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"My faction is Abnegation. The rest all call us stiffs. We lead a simply life, selfless, dedicated to helping others. We even feed the factionless, the ones that don't fit in anywhere. Because we're public servants, we're trusted to run government."

Abnegation was formed by those who blamed selfishness for human nature's errors. They believe in selfless actions and attaining peace through the elimination of selfishness. By doing so, they choose to completely forget themselves and only serve others. Sit quietly and wait. Bow heads, a sign of respect, when greeting each other. Not manipulative, but not forthright. Their morally incorruptible quality makes them the only reasonable faction to be able to govern the city as political leaders.

> Demeanor: Reserved/unassuming, not drawing too much attention, lack of vanity, never self indulgent.
> Values: Selflessness, protecting yourselves from vanity, greed, and envy, If you have little, and want for little, then you are all equal and envy no one.
> Beliefs: Be selfless in every way.

"Amity farm the land. They're all about kindness and harmony, always happy."

Amity is the faction that dislikes war. They formed Amity in order to have a peaceful society free from conflict and sadness caused by wars and instigation. They are truly a democratic faction, voting on everything, almost unanimously. They love music, art, games, and laughter. They give hugs when greeting. They vote on everything, almost unanimously. Their bread has peace serum added to prevent their members from fighting. Amity's essential nature comes from its crop-growing. They run the farms, which provides some of the food for all the factions. They tend to be counselors, caretakers & artists.

> Demeanor: Peaceful, playful, kind
> Values: Peacefulness, Kindness
> Beliefs: Living in peace with one another, against aggression, kind, loving and free.

"Candor value honesty and order. They tell the truth, even when you wish they wouldn't."

Candor was a faction formed by those who blamed duplicity and deception, who believed that dishonesty is the key fault in human nature which began evil and war. They believe in the principle that honesty and openness would lead to a more peaceful and perfect society. Honest, trustworthy, and able to read body language to detect lies. They greet each other by shaking hands. They provide sound leaders in Law.

> Demeanor: Honest, candid
> Values: Honesty and sees the truth as black and white, so that is what they wear.
> Beliefs: Tell the truth in every situation.

"Then there's Dauntless. They're our protectors, our soldiers, our police. I always thought they were amazing. Brave, fearless, and free. Some people think Dauntless are crazy, which they kind of are."

Dauntless was a faction formed by those who blamed cowardice for society's problems. The only answer is to face your fears and find bravery. Loud, expressive. Bravery, courage, fighting and physical skills. In charge of security, their primary purpose is to guard the fence that surrounds the city. They began guarding the fence five years prior. Before that they patrolled the factionless sector.

> Demeanor: Bold, daring, intense
> Values: Courage, Bravery
> Beliefs: Prove your bravery, protect, guard the fence that surrounds the city (from what we do not know), face your fears and push them away

"The smart ones, the ones value knowledge and logic are Erudite. They know everything."

Erudite was formed by those who blamed human ignorance for the faults of society. They formed Erudite as a way of eliminating ignorance and darkness from human minds. Chat about books and newspapers; in constant pursuit of knowledge. Curiosity, which drives them to seek knowledge. The faction produces most of the city's librarians, doctors, scientists, & teachers. They keep records of the city & the factions. Most technological advances are due to Erudite, including all of the simulation serums.

> Demeanor: Serious, focused
> Values: Intelligence
> Beliefs: “A calm mind is a clear mind.”, constantly pursuing knowledge, keep careful records. Knowledge is power.
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