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Traveling China with Kids
Traveling with kids can be challenging, but it doesn't have to be. Here are our best tips and recommendations for a family trip to China. We've got everything from how to plan your itinerary and budget to where you should stay and what to do while you're there!


When it comes to planning your itinerary, China is a large country with many great places to visit. A good place to start is Beijing. The capital city has something for everyone and provides an excellent introduction to Chinese history and culture. From Beijing, you can travel south through the beautiful countryside of central China before heading west into the Himalayas and Tibet (or north into Mongolia).

Finally, if you have time on your hands after exploring all these places, there's always Shanghai!

Best time to go to China with kids

The best time to visit China with kids is during the spring, summer and autumn months. family travel to china is milder and there are lots of festivals on during these seasons. Spring (March-May) is the season for outdoor activities such as hiking or mountain climbing while autumn (September-November) is great for beach holidays. Summer can get hot even though it’s not a popular season as most people prefer to travel in cooler months due to the high humidity levels in some areas of China during this period. Winter (December-February) offers more indoor activities such as museums or shopping malls which are also great places where you can take photos with your friends or family members at night under different lighting settings provided by those places themselves!

We highly recommend travelling Beijing between April through October because that’s when you'll have better chances of seeing more colourful leaves on trees around town...

How many days you need in each city?

Beijing, the capital and most populous city of China is a huge city. You need to give yourself at least 3 days to see everything, especially if you want to visit the Great Wall.

Xian is another large city, but it has less things than Beijing so you can see everything in two days.

Guilin is small city with lots of attractions and activities, so you can easily finish your itinerary in one day!

What to do in Beijing with kids

The Great Wall of China

The Forbidden City

Summer Palace

Temple of Heaven (Tiantan Park)

Olympic Park (Bird Nest Stadium)

Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China is the longest wall in the world. It's a symbol of China and an important part of its history, as it was built to protect against invaders from Mongolia.

The Great Wall is visited by millions of tourists every year and has been named one of UNESCO's World Heritage Sites.

Forbidden City

The Forbidden City is one of the most iconic sights in China. family travel to china was the imperial palace in Beijing from 1420 to 1912, the home of 24 emperors during that time and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The Forbidden City is massive: 986 acres (4 km²) in size and with 8,704 rooms. It's also beautiful—the walls are lined with glazed tiles, jade carvings adorn every surface, and thousands of pieces of artwork grace its halls. The city was built by the Ming dynasty over several decades starting in 1420 using some ten million workers—and even though it was built during an era when Chinese architecture tended toward simplicity, this incredible complex is full of splendor.

Summer Palace

The Summer Palace is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, located in Beijing. The Summer Palace was built in 1750 by Emperor Qianlong, who wanted to build a garden for the Empress Dowager Cixi. It is also known as Yiheyuan or "Garden of Nurturing Harmony."

The Summer Palace consists of 980 acres (3.88 square kilometers). There are over 100 buildings and historically significant sites within the palace grounds, including the Hall of Benevolence and Longevity and the Marble Boat. The Hall of Bats serves as an opera stage during winter months; it is covered with wooden boards where performers perform acrobatics on poles while carrying props such as swords or flags around their bodies.

There are also many places to visit outside of the park:

Temple of Great Compassion -- this temple was built during Emperor Qianlong's reign when he ordered that its construction should be completed at all costs before his death (which occurred soon after). The temple features beautiful murals depicting scenes from Buddhism's history as well as statues carved out using jade stones imported from Burma—one statue even weighs over 200 tons! You can visit this site by taking Bus 57 from Tiananmen Square Station or Line 3 Subway Line 6 Station Exit A2 then transferring onto Bus 1605; this will take about 30 minutes but could be longer depending on traffic conditions so plan accordingly!

Olympic Park

Olympic Park is a park in Beijing, China, that was built for the 2008 Summer Olympics and Paralympic Games. The park is located in the northern part of Chaoyang District, Beijing, and covers an area of 602.3 ha (1,500 acres).

Temple of Heaven

The Temple of Heaven is a must visit place in Beijing and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. food in china culture, near chinese food can’t miss it while exploring the city with kids. Located near Tiananmen Square, the Temple of Heaven is where emperors used to go for prayers to heaven for good harvests and prosperity.

The 100-acre complex includes an enclosed park area with a massive circular wall that was used for rituals honoring heaven and earth, as well as several buildings inside the park: Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests (also known as Hall of Prayer), Imperial Vault of Heaven (in which sacrifices were made), Circular Mound Altar (used for sacrificial ceremonies), Echo Wall, Imperial Vault of Heaven Gate, Imperial Vaulting Pavilion, Stone Tablets Gallery and other halls and pavilions considered part of the Temple itself by some historians but not by others.

Entrance tickets are free at all times except during special events such as Chinese New Year or National Day holidays when they sell out fast! The best time to visit is early in morning before everyone else arrives so you can get great photos without people around them!

Tiananmen Square

Tiananmen Square is the largest public square in the world. The site of the Tiananmen Square massacre, it's also the site of several other significant landmarks, including:

Chairman Mao Memorial Hall

Great Hall of the People (where China's President gives speeches)

National Museum of China (which houses historical artifacts from across Chinese history)

Practical tips for visiting The Great Wall with kids

Bring a stroller or baby carrier. It's not like you can take your kid out of the carrier and strap them to the wall, but it will make walking much easier for both of you.

Pack snacks and water. An empty stomach is no fun for anyone, especially if you're traveling with children. Make sure to have enough snacks on hand so that everyone can eat whenever they feel hungry (and also for when there isn't any food available). You should also bring plenty of water just in case there isn't any available at your destination—you never know what may happen on an adventure!

Bring rain gear and sunscreen/hat/sunglasses/etc., whatever is necessary! If there's even a slight chance that it might rain while you are visiting The Great Wall (or doing anything outdoors), then pack rain gear or umbrellas or ponchos–you get my drift? You don't want to be stuck without protection from the elements because then everyone will get cold and wet which isn't very fun at all! That being said…

How to get to the great wall from Beijing. Where is the best section of the Great Wall near Beijing?

The best way to get to the Great Wall from Beijing is by car. There are two main sections of the Great Wall near Beijing: Mutianyu and Jinshanling. I would recommend visiting Mutianyu first if you can only visit one section of the wall because it is closer to Beijing and has more restaurants and hotels nearby. You can also walk all the way up to the highest point at Mutianyu or take an elevator up if you prefer a less strenuous hike. The hike itself will take you about 2 hours each way.

Jinshanling is farther away from Beijing but still relatively close at only 300 km away (about 3 hours drive). It’s also a little more difficult for kids because there aren’t any restaurants or hotels along this stretch of the wall, so bring extra snacks! That being said, if your children are old enough and strong enough for longer hikes with no food available along the way then this section will be perfect for them because it has some amazing views from atop its towers that overlook vast plains below!

Best way to visit the Great Wall of China with kids.

The Great Wall of China is one of the world's largest and most iconic structures. It's hard to imagine a trip to Beijing without visiting this amazing structure, but it can be overwhelming for parents with young children. What is the best way to visit the Great Wall? How do you get there? And where should we stay in the area?

If you're planning on seeing other sights while in Beijing, then our recommendation would be to stay at a hotel outside of town. There are plenty of hotels near The Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square and The Temple of Heaven that offer good value for money and are comfortable enough for your family. We recommend using Agoda as they have great prices on hotels across China!

As far as getting around goes - renting bicycles is highly recommended since they'll help keep everyone active while exploring new places! Plus they're much cheaper than taxis or buses so there won't be any extra costs involved during your trip which means more money saved!

Where to stay in Beijing?

There are many different options for lodging in Beijing. The most obvious is a hotel, but this can get pricey very quickly. An airbnb will be more affordable, but you may have to put up with some things that aren't great for families like noise or lack of privacy because it's not a traditional hotel room. Also, if you stay at an airbnb in China, especially Beijing where it's popular, you'll definitely want to book at least three weeks in advance—the closer to your arrival date the less likely they are to have availability.

There are also hostels and traveler's hostels which can be great options for families because they offer dorm style rooms with bunk beds similar to college dorms; these places usually have shared bathrooms as well though so if there aren't any private bathrooms available then it would not be ideal for young kids who need their privacy sometimes!

Couchsurfing is another great option because often times hosts will let travelers sleep on their couch instead of renting out an entire room; this way everyone saves money while still getting comfortable accommodations and locals know what they're doing when traveling around town!

Homestays are another great option if looking into staying somewhere longer than just one night because there isn't always enough space left over at local hotels/hostels during peak season (especially during Spring Break). This way families can stay together rather than splitting up throughout different areas within downtown Beijing - plus many homestays usually come included with breakfast too which helps save money even further!

Beijing is a great city for family travel and has plenty to offer every member of your family.

Beijing is a great city for family travel and has plenty to offer every member of your family.

The Forbidden City is an incredible experience to share with your kids, but don't let that be the only place you visit. Take them through the hutongs (old neighborhoods), explore the Summer Palace, or even take in some local culture at a tea house!

Even if you're not traveling with small children, Beijing offers plenty of activities that will appeal to adults as well. Try out some traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture or spend time learning about its history in one of their many museums and galleries.


And that’s it! If you have any questions about planning a trip to Beijing with kids, don’t hesitate to ask. We would be happy to help you out!
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