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Monday morning offered its sunrays prying any window. The streets wavered with drowned barks and slumbered transport noises. Mostly, Bokuto lived in a calmer part of the city. A sacrifice had to be made in terms of distance to central services. However, they lived comfortably knowing sounds were white noises during nighttime.

Bokuto had spent his days trying to sell the crib, which proved to be easier than expected. Kuroo suggested selling it in a group for parents of young, young children. It seemed to work, and Bokuto had spent hours rigging down the crib, keeping the pillow, duvet, and bedsheet. The new bed needed to be built by seven PM, her sleeping time. His equipment was spread throughout the floor, with the instruction papers scattered underneath small staples and nails.

It took a few hours to build a large part of the furniture. The long time did include breaks which he spent with Yuki. The girl was very fond of crafting and making things on her own. Bokuto was thankful he was able to watch her while figuring out the entire childbed. In addition to that, he was about to find out how to install the little fence on the sides. As a last resort, he would be forced to call his dad for assistance.

Once the sun started to lower, Bokuto made sure to keep to his routine. He decided to take a longer break from being the builder Bokuto. Yuki would grow hungry the next hour, which let Bokuto prepare a fast dinner. He soon realized making tacos would be an easy solution. It wasn't much to do, and he was able to watch Yuki while making food. She was happy to just run between crafting and drawing. Though, she did ask about dinner every tenth minute. Her impatience was something she needed to work on for the next few years.

With the smell of flavored meat, both of the Bokutos grew hungry. He made it a tradition to let the meat cool off a bit in the pan, for extra time than normal. He wouldn't take any risks on anything burning in her mouth. While the pan cooled off, he placed the small bowls of vegetables on the table. He made it a goal for her to eat more vegetables than meat. It was a difficult task, but it worked by Bokuto used different methods to make her eat it.

Both of them enjoyed the interactions at the dinner table. Bokuto always turned off his notifications during dinners. Their bonding every dinner was important to him, even if she told the same type of stories every time. Bokuto lightened up at her small babbles, telling how her friend found supposed ladybugs.

He could tell her language was evolving faster, considering how much she talked. Using language very much improved her speaking abilities. It was amusing to witness her progress. The kindergarten teacher also told him she was doing well in language and speaking. With that in the back of his mind, Bokuto responded well and encouraged her to tell him more. Her energy was radiating, despite the time starting to get late.

His eyes widened in realization. She was about to sleep in around two hours. Maximum three, but the bed wasn't half ready. To his disliking, Bokuto had to turn on his phone to a few notifications. He first called his father for assistance.

"Heyy, dad, can you help me set up a bed? A small one," Bokuto asked. He felt guilty for having to pause Yuki's stories. To make it up, he did turn on the speaker. Yuki did love conversing with her family over the phone. It didn't take a second before Bokuto's dad was excited and happy to hear her voice.

"For Yuki? Of course. I bet your mother would love to visit you both as well," he stated happily before he had a sweet conversation with his granddaughter. The second-generation Bokuto smiled sweetly at the interaction, before having to hang up for cleaning and whatnot.

He soon realized he also had to find an outfit for tomorrow. It wasn't a hard task. The hard task was to align with his new friend. Does he wear formal, or informal clothing? He could only think for himself during the wait for his parents.

"How do I avoid it being awkward?" Akaashi asked the only older friend he could ask for advice. Though, he regretted it every time. The pair of close friends enjoyed a homemade meal made by the three of them.

Akaashi was visiting Sugawara for advice. He was second-guessing his decision to just go out with a customer. It felt immoral for some reason. Though, he did get along with the nice customer. He didn't feel threatened by Bokuto. It was just an inner voice, nervous to jump into something new. He hadn't spontaneously made friends with anybody, and not at the speed of the stranger customer. In anticipation, Akaashi stared at Sugawara whose expression was thoughtful.

"Don't get flustered and shy around him tomorrow," Sugawara half-joked, as to implying Akaashi was attracted to him. Akaashi rolled his eyes slowly, feeling his frustration grow once Sugawara's nervous laugh died down.

"Koushi," his close friend's fiance sighed and offered Akaashi a kind smile. Before Sugawara could give actual good advice, Daichi took over.

"Do you have good contact before meeting up? As in, has your chatting been good?" Daichi inquired genuinely, a kind smile plastered across his face. Akaashi did have to think about it for a second. Yes, Bokuto was lighthearted and straightforward.

"He's been very natural and open. No unnecessary formalities or such. Thank god for that," Akaashi summarized. The chat was humorous, and genuine, and didn't feel awkward at all.

"No problem then. I assume you have a lot to talk about? New friends lead up to a lot of new conversations. Awkwardness should be the least of your worries," Daichi reassured him and gave him an equally comforting smile. Sugawara nodded in agreement and had a serious expression to show Akaashi the jokes were over.

"I guess you're right. Thank you," Akaashi thanked him. Daichi gave his iconic closed-eyed smile for a second, to which Akaashi only looked back at his plate and took a few more bites of his dish.

"It feels immoral to meet up with a customer, just like that. I have his number and all. I guess that's what makes me nervous," Akaashi expressed his feelings. He needed reassurance on whether it was a breach of any law or whatever. Daichi should be the expert on that topic in particular.

"No, absolutely not. I've had angry civilians, and I've also had grateful civilians I still get along with. Some are jokesters, and some are very extroverted. I've had a beer with a few civilians I've helped. It happens. Rarely of course, but still," Daichi reassured him, and even spoke out of his own experiences. Akaashi nodded in understanding, definitely feeling better about it.

"Okay. I suppose that makes sense. Thank you once again," Akaashi genuinely thanked him. Daichi only waved it off and chuckled before talking.

"I feel like it's my responsibility to make up for Koushi's lack of advice," Daichi snorted and looked at his offended fiance on the other side of the couch. Akaashi plastered his eyes on his colleague and friend, nodding directly in agreement.

"I said I was sorry! It's just so funny how he recognized from the soulmate love psychic booth," Sugawara pointed out and emitted a laugh. Even Daichi seemed surprised at the newfound information.

"The one we went to months ago?" Daichi asked, to which Sugawara nodded in return. Daichi raised his eyebrows and suppressed a small laugh. Akaashi could admit it was both funny and stupid. Which is why he had a lot of questions.

The pair of three friends bonded over the meal. Akaashi felt himself getting more comfortable with Daichi. He didn't see him too often. Akaashi was also thankful the couple wasn't extraordinarily affectionate in front of him. Not that he would be upset, but they were a relaxed couple and made anyone feel comfortable. He admired that about the two.

The three decided on watching a comedy show for relaxation and conversing over the series. Akaashi did feel his nerves die down and felt thankful for his friends. They commented on the characters' antics and compared them to each other. Mostly, Akaashi and Daichi contributed to lightly dissing Sugawara. It was a proper bonding time between Akaashi and Daichi. Ultimately, Akaashi didn't overthink around the following day anymore. Mission accomplished.

"Alright, thank you for coming over. It's been an amusing evening," Daichi chuckled after they had cleaned the table from bowls and snacks. Akaashi yawned and felt the sleepiness seep up his head. He spectated Sugawara set up the pillows to neat the couch. Akaashi was soon a witness to a telepathic communication between the couple.

Sugawara and Daichi stared at each other in thought. Their expression changed to stern looks, for reasons Akaashi didn't understand. It only took a moment for Sugawara to start talking.

"Sawamura, your patrol starts earlier than mine. I'll drop my friend off and have a round of talks with him," Sugawara more so commanded, to which Daichi had his protests. Akaashi felt like a ghost in the conversation and just walked toward their entrance. He hoped his absence would contribute to a peaceful conversation.

"Koushi, I'm serious. I don't mind. You've done all the cleaning today. I'll drop Akaashi off, yes?" Daichi scoffed lightheartedly and tried reasoning with his fiance. Way to go, making Akaashi feel like a bother.

"I can take public transportation you kno-"

"No," The pair said in unison. Their sentences differed. Daichi deadpanned a fast "absolutely not," while Sugawara approached Akaashi fast.

"Way to go not making me feel like a bother," Akaashi sarcastically stated and put on his shoes already. Sugawara laughed awkwardly and sighed heavily.

"No, Sawamura just had a great time. He appreciates you for growing closer to him and insisted that he should buy you something on the road," Sugawara exposed his fiance by showing the secret texts of planning and whatnot. Akaashi widened his eyes slightly and felt the opposite of a bother. He definitely felt appreciated.

"Oh," Akaashi read the texts for himself.

Sawamura Daichi: Koshi this must be the first time he has opened up to me :) Wouldn't it be nice if I bought him coffee on the way home?

Me: Yes, on a day where your next patrol is at 3 AM.

Sawamura Daichi: Oh, that's not a problem. I think it's more important to mark an important friendship and show that he can rely on me too if he needs anybody :)

Me: He knows! I've told him plenty that he can trust you with anything. Don't worry about it. I love you for treating my friends with so much care, Sawamura. I would rather not have you sacrifice worthy sl-

Those were the last words Akaashi could read before Sugawara grabbed the keys. Akaashi hadn't noticed he was smiling during the entire time reading the texts. He went from feeling stupid to feeling appreciated by both of them.

"Thank you for everything, and your advice," Akaashi especially turned to Daichi, to exclusively thank him for his hospitality and friendliness. Daichi could only humbly wave it off and give him a reassuring nod.

"Of course! Good luck tomorrow, let us know if you need anything," Daichi responded in return, and bid farewell to both of them. Akaashi was still in awe over how important Daichi found Sugawara's friends to be. He was truly lucky to have them both. He even forgot to respond.

As the colder breeze reached their faces, Akaashi turned to his colleague and close friend.

"Daichi is a really good person," Akaashi only stated a fact Sugawara already knew. Though Sugawara wasn't gushing over his fiance, the pupils in his hazel eyes told their own story.

"I know," Sugawara stated in agreement before finally unlocking the garage- and car door. From there, it was only a comfortable drive home. A comfortable night to anticipate the next day.

Akaashi couldn't begin to fathom how well he slept. Tuesday left a whirlwind in his hair. If he had longer hair, all the tangles would've become knots. He was lucky to have fixed it before work, and look presentable during work. His energy during the travel to his job was surprisingly high. Akaashi still had doubts the cafe meet-up was ethical. He reminded himself of Daichi's words and always felt better. Now, he needed to relax during work.

He couldn't say he felt a hundred percent focused during work. Kageyama noticed he was distracted a few times, and would absentmindedly flip through a manga at their desk. Not that he minded, but he noticed the difference in behavior. It was nothing significant, but Kageyama hoped his friend was okay.

At 1 PM, Akaashi was absentmindedly counting down time. For some reason, his nervousness subsided with a hint of excitement. This was a new experience for the male. A new friend that actually took the initiative to go out. Also, the circumstances made it a once-in-a-lifetime story. Who gained friends from a weird psychic booth? It wasn't every day that happened. Actually, he refused to believe it had ever happened to anybody.

Akaashi soon gained a more positive outlook on future events. In addition, he reminded himself to breathe and not make it into a big deal. He did blame Sugawara for making it weird. Kageyama caught him and distract himself by organizing mangas that already were organized. Akaashi never willingly walked around the store if he wasn't obligated to.

Customers did enter the store more than average. He was met with a few customers needing recommendations. Akaashi was thankful for having something to do and being able to talk about the topic he enjoyed. He soon joined Kageyama at the counter, to avoid crowding him with multiple customers trying to pay.

At the end of his shift, the clock had struck three PM. Kageyama still worked until the evening, and Sugawara was stepping in for Akaashi. The male was changing out of his uniform in the staff room. He soon heard a knock on the door, which belonged to Sugawara.

Akaashi chaotically opened the door with the other still outside his shirt, he opened the door. Sugawara had a moment of laughter seeing Akaashi half dressed with one of his hands inside the arm of the shirt.

The temporary chaotic male accepted help from Sugawara. He did sense energy reek off Akaashi, whether it was nervousness or excitement. As much as Akaashi wished Sugawara would stay and reassure him, the customers were crowding Kageyama with questions and payments. He could only imagine what chaos it would've been without the self-service machines. With some time passing, Sugawara had changed into his uniform and taken a position in the cashier register beside Kageyama. He could only wave Akaashi goodbye, as he was on his way out.

Akaashi did wish the way to the cafe was longer. It was around 3:10 PM when he was approaching the cafe. That included Akaashi waltzing in the street of the cafe. He should have known better than to suggest the cafe closest to his work. He swore Sugawara would struggle to respect Akaashi's privacy when he had already breached Bokuto's instagram account.

Alright. In his mind, Akaashi was only nervous it would go awkward or bad. He hated awkward or tense situations. Akaashi had already embarrassed himself in front of Bokuto twice, so he didn't feel that bad. Remembering the moments he embarrassed himself did make him feel better. Still, he had met Bokuto twice under professional circumstances. He wasn't obligated to be as polite and dreadfully sweet now. At the same time, Bokuto never had any obligation to be nice to an employee. Yet, he was extra kind.

"Oh, Akaashi! Hello. Sorry, I'm a bit of an earlybird," Bokuto unexpectedly approached him fifteen minutes over three. Akaashi immediately looked at him and blinked.

"Hello. I guess, me too,"

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