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Minecraft Did Cars, So Crossy Road Was The Next Step.

Minecraft creators continue to astound with the things they get working in the sandbox-like block game. This YouTuber constructed a functioning car using Minecraft. The player is back and this time they've gone even farther.

Crossy Road is a game in which you play the role of chickens crossing the road, and could be described as an infinite version of Frogger. It's all you need to do is take the chicken to safety however safety is never guaranteed. Well, hot off the wheels of making a working car, Mysticat has now recreated Crossy Read in Minecraft, because they're a very skilled creator, and also a bit of a show-off (actually we're jealous).

Mysticat continues to go through the details on how they go about the specifics of this whole build to provide a glimpse into the process. Although they write about this topic frequently, it's amazing to see how creative Minecraft creators are, because the complexity of the build is far beyond what an average Minecraft player would believe possible.

It all comes together at the final scene with Mysticat inviting some friends on to test the game out. This is where the video shows off how much fun Crossy Road would be if you were a sadist and didn't have to worry about the fate of people who walked the roads.

It's a great end and we're left to be curious about what Mysticat is going to do next. If Mega blog 's another car-themed episode it could be an appearance in the Burnout series.

In less news that isn't about cars you can now play with Minecraft mobs that look like Lego figurines if you prefer, fight evolving bosses, or just admire this incredibly impressive Star Wars build. We're not your father.

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