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Bus100 Professional Communication Skills

1. a.
Academic Integrity at KOI:
= Academic Integrity means taking noble decisions, clarifying question, following instruction, though faced with difficult questions. Academic Integrity permits students and staff the opportunity to assemble groundbreaking knowledge, information and imaginative works while regarding and recognizing work of others. The KOI will answer to academic misconduct in a fair, consistent, transparent and convenient manner. It incorporates giving a task twice for isolated courses, producing, manufacturing or changing archives to get Academic benefit or helping others in the offence. There are six fundamental principles of academic respectability: incorporate trust, obligation, boldness, sincerity, and regard. According to the academic misconduct policy of KOI, in order to receive a passing grade, they don't deserve, dishonest students lie to both the instructor and themselves. They are falsifying their knowledge and skills. Cheating is unacceptable since it shows that one isn’t prepared to deal with the workplace.

Are the penalties for breaches of academic integrity at KOI reasonable?
= Yes, the penalties for breaches pf academic integrity at KOI is reasonable. There are three levels of penalties given by misconduct policy of KOI.
a. Level 1
First-time plagiarism, self-plagiarism, and misconduct that isn't considered a major offence are often subject to level 1 punishments. The level 1 penalties are mentioned below:
• -warning or formal rebuke to students
• A requirement for students to complete (or repeat) the Academic Integrity Module.
• A requirement for students to attend academic support classes.
• Marks can be reduced in assessment (up to zero)

2. a.
Identify your learning style according to Kolb. Why is it important to your degree success?
= According to David Allen Kolb, learning is defined as the process where knowledge is created through the transformation of experience. He has classified learning experience in to four stages and they are mentioned below:
• Concrete Experience (feeling) - In a concrete experience, each learner engages in an activity or task. Kolb believed that participation was the key to learning. It’s not enough for learners to read about it or see it in action.
• Reflective Observation (watching) – In a reflective observation, this allows learners to ask question and discuss experience with others. Communication at this stage is important to help the learner identify the contradiction between understanding and the experience itself.
• Abstract Conceptualization (thinking) – In abstract conceptualization, the learners ponder to generate new ideas and modification of what they have learned from their first experience. Learners look back at the application experience and find out where they need to grow before resuming the cycle.
• Active Experimentation (doing) – Active Experimentation ensures that information is preserved in the future by enabling learners to put their knowledge into practice and show how it relates to their lives.

Why do you need to manage your time to achieve our degree successfully?
= Time management for students is important to achieve degree successfully because it helps to develop productivity and efficiency and also it decreases the stress for students. There will be more opportunity for advancement and to achieve your career goals. In addition to that, it boosts the confidence of student and prevents procrastination.

3. a.
Discuss a model of professional Communication.
= Professional communication is a communication that focus on the theory and practice of communication in professional situations is a specialist subfield of communication. The model of professional communication are:

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Regards; Team

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