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5 Ways to Breathe Easy During Your Holiday Travel
Does the thought of traveling raise your stress level? Do you have concerns about contact with crowd passing germs or breathing confined air during flight? If so, consider these fast and affordable suggestions to protect your breathing in the holidays. We encourage you to discuss them with a medical doctor.
Keep your nasal passages moist and clear. The health promoting properties of moist airways in many cases are listed on the list of benefits of using vaporizers, saunas and neti pots. On the go, a small neti pot or similar nasal wash kit makes it possible to relax by running a warm saline solution from the nostrils to flush out debris reducing the possibilities of airborne infectious agents getting established. Most drugstores possess a number of nasal wash kits, non-iodized salts and solutions for just $20. Kits and instructional videos may also be readily available on the Internet.
Carry fat in a tiny diffuser or on the scented handkerchief (from respect for scent sensitive fellow travelers, keep your oil in an airtight container.) According to the Essential Oils Desk Reference compiled by Essential Science Publishing, "essential oils are anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-microbial." What airborne pathogen doesn't fall under those categories? Having a scent of your choosing on a small cloth allows that you inhale cleansing oil whenever you suspect exposure. For example, if someone near you coughs or sneezes you'll be able to discretely cover your mouth and nose with your oil enhanced cloth and take a breath not simply aromatherapy in reducing your stress threshold and also inhale molecules of essential oils to cut back the end results of potentially harmful germs.
Try meridian tapping. Not comfortable covering that person using a fragrant fabric? The rivers of their time that flow with the human biofield respond and strengthen with gentle palpation (touch pressure). Donna Eden author from the books ENERGY MEDICINE and ENERGY MEDICINE for WOMEN and founder of The Energy Medicine Institute may be the method to obtain a number of ways to further improve immunity. We recommend THUMPING YOUR THYMUS. The thymus gland is found behind the sternum commonly called the breastbone. If you're concerned about germs with your general direction, give your sternum a mild knock. Ever seen Tarzan or an ape beating on their chest? Leucocytes, the white blood cells credited with fighting infections, are made in the spleen and thymus. What we call monkey business could possibly be activating natural immunity. Travelers often complain of feeling fatigued and 'run down'. Try giving your thymus a mild thump and discover you may notice an increase in resiliency or stamina. You don't even have to believe, just suspend your disbelief and consider this technique exactly the same maybe you have been told about chicken soup for the common cold: 'Can't hurt, might help'.
Get your beauty rest. Since sleep could be affected by unfamiliar accommodations, sights and sounds, consider packing a sleep mask and ear plugs just in case. Anxiety can cause shallow breathing. High chest breathing can deprive one's body of its ability to release toxins through a full lung exhale. Traveling exposes us to many new and quite often unwanted encounters. Even when pleasant, processing unfamiliar experiences could be stressful. Resting your eyes provides needed opportunities for that brain to assimilate the modern information in a way that signals the breath to unwind and expand deeper in the chest and abdomen. energy medicine practitioner implies that vision needs a brainwave activity rate of 22 cycles per second in comparison to brain activity of 10 cycles per second with eyes closed. Since the creatively productive thinking is situated brain activity at lower cycles per second, you might literally get smarter simply by shutting up your eyes. Your lungs will reply to your wise and happy brain.
Finally, Laughter can still be the greatest medicine. Try packing a small joke book or loading some funny videos in your personal digital device for the trip. When was the final time your read a comic book? The act of laughing engages the diaphragm and promotes relaxation. Most illnesses occur in a oxygen deprived (anaerobic) environment. Laughing and singing assist the lungs inflate to maximum capacity infusing the body with life nourishing oxygen.
So if you think yourself tensing up while traveling and also you need to enjoy your holidays, please take a deep relaxing breath and use these tricks to keep you smiling on your way.
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