spoke up. Kenma's eyes widened slightly. If he knew Bokuto's compass of people-reading, Kenma could draw out his personality. At least a part of it.

"Aaaah," Kuroo dragged out the A in complete understanding and nodded slowly. Kuroo seemed to understand what personality type Akaashi had. Kuroo furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and seemed to be puzzled.

"Damn, that's weird but interesting?"
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